8th September 2011, 10:35 PM
Is the IGNOU VIEP diploma programme approved by AICTE or UGC?
i am a working profesional. I joined ignouviep diploma programme in electrical engeeniring. Is this programmd aproved from aicte or ugc?
12th September 2011, 01:07 PM
We dont know about IGNOU VIEP Programme. but if anybody wants to do recognized 12th (Plus 2) programme, then you go for Grameen Hindi Prachar Mandal's Programme. Grameen Hindi Prachar Mandal is very well known for their programmes.
13th September 2011, 03:17 AM
Is the VIEP Programme of IGNOU recognised by AICTE
6th November 2013, 05:35 PM
Is the ignou -viep approved by aicte ?
I am doing job in PWD.I have passed diploma in civil engg from IGNOU-VIEP.Is this eligible for further promotion? Most urgent sir , please reply to me. completed my diploma in civil enng. and now i am doing a job ... answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=201... Jul 26, 2013 ... so my question is any disadvantage of distance learning b.tech ... B.Tech. through IGNOU . There is a program called Vertically Integrated Engineering Program ( VIEP). ... Remember do not go any else universities for B.E. / B.Tech. except I ... Wait if you can wait than wait for AICTE and UGC as Distance ... |
7th November 2014, 09:33 AM
hello sir i have passed diploma lateral entry in electrical enrol# 105302421 i have problem i got admission in b tech but in hyderabad sbtet is not given equivalancy certifacate that while my admission will be cancelled ignou is not approved by aicte please give me immdeltely responce
8th November 2014, 04:02 PM
hello sir my name abrar ahmed khan & my friends we are completed my diploma in 2012 in ignou so we are trying to do b tec in hyderabad regular so i got admission in b tec college i got roll number also so problem is the college admin dept tell your admission well be cancelled becouse of eqvalincy certifacate you not summit by sbtet sbtet will not issued equvallincy certifacate becouse ignou is not approved or affilited by aicte they are not isssuing certifacate so my one year will be lost so please give proper guaidline to me that to do my enrollment#105302421 my phone #9866832018 my mail id [email protected] please help me last all ready lost this year are also my be not please sir help me immeditely so i hope we got immdetily respone