26th June 2013, 10:39 PM
What is the process for MBA? I am doing MBA
i am doing mba but i don't no which process for mba
25th July 2014, 12:19 PM
You can always opt for the One-year Post-Graduate Programme in Management for Executives (PGPX, equivalent to MBA). You need bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university and minimum work experience to be between 2-10 years , Your age limit should be 27 years. For instance, IIM-A offers one year Executive PGP where candidates need 6 years work experience. Incase of IIM-Kolkata and IIM-Indore, the same course needs 5 years of work experience. You can also appear for the CAT test for IIM admission. Yes, you can seek admission in the MBA institute provided you clear the entrance exams. You can start your preparation in the final year of the graduation. You can even seek admission in the Career Launcher coaching institute who also offers online coaching option. There are three stage entrance exam which includes: Written Exam, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Technically, Common Admission Test (CAT) is conducted for the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) entrance. Aspirants must hold a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 50 per cent marks or equivalent CGPA . For the SC/ST candidates and Differently Abled (DA) category, minimum 45 per cent marks is required. The Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification should be after completion of class 12 or equivalent. Candidates appearing for the final year bachelor’s degree are also eligible to apply. In such a scenario, a certificate from the Principal/Head of the Department/Registrar/Director of the university/ institution which states that the candidate is awaiting final results. If you have the clarity to pursue MBA the you should start preparing for the competitive tests like CAT, XAT. Incase of XAT or Xavier Aptitude Test has been conducted for getting admission in XLRI, Jamshedpur. Candidate scores less than 50% in aggregate in the graduation final examination are also eligible for the test. Even final year graduation students can also write the exam. They have to submit the final exam scorecard within a stipulated time. XAT eligibility criteria is also uniform for all categories of candidates, General, SC, ST, OBC and DA. It offers courses in XLRI