12th June 2011, 09:05 PM
What kind of preparation to undertake to become a territorial army of India?
I wanted to give examination to become Territorial Army of India,but I'm very new to this line.I haven't any Idea ,what preparation should be take.What type of Book should be consult,If u could kindly help me I'll be very grateful and thankful to you. Regards,
Bikram Chhetri. H.no-83.Lawipu Veng. Aizawl West - III. Aizawl - Mizoram.796001 Mb no:9612132034. Email:[email protected] |
13th February 2012, 09:25 PM
You have to study hard with a lot of understanding for better preparation. I am writing How to apply for it :
All civilian candidates can obtain or download the form from Indian Army website. After filling it completely, candidates should send it alongwith a self addressed stamped envelope of 28*12 cms size, two passport size photographs and postal stamps worth Rs. 12 affixed on envelope to their respective TA GP HQ as per the area: I) Candidates belonging to the state of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and Chandigarh: Commander TA Group Headquarters Western Command, Building No. 750, Sector-8B, Chandigarh-160018. II) Candidates belonging to the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh: Commander TA Group Headquarters Central Command, Lucknow-02. III) Candidates belonging to the state of West Bengal, Assam, Menipur, Tripura, Nagaland Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Arunchal Pradesh: Commander TA Group Headquarters Eastern Command For William, Kolkata-21. IV) For the rest of the states: Commander TA Group Headquarters Southern Command, Pune-01. V) Candidates (Ex- Service Officers) should send their application alongwith enclosures to the address: Addl Directorate General TA, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), ‘L’ Block, New Delhi-01. Last date for application: 25 February 2011 For more information visit www.indarmy.nic.in. For more queries, you can ask your dobts to be cleared in this educational forum website. |
21st November 2013, 07:25 AM
sir, I am suvendu sekhar datta submit my application form for TA send me some model question for written and pib. SUVENDU SEKHAR DATTA.KALYAN NAGAR CO-OPT SOCIETY,NEAR KHALPOLE KOL-700112. WEST BENGAL. MB9477772460.E [email protected].