22nd August 2013, 11:19 PM
What course is better between BSc nursing and BSc radiology
bsc nursing or bsc radiology
15th August 2017, 01:16 AM
B.Sc (Nursing) and B.Sc (Radiology) both are the good courses and having good career options, but totally different courses from each other. You should choose the any one course as per your preference. You should consider Your Interest, Job Roles, Work Place, Responsibilities etc. If you are interested to serve the mankind, then you can choose the B.Sc (Nursing). If you are interested to work with different aspects in the field of radiology, then you can choose the B.Sc (Radiology).
B.Sc (Nursing) After B.Sc (Nursing), You can find the jobs in Hospitals, Clinics, Health Centres, Industries, Medical Departments etc. Job Roles - Nurse - Nursing Educator - Nursing Assistant - Nursing Tutor - Nursing Supervisor - Nursing Service Administrator B.Sc (Radiology) After B.Sc (Radiology), You can find the jobs in different places such as Hospitals, Diagnosis Labs, Public Health Centres, Nursing Homes, Research Organizations etc. Job Types - Radiologist - Radiology Assistant - Radiology Technician - Radiology Expert - Diagnosis Medical Sonographer - MRI Technician - CT Scan Technologist |
18th July 2020, 11:06 PM
In which course in which salary is good better
25th August 2020, 06:38 PM
Please say which is the best paramedical course among all.
29th November 2020, 12:30 PM
Salary wise bsc radiology is best or bsc nursing...
20th May 2021, 01:24 AM
Why should I do after Bsc Radiology
16th July 2022, 11:58 PM
I am doing bsc nursing in last year, what can I do next?
17th July 2022, 12:02 AM
What course should I do after bsc nursing.
24th July 2022, 02:47 PM
Non medical student do bsc nursing