25th October 2011, 10:32 PM
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Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?

26th October 2011, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam? Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
Information Regarding IES Examination.

Indian Engineering Service (IES) examination is also known as the civil services examination which is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in every year. If you are interested in the IES examination then you need the following eligibility criteria to apply for the IES examination.

Educational Qualification = Engineering Degree in any one of the following Branch.

Eligible Branch For IES Examination.
->Electronics & Communication Engineering.
->Electrical Engineering.
->Civil Engineering.
->Mechanical Engineering.

Age Limit = The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of appearing of this examination. The age relaxation is also applicable for the reservation category student.

There are no limit of percentage required for the IES examination only pass the qualifying examination is enough to appear in this examination. So, if you satisfy the above eligibility criteria then you are eligible for the IES examination. For complete information please visit the official website of UPSC. :- http://www.upsc.gov.in

31st October 2011, 03:41 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

i want to know minimum %age in 12 and b.tech for gate exam and psu plz send me mail my e.mail id is [email protected]
6th November 2011, 11:53 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?


IES exam is conducted by UPSC in once time in year.

If you have completed engineering discipline in following departments then you are eligible for IES exam

1.Civil Engineering
2.Electrical Engineering
3.Mechanical engineering.
4.Electronics and Communication Engineering.

The applicant age should between 21 yrs to 30 yrs.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC candidate.

The Notification was published in the month of January or February in Official website or employment news papers.

Final year student also eligible for IES exam .

If you are from different departments then also you are eligible but you should take one of the above departments as exam.

For Online Application using the link http://upsconline.nic.in
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7th November 2011, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
I.E.S Indian Engineering Service and the examination was conducted by Union Public Service Commission every year.

Minimum Qualification :- Engineering degree from a recognized University.

Following branches are required to apply for this examination.
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering

Or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

Age should between 21 years and 30 years as on august 1st of the years of examination.Upper age relaxation is given to the various reserved categories.
Five years :- SC/ST category.
Three years :- OBC category.
Five years :- Ex-Servicemen.
Ten years :- PD category.

Note :- Candidates who are appearing in the final year of engineering degree can also apply for this examination.

Syllabus :-

General ability
Objective papers
Conventional papers

More details,Visit the official website ;- www.upsc.gov.in
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11th November 2011, 03:51 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

IES - Indian Engineering Service

I.E.S is conducted by Union Public Service Commission every year.

Eligibility Qualification Criteria:-

Engineering degree from a recognized University.
No required percentage of CGPA is specified by the IES authorities

A candidate of the following branches can apply :

Electronics & Communication
or any equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

Age Criteria :

The candidate should be between 21-30 years for GEN, 21-33 years for OBC, and 21-35 years for SC/ST candidates.

Final year appearing students of engineering degree can also apply for IES.

For any other information : Click Here www.upsc.gov.in

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29th November 2011, 12:21 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

SIR,i am studing in b.tech IT 4th year.what can i ies exam.
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29th November 2011, 09:03 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

dear friend,
Eligibility for IES/UPSC exam:-

1.candidate must have complete the graduation in engineering field in any trade.

2.Candidate must be a citizen of India.

3.Candidates age should be in between 21-30 years.
For SC/ST the upper age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC the upper age relaxation is 3 years.

These are the eligibility criteria you have to fulfill.
There is no such percentage criteria you have to fulfill.
All you have to do is you just have to complete the graduation in engineering field.

Best of luck.
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30th November 2011, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

please tell there is any priority for cast in getting job
that is job is marks based or cast based like sc st general
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21st January 2012, 11:21 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

i get 50 percenet in graduation tnen i can applicable for upsc exam
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24th January 2012, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

To give IES exam, the graduation marks is not required.

Only a pass in four years of engineering degree is the educational criteria.

So if you have completed B.tech from a recognized university or in the final year of Engineering, you can apply for IES.

The four streams in IES are:

*Civil Engineering
*Electrical Engineering
*Mechanical Engineering
*Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Your age should be between 21 years and 30 years..Relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC candidate as per government rules.

For more details, visit official website-- http://www.upsc.gov.in
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25th January 2012, 03:01 AM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

dear friend,

IES entrance test or Indian Engineering Services entrance exam is designed for recruitment of engineers in government services.

IES Exam Eligibility Criteria:-

1) Age Limit:- 21-30 years on the first day of august of the year of examination.

2) Educational Qualifications:-
Applicable for the engineering graduates who have already completed or who are in last year. but last year students are required to produce the proof of passing engineering degree.

IES Exam Selection Procedure:-

1) Written Exam:- Consist of 5 papers of 200 marks each.

