27th March 2012, 10:57 AM
What is the benefit of doing regular MBA course than in Correspondence?
what is the benifit if we study mba in regular than studying in currespondance?
14th February 2013, 07:34 AM
Regular MBA is more beneficial than correspondence MBA
If you do regular MBA from Premier MBA colleges: Than you are able to learn the subjects from good and very experienced faculty. Your knowledge and understanding of subjects increases. Regular MBA is based on presentations , case studies discussions and these helps in understading concepts and also improves communication and presentation skills of the students You also get good job roles after passing you also get good salary. Correspondence MBA is good when you already are working in good role and position |
29th January 2014, 07:42 PM
what are the universities in delhi for regular MBA and how much fee it will have???
4th June 2016, 03:00 PM
Its better to go for regular MBA from a government or govt funded deemed universities like State universities, Jaipuria, Gurukula kangiri etc. also see for NAAC accredidation. for more details abt MBA and MBA(Finance).