18th March 2012, 12:35 AM
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What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

requird marks in 12th to get seet in B Tech/ BE??

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18th March 2012, 02:39 AM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

After passing 12th class with
more then 55% marks you can
apply for the B.Tech entrance
exam. The main entrance exams
for the B.Tech is IIT-JEE, AIEEE,
state level exams.
18th March 2012, 02:58 AM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?


There are many national level and state level universities conduct engineering entrance examination for their respective engineering seats.
>>AICTE is the government body provides rules and affiliation to the universities and engineering colleges.

>>Minimum criteria by AICTE
-12th pass with minimum of 50% marks in PCM(physics,chemistry and mathematics)
-If you are an ST/SC,then your minimum marks requirement is 45%.
-You can take admission to the 2nd year(lateral entry),you should have a minimum of 50% in your diploma level.

>>The above criteria matches with all the state level engineering entrance examination along with AIEEE(All India engineering Entrance Examination).

>>But for the IIT-JEE following is the criteria:
-You should have 60% in aggregate at your 12th standard.
-You can appear 2 times atmost.
-Your age has to be less than 25 years


MINIMUM 80% are required for appearing in BITSAT.

Thanks and all the best......
18th March 2012, 08:44 AM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Hi dear.........
After +2 , if you are interested to join in Engineering course then you have to apply for entrance exam the list of entrance exam are as follows.......

In +2 you have to score first class & in the entrance exam you have to score good rank then only you will get good good college for study.

The list of best college in India.......

Good luck............
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18th March 2012, 09:50 AM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

B.TECH.-BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY, in order to purse B.Tech. in any stream one has to secured generally 50% marks along with secured a good rank in the entrance exam conducted by various Institutions for admission to B.Tech. courses.

The eligible candidate should have either appear for the final 12th exam or pass with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognised Board with at least 50% marks is eligible to appear for the entrance exam.

The entrance exam like IIT JEE/BITSAT set minimum mark to be achieved in 12th is 60% in order to appear for the entrance exam for admission to IITs and BIT etc.
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18th March 2012, 10:03 AM
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Arrow Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
requird marks in 12th to get seet in B Tech/ BE??
To get the seat in B Tech/BE a student must aquire marks above 65% in 12th. Student's Rank in entrance exams ,i.e., AIEEE/IIT is of Quite important for the stream he want to join and also the college/university in he want to study.
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18th March 2012, 10:10 AM
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Arrow Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
requird marks in 12th to get seet in B Tech/ BE??
To get the seat in B tech/BE the student must aquire marks above 65% in 12th.
The rank in entrance exams AIEEE/IIT is also important to get the seat in your selected stream for B tech and the college/university you wanna study in.
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18th March 2012, 11:32 AM
jyotsana d
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Dear friend,

B.Tech course is not admissioned on the basis of 12th percentage.

For B.Tech after 12th, you need to give entrance exams.
like AIEEE, IIT, VITEEE, and other state exams.

just prepare for these exams and apply online or offline, you will get forms on official websites of these entrance exams. Write your exam well, with good marks so that you will get one of the good college.

Best Wishes
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18th March 2012, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
requird marks in 12th to get seet in B Tech/ BE??


one can get admission in the various programs of engineering through B.tech/B.E . one can get admission in B.TECH/B.E on the basis of some ways::::::

ways to get admission in b.tech

one can get admission in this program by giving exams ,some of the important exams om the basis of 12'Th are::::

-Indian institute of Technology joint entrance exam(IIT-JEE)

-all india engineering entrance exam(AIEEE)

-Vellore entrance exam



-Other state exams.............

For exams there is a minimum percentage required to be eligible for other exams.other details are given below:::::::::

the percentage required is 80% for being eligible to write bits pilani exam

  • The percentage required is 60% for being eligible to write IIT-JEE exam
  • For sc/st 50% is required.
  • for OBC it is same as of general i.e 60%

  • For general candidates it is 60% in AIEEE to write the exam.
  • for SC/ST it is 50%
  • for obc it is 60%

hence one can get admission on the basis of his/her rank in the engineering entrance exam mentioned above.
one can get admission on the basis of percentage also for which the exams are ::::BITSAT And some other state exams

Best books:::::

physics-H.C VERMA.Arihant publications

chemistry-arihant ,o.p tondon

maths-R.D Sharma,TMH publications

hope this helped you...............

with regards
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18th March 2012, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Hi Dear

For get a seat in B.Tech there is no marks required
because after 12th science then for engineering course
there is an entrance exam held for all the colleges in state or centre wise

entrance likes:-

State wise exam

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18th March 2012, 01:11 PM
himanshu verman
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

to get a seat in B.TECH after 12th class, the person should give entrance exams of IIT, AIEEE, IP etc. he should score minimum of 60% marks in 12th cbse board exams to be eligible for the entrance of the required university / college.
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18th March 2012, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Well it depend on the entrance examination for which you have applied :


You should have more then at least 50% marks in class 12th .
You can appear for only three consecutive times


You should have at leasy 60% marks in class 12th
You can appear for only two consecutive times.


You should have got at least 80% marks in class 12th with at least 60% marks in English
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20th March 2012, 01:57 PM
nitin l bagadiya
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

dear student,
if you want to take admission in any of the IIT (Indian institute of technology)
college you required to get 60% as GE and OBC candidate or 55% marks as SC, ST and PD candidate in The qualifying examination(12th standard).
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5th June 2012, 10:39 AM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

i have got 35% in pcm group,can i get b.tech seat in pune maharashtra
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5th June 2012, 09:03 PM
jyotsana d
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have got 35% in pcm group,can i get b.tech seat in pune maharashtra
Dear friend,

Sorry to say but you won.t get B.tech seat in any state with 35% in pcm group as 65% is minimum requirement in PCM for B.tech.
But don't get disappoint and go for other streams like B.A or B.com and give your best in that.

Thank you
Best wishes
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6th June 2012, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

For getting an admission into the top colleges in india, you require a minimum of 70% in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Maths and an individual percentage of 60% in each of Physics, Chemistry and Maths. After this, you will have to apply to the respective colleges you want to apply to.I have given some examples below:

IIT:For general and OBC, at least 60% marks in aggregate in Qualifying Exam. SC, ST and PD candidates must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in Qualifying Exam.

SRM:A minimum of 70% in aggregate in PCM.

BITS:A minimum of 75% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects in 12th class examination, at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects and adequate proficiency in English.
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7th June 2012, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

minimum marks required in MHT CET exam for getting admission in B. Tech.
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30th June 2012, 07:39 PM
jyotsana d
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Default Re: What are the required marks in 12th to get a seat in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
minimum marks required in MHT CET exam for getting admission in B. Tech.
Dear friend,

It depends on your choice of college there will be 2 rounds and merit list will be shown online after 2nd july. If you want top government colleges like COEP minimum marks should be 150 and above.

Best wishes
thank you
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