21st July 2012, 05:59 PM
What kind of jobs are available for me after completing 12th class
I will complete my 12 class by this year so any kind of job for me and my background is from kick boxing
29th July 2012, 12:56 AM
After 12th there are some jobs. But it's better if you go for more studies than joining in job after 12th pass only. You should take admission in any graduation courses as per your 12th department. After completion of graduation try for job in your field or in any other field for which you are eligible.
After 12th you may try for job in some government sector like Police department, Indian army, Indian navy etc. There are some post in Indian railway also for which 12th pass candidates are eligible. You may go for job in some private organization also if you have good knowledge in computer field or account field etc. You may do some short term course after 12th. After that join in other organization with the certificate of that course. You may do courses on computer if you are interested in computer related field. You have mentioned that your back ground is kick boxing. Then if you want to be a boxer in future then take admission in a boxing center from where you can learn boxing very well and you can built your career in boxing field. I think if you want to be a good boxer and want to participate in boxing in national level then you should complete your graduation. You may take admission in boxing organization also in graduation course at a time. Now you have to decide what you want to do in future. As per me it's better if you take admission in graduation field with a course in which you have good interest. You may also learn boxing and study graduation at a time if you wish. Best of luck. |
29th July 2012, 09:36 AM
After completion of 12th there are some limited job opportunities then after completiion of higher studies like Graduation.
After 12th you can apply for job in Govt. sector like Defence where you can apply for NDA(National Defence Academy), the exam for which is conducted by UPSC twice every year to join Indian Army/Navy/Air Force wing of NDA. You can apply for SCRA(Special Class Railway Apprentice) in Indian Railway after 12th. You can apply for Clerical job in Bank, the exam for which is conducted by SBI and IBPS(Institute of Banking Personal Selection) after 12th. There are some Clerical job in both State/Central Govt. which you can apply after 12th through different exams conducted in State and Central level. But it is always advisable to go for higher studies after 12th in order to get wide scope for job prospect. |
11th August 2014, 11:46 AM
my self vipin and i have passed out my 12th in 2012. presently im doing b.tech and completed 1st year but im not intrested in doing engineering. im intrested in cyber world and want to make my career in it but the prblm is tht i have summited my T.C & migration certificate in the collage while taking admission in b.tech. now wht should i do...?
28th December 2015, 03:43 PM
After 12th there are only limited job opportunities as because government has changed every old schedule. On 12th level not more opportunities required. But if you try after completing your graduation degree then there are number of good quality jobs available.
Some of the fields after 12th I want to mention and are as under:- SSC Railways MTS ARMY NAVY NICL… These are only limited area but after completing graduation you get a wide range of opportunities. And even in banks you are eligible only after completing graduation. |