28th June 2011, 11:19 AM
Is there any scope in career with B.Sc Statistics? What to do after B.Sc. Statistics?
is there any scopes by doing B.Sc. Statistics? I have completed my B.Sc in Statistics and in confusion what to do next?
30th October 2011, 12:29 AM
There is a lot of scope for you after B.Sc Statistics. You can do higher studies if you have an interest in studies. You can do post graduation and even a doctorate. Your job prospects will increase after completing higher studies. You can even look for job if you are interested in career now. You can find opportunities in banks, Quality control. You can even take up actuarial science and look for opportunities in share trading firms.
5th December 2011, 01:05 PM
i am doing B.Sc in physics,maths and statistics,what are the best job opportunities after completing B.Sc?what are the best options for higher studies?
7th August 2013, 07:55 PM
There are many option after B.Sc with stat;- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Master of Science in Actuarial science (M.Sc. Actuarial science) Master of Science in Library and Information Science (M.Sc. Library and Information Science) Master of Science in Quantitative Economics (M.Sc. Quantitative Economics) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Masters of Science in Mathematics (M.Sc. Mathematics) Masters of Science in Statistics (M.Sc. Statistics) Master of Business administration (MBA) Post Graduate Diploma in Statistical Methods with Applications Specialist Development Program in Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Junior and Senior Research Fellowship Rules (JRF & SRF Rules) All the best.................................. |
7th September 2013, 01:34 AM
Career options for B.Sc Statistics:
B.Sc candidate are eligible for apply both government and private sector jobs. Statistics are used various fields and industries: Finance. Data mining. Information technology Bio- Information. Student can work under Actuarial science department in financial markets and shar trading organization Can join Multi national company: As a Business analyst, Software engineer, Statistic analyst, and researchers. Higher education option for B.Sc Statistics: M.SC in Statistic, M.Sc in Mathematics, M.Sc in Financial, M.Sc in Computer science MBA MCA ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
7th September 2013, 01:42 AM
Higher Studies after B.Sc Statistics :
M.Sc Statistics M.Sc Maths M.Sc Actuarial Science M.Sc Library & Information Science Master of Business Administrative Master of Computer Application P.G Diploma in Statistics Other Certificate Courses Job career : IAOS OECD PARIS21 UNESCO Ecuro-stat Insurance Companies IT Companies like Wipro TCS HCL Dell BSNL UPSC DRDO FCI AAI Groups |
11th September 2013, 02:33 AM
Career after B.Sc Statistics :
Higher Studies : M.Sc Actuarial Science M.Sc in Mathematics M.Sc Library & Information Science M.Sc Economics M.Sc Finance M.Sc Computers MCA MBA Master of Philosophy in Statistics Job Career : Indian Statistical Services UPSC SSC IT IAOS RRB CDS NTPC Bank Po all the best........... |