20th June 2018, 02:32 AM
Pattern of IRDA exam? Suitable books for preparation?
Respected Sir/Madam, I have applied for IRDA exam and I want to know about the pattern of this exam. So, can you please let me know about the pattern of this exam? And also let me know some suitable books so that I can prepare for this exam. Thank you!
22nd June 2018, 11:32 PM
In order to be a General Insurance Agent in India,you have to give IRDA exam. The pattern of IRDA exam is as follows :- ==> It contains 50 Multiple Choice Questions.
==> Each question carries one mark. ==> Time is ONE Hour. ==> There is NO NEGATIVE MARK for wrong answers. ==> To qualify a person should get 35% marks. You have to go through the below topics particularly ==> ==> Understanding insurance ==> Understanding claims ==> Providing technical product information ==> Understanding customer protection and ethics ==> Providing professional advice ==> Fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements Also find a book which is attached hereby,which will help you in preparing. |
24th June 2018, 02:04 AM
IRDA is Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India. It conducts examinations for the post of Assistant Manager and many other posts in LIC.
Selection Procedure- ><Preliminary Examination:- The question are objective in nature.1/4 marks is deducted for each wrong answers. Total marks-160 Total number of questions- 160 Time- 90 minutes Subjects- Reasoning, General Awareness, English and Quantitative Aptitude. ><Mains Examination:- The exam is descriptive in nature. There are 3 papers in this exam. Paper I- English Paper II- Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance Paper III- Insurance and Management Each paper is of 100 marks and exam duration is 60 minutes for each exam. ><Personal Interview Important topics for Mains examination are:- Insurance >>History of Indian Insurance >>Principles of Insurance >>Legal foundations of Insurance >>Intermediation >>Functions performed by Insures >>Insurance lines and products Management >>Nature and Scope >>Leadership >>Management Process >>Human Resource Development >>Motivation, Morale and Incentives >>Communication >>Performance Appraisal >>Role of IT. |