2) Personality Interview: who have qualified in written test will be called for personal interview where their personality will be judged, the personality interview will be of 200 marks.

For more info visit UPSC website :- www.upsc.gov.in.
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25th January 2012, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear pal,
Indian engineering service is a exam conducted especially for engineering aspirants. The eligibility required for applying for the exam do not require any percentage. The only thing is that you need to have completed bachelor degree in engineering.
Aspirants are admitted to the vacancies under the following category namely civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and instrumentation engineering .
Masters degree holders in the field of radio communication, physics, can also apply for it. The age limit for applying for the exam is a minimum of 21 years. And the aspirant can apply trun 30 years of age. Age relaxation is provided as per the caste with three years for bc, mbc category and five years for sc and st aspirants.
And so you can apply for it provided you are within the age limit. Aspirant with any engineering discipline can apply but only restriction is the syllabus for the exam will be from the above category.
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27th January 2012, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

I have completed my BE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. Am i Eligible for IES EXAM..?? Is there post for compter enggineering. Plz reply...
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28th January 2012, 01:43 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Hi dear.........
IES exam are as follows...........

Good luck................
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28th January 2012, 02:22 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Hi Dear

UPSC exam IES is a Engineering entrance

IES exam is conducted once in a year.

IES exam is available only for 4 branches:-

*Electrical Branch
*Electronics Branch
*Civil Branch
*Mechanical Branch

There is no minimum percentage but only pass the engineering all
4 branches students are eligible for This Exam............
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28th January 2012, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
All the student who pass the engineering in in following branch are eligible for the exam:-
1.Civil Engineering
2.Electrical Engineering
3.Mechanical engineering.
4.Electronics and Communication Engineering.

I.E.S exam conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.

DATE OF EXAM:- 01.12.2012 (SATURDAY)

For More detail log on to www.upsc.gov.in

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29th January 2012, 02:41 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Yes of course. In fact IES exam is meant only for engineers. Candidates who have successfully completed B.Tech are eligible to attend the ES exam. The IES exam is carried out by the UPSC. This exam is held every year. Candidates who have attended their final year exam can also apply for the exam. There are certain criterions which candidates needs to fulfill as to attend the exam. All the candidates need to be with in an age limit of 21- 30 years as to apply. Candidates from any of the four fields of engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical and electronics can apply for the IES exam. Engineering students can also appear or the IAS exams also.
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6th February 2012, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Is there any criteria that a student has to score above 60% in the 12th board exam.
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7th February 2012, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

which are the good books for IES EXAM
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11th February 2012, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

I hav less dan 55percentage in be can I appear for IES examination..?
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7th March 2012, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

How many chance a student can appear for IES Exam?
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1st June 2012, 12:35 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear pal,
Indian engineering service is a exam conducted
especially for engineering aspirants. The eligibility
required for applying for the exam do not require
any percentage. The only thing is that you need to
have completed bachelor degree in engineering. Aspirants are admitted to the vacancies under the
following category namely civil engineering,
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
electronics and instrumentation engineering .
Masters degree holders in the field of radio
communication, physics, can also apply for it. The age limit for applying for the exam is a minimum
of 21 years. And the aspirant can apply trun 30
years of age. Age relaxation is provided as per the
caste with three years for bc, mbc category and
five years for sc and st aspirants.
And so you can apply for it provided you are within the age limit. Aspirant with any
engineering discipline can apply but only
restriction is the syllabus for the exam will be
from the above category.
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6th June 2012, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

i have eee branch can i sit in the ies exam and other upsc exam
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8th September 2013, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

can i apply for cds with 55% n my graduation
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10th September 2013, 07:03 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear friend IES stand for Indian Engineering Services.

IES exam is conducted by UPSC in every year.

Eligibility criteria:-

Candidate should be an Indian citizen.

Those candidates have completed engineering discipline in following departments they are eligible for apply IES exam-

- Civil Engineering

- Electrical Engineering

- Mechanical engineering.

- Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Age limit:-

Age should be between 21 years to 30 years for General category candidates.

Age relaxation for OBC category candidates 3 years

And SC/ST category candidates 5 years.

For more information visit:- www.upsc.gov.in

Best of luck........
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10th September 2013, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

There is no requirement of any percentage of marks criteria to apply for UPSC/IES exam, only a pass in Graduation Degree(B.Tech.) is sufficient to apply for the same.

IES - Indian Engineering Service, the exam for which is conducted by UPSC once every year.

Eligibility for IES, UPSC exam:-

-The candidate must be an Indian National.
-Should have either appeared for the final B.Tech. Degree exam or pass in any stream preferably in Mecchanical/Civil/Electrical/Electronics & Telecommunication stream from a recognised University.
-Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate.

