20th February 2011, 03:32 PM
abhishek nandal
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UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

i am b.tech 3rd year mechanical student.i want to know wether it would be friutul for me to undergo UES exam this year or in 4th year.i want to join Indian navy or merchant nvy.plz guide me.

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23rd February 2011, 06:11 PM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

UES: university entry scheme,is meant for all male and female candidates those who have attend there first university degree,that is (Bachelor degree). Both Short Service Commission (SSC) and Permanent Commission are there in Indian NAvy. Basically for engineers SSC is there through UES.

You can apply only if you have completed your engineering or even your last semester is goining on. So, no need to worry. First complete your Engineering with flying scores.
For Merchant Navy

Being a MEchanical Engineer, one has to opt for "Engine Department" of Merchant NAvy .

For Getting into Engine Department of Merchant Navy, one has to start career from the post of "Fifth or Junior Engineer" which ultimately lead to Chief Engineer.

Qualification Required: A degree in Marine or Mechanical or electrical Engineering from a recognised Institute. MArine engineering holder will get in directly while Mechanical and Elecrical has to undergone 10 months Pre-Sea Training in MArine engineering, which is either offered by recruiting company or candidate has to born itself.

Eligibility: First class first pass.

Age Limit: 25 years.

Institute Offering Pre-Sea Training:-

There are few good private institute imparting training and various courses to enable youngster to take up a career in sea.

Academy of Maritime Education and Training, chennai.
National Institute of Port Management,Uthandi, Chennai.
Vel's College of Maritime Studies, pallavaram, Chennai.
International Maritime Institute, Greater Noida UP.
Tolani Maritime Institute, Erandawane, Pune.

23rd February 2011, 06:25 PM
jincy eapen
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

The Details of the UEs exam are the following:-
(b) Indian Army Twentieth University Entry Scheme Age Limit

1. UES - 20 (Final Year) - Born between 02 Jul 86 and 01 Jul 92 - Not below 19 years and not over 25 years.

2. UES - 20 (Pre-Final Year) - Born between 02 Jul 87 and 01 Jul 93 - Not below 18 years and not over 24 years.

3. TGC-113 (July 2011) - Born between 02 Jul 84 and 01 Jul 91 - Not below 20 years and not over 27 years.

4. SSC (Tech) Men - 37 (Oct 2011) - Born between 02 Oct 84 and 01 Oct 91 - Not below 20 years and not over 27 years.

5. SSC (Tech) Women - 08 (Oct 2011) - Born between 02 Oct 84 and 01 Oct 91 - Not below 20 years and not over 27 years.

Note : Age limit mentioned above will be applicable at the time of commencement of course.

c) Educational Qualification : Candidates studying in the Pre-Final / Final Year of the Engineering Degree Course in recognized Universities/ Institutions/Colleges in the subjects mentioned para 4 above will be eligible to apply but must possess the educational qualification at the time of joining training or produce the proof of having obtained the educational qualification within 12 week from the date of commencement of training for the grant of permanent, commission in the Army.

The candidates who are unable to produce the Degree Certificate at the time of joining the training will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at IMA as notified from time to time, in case they fail to produce the requisite Degree Certificate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training.

6. Method of Selection for Indian Army :

The Selection process to be followed is indicated below :

All applications as per format given in the websites are to be forwarded to respective Command Headquarters.

Preliminary selection of prospective candidates studying in the Final / Pre-Final Year (Engineering) will be made by a selection team detailed by Command HQ for holding preliminary interviews at University / College.

Since candidates are required to be under graduates during the selection process and must be graduates at trie time of commencement of the course, applications of the Final year candidates graduating before April 2011 and after July 2011, similarly Pre-Final Year candidates graduating before April 2012 and after July 2012 Will not be considered. Candidates whose University examination pattern does not permit applying for the UES are advised to apply for TGC / SSC (T) commencing at IMA Dehradun / OTA Chennai in Jan/Apr and Jul/Oct every year. TGC/SSC(T) courses are being notified in Employment News and other prominent News papers in April and Oct i.e. approximately 09 months before commencement of TGC course at IMA Dehradun and 12 months before commencement of SSC(T) course at OTA Chennai. The decision of ADG Recruiting. Army HQ in the matter of shortlisting and forwarding of applications to Selection Centre for SSB Interview will be final.

