10th September 2011, 02:40 PM
Information regarding Placements, Vacancy and Opportunities in Government Jobs for BE ECE candidates?
tell me about the placement, vacancy, and opportunities to get goverment jobs related to BE(ECE)?
10th September 2011, 07:45 PM
ou can apply for ample of jobs and yes being in Fourth year you can apply but Notification for maximum Government jobs comes in 2nd semester of your Final year.
Lots of Government Exam are opened for you, Like Being an Engineer you have lot of Options in Government side. Like if you are from ECE Branch then ECE Student can opt for Railways, Government jobs under PSU's like NTPC, BEL, BHEL, ONGC, etc But to appear for PSU you need to have Specific Criteria scheme like you should have 60 to 65% in Graduation. Details about Railways :- You can apply for different posts under Railways like Section Engineer, Junior Engineering , Assistant Station Manager and D M Suprientendent. For this you need to write RRB Exam conducted by Each state, even Karnataka railway board conducts RRB Exam. Details about PSU's:- There are Lot of ECE i.e Electronics cum Telecommunication Jobs for Students persuing E & TC as a stream.Students can Work in Public cum Government jobs which is under PSU's i.e Public Sector Undertaking.Government jobs are ONGC, BHEL, ISRO, BSNL, EBLetc Some of the opportunity for government jobs
10th September 2011, 08:34 PM
hello dear
see, off campus placement has not yet started for the BE/B.Tech holders 2011. it is expected that it will be stared soon. the following companies generally hire BE ECE candidates >>Erricsion. >>Simence. >>TCS. >>CTS. >>INFOSYS. >>SYNTEL. >>WIPRO. >>TECH MAHINDRA. etc. you can write given below govt exams too 1.BSNL. 2.SAIL. 3.POWER GRID. 4.BHEL. 5.IES. 6.BEL. 7.ISRO. 8.ONGC. 10.EIL. ETC. all the best................. |
10th September 2011, 08:37 PM
dear friend pradeepa, i want to tell u about governmenr job of BE (ECE).every year upsc offer a lot of post through IES examination,u can apply for tham. many navratna and maharatna company like Sail, Bhel,Hal,isro,BSNL, require a lot of vacancy for be (ece).so always watch employment news and career guide book.also log on to above company web site