1st December 2010, 01:17 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?


Can any one tell me name of college which provide M.D. by correspondence with their fee structure.

S.N Pandey

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17th March 2011, 01:05 PM
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Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?

Hi frnd

List Of Colleges Providing BAMS,
MD in Ayurvedic Medicine:
East India Region:
~ JB Roy state medical college,
~ Government ayurvedic college,
~ Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar
university, muzaffarpur
~ Berhampur university,
~ SSN ayurved college and
research institute, utkal
North India Region:
~ Chatrapati shahuji maharaj
university, Kanpur
~ Lal bahadur shastri
government ayurvedic
mahavidyalaya, handia
~ Rishikul state ayurvedic college,
~ Luchnow university, luck now
~ State ayurvedic college,
~ S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda
mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya,
~ Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic
college, Chandigarh
~ Dayanand ayurvedic college,
~ Guru nanak ayurvedic medical
college and hospital, muktsar
~ Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic
college, Amritsar
~ Ayurvedic and unani tibia
college, new delhi
~ Sri Krishna government
ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
~ Gaur Brahman ayurvedic
college, rohtak
~ Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic
college, rohtak
~ AP singh university, rewa
~ Government ashtang ayurveda
college, indore
~ Government ayurvedic college,
~ Government ayurvedic college,
~ Vikram government dhanvantri
ayurvedic college, Ujjain
~ Rajiv Gandhi government
ayurvedic college, kangra
South India Region:
~ NTR university of health
sciences, Vijaywada
~ Dr. B R K R government
ayurvedic college, Hydrabad
~ Rajiv Gandhi university of
health sciences, Bangalore
~ Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, Old
~ Ayurvedic medical college,
~ Ayurvedic medical college,
~ Ayurvedic medical college,
~ SDM college of ayurveda,
~ KPSVS Ayurvedic medical
college, Manvi
~ KVG Ayurvedic medical college,
and hospital, Dharwad
~ SGV Ayurvedic medical college,
~ SVM Ayurvedic medical
~ TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic
medical college, Bijapur
~ Taranath government
Ayurvedic medical college, Bellary
West India Region:
~ Bharati vidhyapeeth, Pune
~ Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya,
~ Ayurvedic medical college,
~ DCS ayurveda college, Deopur
~ Government ayurvedic college,
~ Government ayurvedic college,
~ Government ayurvedic college,
~ Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya,
~ Gujrat ayurvedic university,
~ JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya,
~ Sri balahanuman ayurved
mahavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar
~ Goa university, Goa
~ MMM government ayurvedic
college, Udaipur
~ National institute of ayurveda,
~ Shree bhanwarlal durga
ayurveda vishwa bharati,
~ Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya,
17th March 2011, 03:22 PM
Senior Member+
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 645
Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?



# Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
# Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
# State ayurvedic college, hardwar
# Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
# Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
# Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
# Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
# AP singh university, rewa
# Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
# Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
# Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
# Luchnow university, luck now
# S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
# Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
# Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
# Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
# Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
# Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
# Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
# Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra
# Government ayurvedic college, guwahati
# Berhampur university, berhampur
# JB Roy state medical college, kolkata
# Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
# SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal

ALL THE BEST DUDE.............
31st March 2011, 08:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?

is auyrveda md course available through correspondense in india?if yes can you please name the institutes?thank you...
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15th April 2011, 12:54 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,910
Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?

The best colleges are as follows-

# Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
# Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
# State ayurvedic college, hardwar
# Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
# Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
# Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
# Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
# AP singh university, rewa
# Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
# Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
# Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
# Luchnow university, luck now
# S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
# Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
# Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
# Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
# Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
# Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore

For their fee structure you need to visit their official links.

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15th January 2013, 11:47 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 227
Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?


These are some colleges providing MD by correspondence---------------

Sriperumbudur Government Ayurveda Medical College
Luchnow university, luck now
S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
Ayurveda College, Coimbatore
Rajiv Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital
Shri Venkatarmana AyurvedCollege Chennai.

Hope the information helps you,
all the best..............
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15th June 2013, 08:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?

i want to know m.d in unani through correspondance by any recognised college or university .in india plz convey.
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6th January 2014, 06:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Names of the colleges providing MD by correspondence? Fee structure of the course?



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