For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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10th September 2013, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Respected sir/madam,

Information Regarding IES Examination.

Indian Engineering Service (IES) examination is also known as the civil services examination which is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in every year. If you are interested in the IES examination then you need the following eligibility criteria to apply for the IES examination.

Educational Qualification = Engineering Degree in any one of the following Branch.

Eligible Branch For IES Examination.
->Electronics & Communication Engineering.
->Electrical Engineering.
->Civil Engineering.
->Mechanical Engineering.

Age Limit = The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of appearing of this examination. The age relaxation is also applicable for the reservation category student.

There are no limit of percentage required for the IES examination only pass the qualifying examination is enough to appear in this examination. So, if you satisfy the above eligibility criteria then you are eligible for the IES examination. For complete information please visit the official website of UPSC. :- http://www.upsc.gov.in
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10th September 2013, 06:28 PM
B.Srikanth Yadav
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Thumbs up Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Hello friend

you can't be eligible for IES exam being computer science graduate

1.Minimum Educational Qualification:

You must complete B.Tech in the following disciplines

1. Mechanical engineering

2. Electrical engineering

3. Electronics engineering

4. Civil engineering

5.final year students can also apply.

M.Sc degree or its equivalent with

1. Wireless Communications

2. Electronics

3. Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as special subjects also acceptable for certain Services/posts only.


1.a citizen of India
2.Subject of Nepal
3.subject of Bhutan

AGE limit for IES:

General: 21 years to 30 years.

OBC: 21 years to 33 years.

SC/ST: 21 years to 35 years.

4.Physical Standards:

Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to Engineering Service Examination,

Thank You
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11th September 2013, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear Rajesh,

IES Stands for Indian Engineering Services Examination. This Examination is one of the examinations conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission.

As you have 55% marks in B.Tech , then you can apply for the IES Exam without any problem.

The Eligibility Criteria Required for IES Exam are :

** The candidate must have completed Graduation in Engineering in any discipline from any recognized college/university.

** There is no need of any specific % of marks in Engineering.

** Final year candidates can also apply.

** The candidate must not have any pending backlog.

** The candidate must be an Indian.

** The Age Limit :

a) For General Candidates : 21-30 years

b) For OBC Candidates : 21-33 years

c) For SC/ST Candidates : 21-35 years

Number of Attempts for IES Exam :

a) For General Candidates : 4

b) For OBC Candidates : 7

c) For SC/ST Candidates : No limit

Note : The IES Exam is conducted every year but the questions are asked only from the below mentioned streams :

1) Civil Engineering

2) Mechanical Engineering

3) Electronics & Communication Engineering

4) Electronics & Electrical Engineering

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
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11th September 2013, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?


There is no minimum percentage requirement to join IES exam.

IES exam stands for Indian Engineering services exam which is conducted by UPSC.

IES exam eligibility;-

1-You must be passed a B.tech degree from a recognized university. You have to apply in any one of these stream;-

Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electronics and Tele communication

2-Your age should be between 21-30 years. Age relaxation is given to reserved category candidates.

3-You must be Indian citizen.

4-You must be physically as well as mentally fit.

All the best......................................
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11th September 2013, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

IES stands for Indian Engineering Services Exam.

This exam is being conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year in order to recruit the candidates into the following Engineering Services
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering.

As per the eligibility criteria,

Academic Qualification,
One should have completed Graduation in Engineering from a recognized university.
-No percentage of marks required for the candidates in Engineering in order to apply for this exam.
-Candidates who are pursuing final year of Engineering course can also apply for this exam.

Age criteria :
21-30 years of age for the candidates of General category
21-33 years of age for the candidates of OBC category
21-35 years of age for the candidates of SC or ST category
21-40 years of age for the candidates with physical disabilities.

The notification for IES Exam will be released in the very beginning months of every year.

You don't need to worry about the percentage of marks required in Engineering in order to apply for this exam.

Because all the candidates who have completed Engineering with any stream are eligible to apply for this exam.

Only thing that is required for you to get a job is strong preparation towards the written exam.

Have good preparation for this exam and crack it.

Wish you all the best.

