30th November 2010, 10:18 PM
What are the applications of Binomial Theorem?
I would like to know the real life applications of binomial theorem.& also their applications in different fields such as medical field,industrial field,& also if there is any application related to internet or web address.I would like to get the complete applications of binomial theorem. waiting for your response.
6th December 2010, 07:35 PM
hi friend i want to say that binomial thoerum have some applications...
1........ binomial theorum is heavily used in probability theory, and a very large part of the US economy depends on probabilistic analyses.it is most useful in our economy to find the chances of profit and losswhich done great deal with developing economy. 2.....binomial theorum and ditribution is used in higher mathematics and calculation.suppose you have given an equation with have degree 28 i.e like 2x powr28 +3x powr27..................................+2x +3. you can find here all 28 roots of x.In certain scientific research binomial is very helpful to solve impossible equations.if you have seen einstein equations there is a lot use of binomial theorem.thats why we have now very great theories and laws by sir albert einstein. 3.....moreover binomial theorum is used in forcast services .the future weather forcating is impossible without binomial theorem.the disaster forecast is also depend upon binomial theorems. 4...... the selection is the most using application in our life.popularly known iit uses this theorem to giving ranks to the candidate.. 5......the probability will impossible without binomial distribution. 6.... it is used in architeture to giving shape and determining the areas of infrastucture to find about the amount of material to be use in that. it help in the estimation and to find the total expenditure to build the building .so all finential sites depend indirectly on binomial theorem may you get answer of your question.thanks and best wishes |
6th December 2010, 09:45 PM
binomial theorem is applied in situations involving distribution of a net charge over an large region, like you want to distribute any thing which is finite than in that cases you may use binomial theorem.in net you may use this method in ip distribution conditions like you have given ip address is of fixed host it and numer of host are more than total round off than you may use this theorem to distribute bits so that all host may be covered in ip addressing this method is known as variable sub netting. there may be many application but it may help you to get areas where should you use it.
3rd May 2011, 04:08 PM
hi, in real life, binomial theorem is applied in many fields.
eg, in weather forecasting, Arhitecture, pythogorus theorem , binomial distribution using binomial theorem in education sectors etc., There are various applications. |
20th October 2013, 08:21 PM
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