15th February 2015, 01:18 AM
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Syllabus and books for JNU MA Economic entrance exam 2015

What is the exact syllabus and Which book do i refer for the JNU MA Economics entrance exam of 2015?

15th February 2015, 02:06 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus and books for JNU MA Economic entrance exam 2015

There will be four economics paper viz. Statistic , Micro & Macro Economics , Mathematical Economics and one general knowledge paper.

Important topics for exam preparation :

-> Micro-economics (Demand Curves, Price and Income Elasticity of Demand, Cost Curves, Equilibrium of Firm under Perfect Competition and Monopoly)

-> Macro-economics (National Income Theory of Income Determination, Monetary Policy, Trade and Balance of Payments)

-> Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median and Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation Coefficient), Elementary Probability Theory, Mathematics for Economists (Elementary Algebra,Coordinate Geometry and Elementary Calculus)

-> Problems of Economic History, Underdevelopment and Growth:

-> India's Economic Development prior to Independence: India's Planning and Development experience since Independence; Basic indicators of Development.

-> International Economics Issues of Contemporary Relevance.

Recommended books JNU Entrance Exam :

1. Economics by JK Chopra

2. Microeconomics by Robert S. Pindyck

3. Microeconomics : Theories and policies by Richard T. Froyen

4. Mathematics by Economic Analysis

5. Microeconomics by Dornbush & Fischer
29th August 2019, 12:13 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and books for JNU MA Economic entrance exam 2015

What is the syllabus for ma.economics (ECOM) course in jnu in 2019.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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