9th September 2013, 09:00 PM
Is Maths compulsory for B.Com and DU?
is maths coumpalsary fr b com h du...Pelase tell me the details
2nd August 2015, 11:44 AM
Yes, according to the new guidelines and the admission procedure for the 2015. Delhi university which is the India's best university has made some of the changes.
Now, it is compulsory for the students to have Mathematics as main subjects in the 10+2 examination to get the admission in the B.com or Economics. The changes are applicable from the current academic session. The admission for the 2015 is almost closed. So if you have not taken the admission you have to wait for the next year to get the admission. But the cut off are very high so you need at least 90%score to get the admission. For information visit at the www.du.ac.in |