1st May 2012, 02:04 PM
Samarjit chakma
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Is there any scholarship for Arts students?

Is there any schoolarship for arts students?..please tell me if there is any scholarshp

10th June 2012, 01:31 PM
sharmila mani
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 154
Default Re: Is there any scholarship for Arts students?

There are three distinct ways an art scholarship can be awarded.
The student can win a scholarship in the usual way:
-> through academic achievement, a high GPA, and artistic talent in his or her preferred medium.
-> A scholarship can also be won as the result of an art competition, where the student's artwork is placed in competition with the work of other students to determine the winner and recipient of the scholarship funds.
-> Finally, an art scholarship can be awarded to talented students in classes taught by certain professors at some art schools.

Some art schools offer scholarships to talented art students who are currently enrolled at that school, or to prospective students. Other art scholarships are awarded by a university's art department to enrolled art students. Some schools only give one scholarship each year, while others, like the Illinois State University Art School, present several awards annually. Some national organizations also present art scholarships. However, most scholarships are provided by either the school itself or by alumni, benefactors, and sponsors.

Many of these art scholarships are given to students who deal primarily in one type of art; for example, art scholarships for animation, fashion design, interior design, museum studies, and photography are all options for students with these specializations.

List of Art Scholarships

Academy of Motion Pictures Student Academy Awards

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences College Television Awards

Beinecke Scholarship for Graduate Study

Donna Reed Performing Arts Scholarship

Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts

John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship

National Sculpture Society Scholarships

10th June 2012, 01:33 PM
sharmila mani
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 154
Default Re: Is there any scholarship for Arts students?

Yes,There are three distinct ways an art scholarship can be awarded.
The student can win a scholarship in the usual way:
-> through academic achievement, a high GPA, and artistic talent in his or her preferred medium.
-> A scholarship can also be won as the result of an art competition, where the student's artwork is placed in competition with the work of other students to determine the winner and recipient of the scholarship funds.
-> Finally, an art scholarship can be awarded to talented students in classes taught by certain professors at some art schools.

Some art schools offer scholarships to talented art students who are currently enrolled at that school, or to prospective students. Other art scholarships are awarded by a university's art department to enrolled art students. Some schools only give one scholarship each year, while others, like the Illinois State University Art School, present several awards annually. Some national organizations also present art scholarships. However, most scholarships are provided by either the school itself or by alumni, benefactors, and sponsors.

Many of these art scholarships are given to students who deal primarily in one type of art; for example, art scholarships for animation, fashion design, interior design, museum studies, and photography are all options for students with these specializations.

List of Art Scholarships

Academy of Motion Pictures Student Academy Awards

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences College Television Awards

Beinecke Scholarship for Graduate Study

Donna Reed Performing Arts Scholarship

Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts

John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship

National Sculpture Society Scholarships

20th June 2012, 06:39 PM
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Default Re: Is there any scholarship for Arts students?

How to get admissio in university after12?
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7th July 2012, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Is there any scholarship for Arts students?

Can a huminity student study padology honours after12?
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22nd March 2014, 03:31 AM
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Default Re: Is there any scholarship for Arts students?

i have just completed my 12...and i am very much intrsted in photography and i want to study abroad..so any1 can just help me to clear my doubts..
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