Duration of SSB Interviews is five days excluding day of arrival. During their stay at SSB, candidates are put through Psychological Tests, Group Test and Interviews.

Candidates will be put through stage I of the selection procedure on the first day. Only successful candidates shall be retained for balance of the testing. Candidates who fail to qualify in stage I will be returned on the first day itself. Stage I are Psychologically oriented tests including intelligence tests.

Candidates who qualify at the SSB and are found medically fit by a Medical Board will be placed in order of merit. The final selection will be made in that order upto the number of vacancies available at that time.

Pre-final year candidates will be called in the year of their completion of degree, subject to their being medically fit at that time depending on availability of vacancies and their position in the merit.

Selected candidates of final year Engg degree will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lt from the date of their final selection. Similarly in the case of selected Pre-final year students they would be granted Short Service Commission on probation from the date of their joining the final year class.

After successful completion of degree course the candidates finally selected will be admitted for Pre-Commission training at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun for a period of 12 months commencing from July 2011 in case of final year students and July 2012 in case of Pre-Final year students.

Merit List : It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB Interview does not Confirm Final— Selection. A Merit list is Prepared for Every Qualification I.E. Code Separately Purely on the Basis of Marks Obtained by the Candidates at Ssb's and Such Higher Educational Qualification, Previous Performances, Ncc Background Etc have no role to play.

Combined Merit list will be Prepared for 20 Ues (Final Year and 19 Ues Pre Final Year Course Commencing From Jul 2011. Remaining Candidates will be Considered for Merit along with Tgc entry the Batch Starting in Jul 2011 and ssc (Tech) Commencing in Oct 2011 and in case of Pre Final Year (20 Ues) Combined Merit will be Prepared along With 21 Ues Final Year Commencing from Jul 2012 Remaining Candidates will be Considered for Merit along with Tgc Entry Batch will be Starting in Jul 2012 and Ssc(T) Commencing in Oct 2012, Joining Instructions will be issued for Pre-Commissioning Training Subject to Appearing in Merit List, Medical Fitness and as Per Vacancies Notifie for the Subject Course.

7. Indian Army Medical Examination :

(a) Candidates recommended by the Service Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a board of Male/female doctors / specialists/ gynecologist. However, there will be a lady medical officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the Academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board.

The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However the candidates declared unfit by the Special Medical Board (SMB), will be intimated by the President of the medical Board and Procedure for request for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) will also be intimated to the candidate.

Unfit candidates should report for AMB within maximum 42 days. Candidates are advised in their own interest to appear for AMB well in time and should not wait for last date given by the SMB. Candidates are advised to note that Recruiting Directorate has.no role to play in Appeal Medical Board.

The procedure advised by medical authorities is strictly to be adhered to. Candidates declared unfit by AMB will be intimated by the president AMB about procedure-of challenging the findings of AMB. The candidates will also be intimated that Review Medial Board (RMB) will be granted at the discretion of DGAFMS based on the merits of the case and that RMB is not a matter of right.

Candidates will only be considered medially fit on receipt of the approved medical board proceeding from Directorate General, Medical Services, in Addl Dte Gen Rtg. (b) Pregnancy, if detected at any stage, after selection at SSB or during training will debar the candidates from grant of commission.
23rd February 2011, 07:06 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

UES entry scheme is for all engineering graduate to join indian army,air force and navy .you

can give its first attempt when you are at 3 rd year 2nd sem and note you should be in

college recognised by UGC otherwise you cannot give it .you should not be more then 25

years when you are appearing for it .there is no written exam you should have more then

60 % to be eligible for it then you will call for ssb where mainly 2 round first round there

aptitude test and result will get declare in just 2 hours and after that the selected

candidate will stay there for 4 to 5 days and in this duration there are many exams .
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24th February 2011, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

how to apply to institutes that help us in having career in merchant navy after doing b.tech in mechanical engineering
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3rd March 2011, 08:26 AM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?


UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy
UES entry scheme is for all engineering graduate to join indian army,air force and navy .you
can give its first attempt when you are at 3 rd year 2nd sem and note you should be in
college recognised by UGC otherwise you cannot give it .you should not be more then 25
years when you are appearing for it .there is no written exam you should have more then
60 % to be eligible for it then you will call for ssb where mainly 2 round first round there
aptitude test and result will get declare in just 2 hours and after that the selected
candidate will stay there for 4 to 5 days and in this duration there are many exams .
UES: university entry scheme,is meant for all male and female candidates those who have attend there first university degree,that is (Bachelor degree). Both Short Service Commission (SSC) and Permanent Commission are there in Indian NAvy. Basically for engineers SSC is there through UES.
You can apply only if you have completed your engineering or even your last semester is goining on. So, no need to worry. First complete your Engineering with flying scores.
For Merchant Navy
Being a MEchanical Engineer, one has to opt for "Engine Department" of Merchant NAvy .
For Getting into Engine Department of Merchant Navy, one has to start career from the post of "Fifth or Junior Engineer" which ultimately lead to Chief Engineer.
Qualification Required: A degree in Marine or Mechanical or electrical Engineering from a recognised Institute. MArine engineering holder will get in directly while Mechanical and Elecrical has to undergone 10 months Pre-Sea Training in MArine engineering, which is either offered by recruiting company or candidate has to born itself.
Eligibility: First class first pass.
Age Limit: 25 years.
Institute Offering Pre-Sea Training:-
There are few good private institute imparting training and various courses to enable youngster to take up a career in sea.
Academy of Maritime Education and Training, chennai.
National Institute of Port Management,Uthandi, Chennai.
Vel's College of Maritime Studies, pallavaram, Chennai.
International Maritime Institute, Greater Noida UP.
Tolani Maritime Institute, Erandawane, Pune.

good luck
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26th April 2011, 01:46 AM
Mayank Shekhar
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

UES: university entry scheme,is meant for all male and female candidates those who have attend there first university degree,that is (Bachelor degree). Both Short Service Commission (SSC) and Permanent Commission are there in Indian NAvy. Basically for engineers SSC is there through UES.
You can apply only if you have completed your engineering or even your last semester is goining on. So, no need to worry. First complete your Engineering with flying scores.

For Merchant Navy:-
Being a Mechanical Engineer, one has to opt for "Engine Department" of Merchant Navy .
For Getting into Engine Department of Merchant Navy, one has to start career from the post of "Fifth or Junior Engineer" which ultimately lead to Chief Engineer.

Qualification Required: A degree in Marine or Mechanical or electrical Engineering from a recognised Institute. MArine engineering holder will get in directly while Mechanical and Elecrical has to undergone 10 months Pre-Sea Training in MArine engineering, which is either offered by recruiting company or candidate has to born itself.

Eligibility: First class first pass.
Age Limit: 25 years.

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8th May 2011, 01:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

hi every one....i had applied for ues-20 as a pre-final year & even i get selected in screening test held in oct -2010....but... till now i didn't get any call letter for ssb interview...whn will be my ssb interview in 2011 or in 2012 ??? do any one have answer ????
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31st May 2011, 02:52 AM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

what about physical fitness for joining indian navy
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28th August 2011, 01:29 AM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

sir, i m a mechanical engrg student. nw m starting with my 3rd yr so can i fill UES.
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10th September 2011, 10:22 PM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

what is adv and examination date of ues (navy)?
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4th October 2011, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

sir, i am in third year mechanical engg my second year aggerate is 53% can i fill ues.
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27th November 2011, 10:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

SIR, i am a mechanical eng student.nw m starting 3rd year i.e 2nd sem so can i appiy ues give the information about important date(army,navy,air force).
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27th November 2011, 10:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

SIR, i am a mechanical eng student.nw m starting 3rd year i.e 2nd sem so can i appiy ues give the information about important date(army,navy,air force).
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12th September 2015, 08:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: UES exam for 3rd year Mechanical student for joining Indian Navy or Merchant Navy?

sir i am in 3rd year of my btech in Mechanical branch i want some necessary information about UES exam like the important dates , the subjects, exam pattern etc. Also am i being a girl ,eligible for this test? and one more thing ..as my eyes are not 6/6 so shall i be eligible for navy , army or air force? ?
pls guide me...
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