For more information on this Exam, I suggest you to visit
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11th September 2013, 08:43 PM
venkat fias
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

UPSC/IES exam deatials:
IES Exam conducted on UPSC Service.
every year conduct this exam.
Eligibility :
Candidates must be on Indian Citizen.
candidate must be complete any branch on Engineering steam,
percentage is not required on IES Exam.
age between on 21---30 years.
3 years relaxation on BC/MBCs.
5 years relaxation on SC/STs.
10 years relaxation on physical ability candidates.
IES Exam question required on thease branches.
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11th September 2013, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
dear aspirant

civil services as well as ies exams both of these are conducted by upsc, and there is no minimum requirement of marks for the exams , so even if you have less than 60% marks you are eligible for the exams

IES stands for indian engineering services , it is conducted by upsc, for ies only limited streams are allowed such as :

electronics & telecommunication

eligibility for civil services/ies exams are :

must have completed graduation from a recognix=zed universuity
no minimum requirement of marks
must be a citizen of india

minimum age limit to apply is 21 years
maximum age limit is 30 years
3 year relaxation for obc students
5 year relaxation for sc/st students


4 for general
7 for obc
no limit for sc/st


so as from above you can understand there is no minimum requirement of marks for upsc exams

good luck
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11th September 2013, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
dear aspirant

civil services as well as ies exams both of these are conducted by upsc, and there is no minimum requirement of marks for the exams , so even if you have less than 60% marks you are eligible for the exams

IES stands for indian engineering services , it is conducted by upsc, for ies only limited streams are allowed such as :

electronics & telecommunication

eligibility for civil services/ies exams are :

must have completed graduation from a recognix=zed universuity
no minimum requirement of marks
must be a citizen of india

minimum age limit to apply is 21 years
maximum age limit is 30 years
3 year relaxation for obc students
5 year relaxation for sc/st students


4 for general
7 for obc
no limit for sc/st


so as from above you can understand there is no minimum requirement of marks for upsc exams

good luck
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12th September 2013, 01:27 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear friend,

IES stands for Indian Engineering Services. and this exam is conducted by UPSC once in every Year.Like Every UPSC exam it have its own eligibility Criteria of Qualification , Age limit , No. of attempts etc.

Qualification Criteria:

To appear in the IES exam Candidate should be atleast graduate fro any recognized University. There is no criteria of Percentage in Graduatin Degree.

So According to that eligibility criteria you have to graduate fro any recognized university, If you are graduate then whatsoever your Percentage you will be eligible to appear.

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12th September 2013, 08:38 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear There,

UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission whereas IES stands for Indian Engineering Services. The UPSC conducts this examination every year.

The eligibility criteria candidates must fulfill are:

* Candidate must passed B.Tech from any recognized college/university.

* Candidates must passed B.Tech with at least qualifying marks.That is, There is no any percentage bar is set in B.Tech.

* Citizenship - Indian

* Age :

i) 21-30 (General Candidates)

ii) 21-33 (OBC Candidates)

iii) 21-35 (SC/ST Candidates)

* Fitness - Clinically Fit.

Candidates with above eligibility criteria can apply for IES examination in following streams

i) Civil Engineering

ii) Mechanical Engineering

iii) Electrical Engineering

iv) Electronics and Communication Engineering

Candidates can also go to UPSC official website for more detailed information - http://www.upsc.gov.in

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12th September 2013, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

There will be no problem in applying for the Indian Engineering Service if you have completed Bachelor of Technology course from a recognized college. The only requirement is that you should have B.Tech degree. There is no marks criteria.

Indian Engineering Service is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for various government departments related to defence, infrastructure, telecommunications etc.

The recruitment in these departments is done through the Indian Engineering Service entrance exam. You will have to appear for the exam in one of the four branches mentioned below:-

1. Mechanical

2. Electronics and Communications

3. Civil

4. Electrical

Even those who haven't completed Bachelor of Technology in any of these branches are also eligible for the Indian Engineering Service. However they will have to prepare for one of the branches mentioned above.

IES Requirement

1. The candidate should be citizen of India or Nepal.

2. A subject of Bhutan is also eligible.

3. You should have Bachelor of Technology degree.

4. There is no minimum marks criteria.

5. Final year students are also eligible to apply.

6. You should be 21 to 30 years old.

7. There is 3 years relaxation for OBC.

8. While the relaxation is 5 years for SC/ST.
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12th September 2013, 11:49 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Eligibility criteria for IES exam:

Nationality: A candidate must be a citizen of India/ Nepal/ Bhutan....

Age limits:

Age between 21 to 30 years old candidates are eligible for IES Exam.
3 years upper age limit for OBC.
5 years upper age limit for SC/ST.
10 years upper age limit for PWD.

Education qualification:

Candidate must be completed bachelor's degree (B.E/ B.Tech) from a recognized university

There is no percentage of marks will be required.

Eligible Branches:

Civil Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.
Electrical Engineering.
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.

M.Sc degree with

wireless Communication.
Radio Physics.
Radio Engineering.
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13th September 2013, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

IES Stands for Indian Engineering Service examination.

This Exam conducted by UPSC once in a year.


Your Age between 21 to 30 Years.

Age relaxations is given to candidates belonging to OBC and SC/ST category

OBC Candidates 3 years and SC/ST gets 5 years

you have passed B.Tech/B.E of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers

You must be Indian.

No minimum marks criteria.


Paper I : (Objective type): General Ability Test (200 Marks)

Papers II & III : (Objective type): Questions related to their stream for which applicants have opted (200 marks for each paper)

Papers IV & V (Conventional Type): Related to their stream for which applicants have opted (200 marks for each paper)

Selection process

Preliminary Examination

Main Examination


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14th September 2013, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Hi friend.........

There is no minimum percentage required for the UPSC\IES exams.

IES stands Indian Engineering Service. This exam conducted by the upsc twice in a year. IES exam is a one of the civil service exam.



the candidate should be a citizen of india.

Educational Qualifications:

The candidate must have complete the graduation in engineering from any recognized university.

There is no minimum percentage required to eligible for this exam.

Age limit:

the candidate minimum age limit is 21 years.
Maximum age limit is 30 years.


OBC: 3 years

SC/ST: 5 years


Both male and female candidates are eligible.

No. Of attempts:

General Candidates: 4 attempts

OBC: 7 attempts

SC/ST: No limit of Attempts

The candidate should be physically fit.


Civil Service Aptitude Test

Main Exam


All the best.............
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15th September 2013, 02:11 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
It's happy to inform you that, no Minimum percentage of marks required for IES Entrance Examination.

The Applicant who are passed in Graduation course in Engineering stream are eligible to apply for IES Entrance Examination.

So, After Completing you're Engineering with pass mark you're definitely eligible for IES Entrance Examination.

IES stands for (Indian Engineering Service) and this Entrance Examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission
for every year.

IES conducts Examination for foru department namely,Mechanical/Electronics and Communications/Civil/Electrical..

To appear in IES Entrance Examination then the candidate need to satisfy the below criteria,

If you wish to take part in IES Entrance Examination then you should qualified in B.tech or B.E course from recognized university.

Any Engineering specialization candidates are eligible to apply for IES Entrance Examination.

Age of the aspirant should not less then 21 years and should not more then 30 year.

In Age limit the relaxation will be applicable for SC/ST candidate and obc candidates also.

So,If you have passed in B.tech course without backlogs in single subjects then definitely you're applicable for IES Entrance Examination.
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15th September 2013, 02:51 PM
A.prashanth yadav
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?



IES exam is conducted by UPSC in once time in year.

If you have completed engineering discipline in following departments then you are eligible for IES exam

1.Civil Engineering
2.Electrical Engineering
3.Mechanical engineering.
4.Electronics and Communication Engineering.

The applicant age should between 21 yrs to 30 yrs.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC candidate.

The Notification was published in the month of January or February in Official website or employment news papers.

Final year student also eligible for IES exam .

If you are from different departments then also you are eligible but you should take one of the above departments as exam.

For Online Application using the link http://upsconline.nic.in

best of luck......................
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20th September 2013, 11:48 AM
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Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Dear user

I am listing below the eligibility criteria and other details about IES.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must be an Indian National.
Should have either appeared for the final Graduation Degree exam or passed in any stream of education from a recognised University.
Age limit to apply for IAS/IPS examination is
21-30 years for GENERAL
21-33 years for OBC
21-35 years for SC/ST
The number of attempts for IAS/IPS examination are
4 times for GENERAL category
7 times for OBC category

You should have done graduation in the following branch:

Electrical Engineering.
Civil Engineering.
Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.

The selection is through three phases:-

CSAT - Civil Service Aptitude Test - Preliminary Exam comprises of objective type questions.
Civil Service Main Exam comprises of subjective type questions from prescribed syllabus.
Personal Interview

Good luck
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31st July 2019, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 82
Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

There is no percentage restriction for graduate students to appear for IAS exam. You just have to complete your graduation from a recognised college or university.
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6th August 2019, 01:29 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 58
Default Re: Minimum percentage required for UPSC/IES exam?

Originally Posted by sagarrajesh View Post
I want to know that what is the minimum percentage required for upsc/ies exam?
Kya B.E./B.Tech. me 60% se kam percentage ho to ye exam de sakte hai?
IAS or CSE is conducted by UPSC every year.
To apply for UPSC Civil services examination, a candidate should hold a bachelor's degree in any subject.
No certain marks criteria has been set.
Thus, yes you are eligible to apply for the examination.
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