5th October 2012, 02:51 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 1

What syllabus should I prepare for Science and Mathematics for TET Exam?

shall we send a tet exam paper 2(science&maths) and syllabus?

20th March 2013, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: What syllabus should I prepare for Science and Mathematics for TET Exam?

how i prepare science for jtet
20th March 2013, 10:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 1
Default Re: What syllabus should I prepare for Science and Mathematics for TET Exam?

1. Number System - Prime and Composite Numbers, Tests of divisibility, whole numbers,
integers, fractions, decimal fractions, L.C.M. and G.C.M. rational numbers and irrational
numbers. Properties of numbers, Real numbers; laws of exponents, squares, square roots,
cubes, cube roots, finding missing number represented as alphabets in sums involving array
of four operations, number patterns, number puzzles and frames
2. Arithmetic - Ratio and proportion, simple interest, compound interest, Time and distance,
Discount, partnership, relative speed and angular speed
3. Sets - Concept of set, set language, empty set, finite and infinite sets, subset and equality of
the set, Cartesian product of sets, cardinal number of set, set operations, representation of
sets, Venn diagrams and their properties, Relations.
4. Algebra -Introduction to Algebra, expressions, exponents and powers, Factorization special
products and expansions, linear equations and their graphs, system of inequations,
5. Geometry - History of Geometry, Contribution of India in the Development of Geometry,
Euclid Geometry, Lines & Angles, Properties of Circles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals and
polygons, Parts of Circle : Construction of Circle, Triangles and Quadrilaterals, Circles and
concurrent lines in triangles, Co-ordinate Geometry, Co-ordinates of a point, plotting of
points, linking linear equations into variables (of the type ax+by+c=0 in the Cartisian
coordination system), Linear equations with 2 variables, symmetry.
6. Mensuration - Perimeter and Area of a Square and Rectangle. Area of Triangle, Circle,
Ring and Quadrilaterals. Surface area and volume of Cube, Cuboid.
7. Data Handling - Collection and Classification of Data, Frequency distribution table, Tally
marks, Bar graph, Pictograph and Pie diagrams.
PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
1. Definition and Nature of Mathematics
2. Aims, values and instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics
3. Methods of Teaching Mathematics
4. Instructional material in Mathematics - TLM in Mathematics
5. Instructional Planning
6. Designing, Administration, Analysis of scholastic Achievement test (SAT)
7. The Mathematics Teacher
8. Resource Utilization
9. Curriculum and Text Book
10. Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching

1. Measurements: Units and Different Systems –C.G.S., M.K.S., S.I.
-Triangulation method for measuring long distances, Measurement of Length,
Area, Volume, Mass, Density and Time.
-Fundamental and Derived units.
- Measuring instruments – Scale, Tape, Vernier Calipers, Different types of clocks,
2. Natural Resources – Air, Water: Water pollution, Harnessing of water, States of water,
Hardness of water, water pressure
Air pollution, Atmospheric Pressure, Air pressure, Archimedes’ principle, Pascal’s law,
Bernoulli’s Principle, Hydrometer, Barometer.
- Laws of floatation, Specific gravity, Surface tension, Fluid Mechanics.
3. Our Universe: Constellation - Zodiac, Space travel; Solar system, Satellites, stars,
comets; Earth- layers of earth.
4. Natural Phenomenon: Light: Rectilinear propagation of Light, Shadows, transparent and
opaque materials; reflection, Laws of reflection, refraction, Reflection at spherical mirrors,
refractive index of glass slab
Sound: Sources of sound, Transmission of sound, Sound Pollution, Waves, Kinds of
Waves, Wave Propagation, Musical instruments.
Heat: Heat and Temperature, Measurement of Temperature and Thermometer,
Change of State due to heat
5. Mechanics - Kinematics, Dynamics: Scalar and Vectors.
-Types of Motion; Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion,
Friction, Momentum, Principals of Conservation, Centre of Gravity, State of
6. Magnetism and Electricity: Magnetism: Natural Magnets and Artificial Magnets,
properties of Magnets, Magnetic Induction, uses of Magnets, Methods of Magnetisation.
Electricity: Circuit Connection-Components, Primary Cells, Charge; Effects of
Electric Current (Light, Heat, Magnetic), Primary Cells, Current Flow, Heating and
Magnetic Effects of an Electric Current, Series, Parallel connections, Symbols of
Electrical Elements, Modern World Instrument.
- Information and Communication Technology, Computers.
7. Matter-Its changes: Elements and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae, Chemical
- Action of heat on substances, Physical and Chemical changes, types of chemical
- Preparation of Gases (Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon- Di-Oxide, Chlorine,
Hydrogen Chloride)
-Acids, Basis, Salt.
-Water and its constituents. Hardness of water. Sulphur, Nitrogen, Phosphorous
and their compounds. Common salt and its constituents.
8. Laws of Chemical Combination and Chemical Calculations: Laws of chemical
combination, Calculations based on chemical equations.
9. Biology: Its importance in everyday life, contribution of scientists, different branches.
10. Living World – Characteristics: Classification of Plants and Animals and their
a) Cell: Concept, Cell theory, differences between Plant cell and Animal cell, Cell
b) Tissues – Animal tissues.
11. Plant World – Types of plants: Parts of a plant – their functions
Reproduction – Asexual, Sexual, Vegetative propagation, Nutrition,
Photosynthesis, Excretion, Respiration
Economic importance of Plants, Agriculture, Crop diseases & pest control measure.
12. Animal World: Organ systems and their functions including man
Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Excretory system,
Nervous system, Reproductive system, Sense organs in man, Nutrition
Deficiency diseases in man, First Aid
Economic importance of Animals, Animal husbandry, Pisciculture, Sericulture.
13. Microbes:Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protozoan
-useful and harmful, microbial diseases in plants & animals
14. Our Environment: Biotic & Abiotic factors, Natural resources
15. Recent trends in Biology: -Hybridization, Genetic engineering, Gene banks, Gene
therapy,Tissue culture
PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
1. Definition, Nature, Structure and History of Science
2. Aims, Values and Instructional Objectives of teaching Science
3. Method of Teaching Science
4. Instructional Material in Teaching Science – TLM in Science.
5. Instructional Planning
6. Science Laboratory
7. Science Teacher - Changing Roles
8. Science Curriculum and its transaction
9. Science Textbook.
10. Evaluation – CCE - Designing, Administration, Analysis, Scholastic Achievement
Test (SAT)
31st July 2013, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: What syllabus should I prepare for Science and Mathematics for TET Exam?

bio sciens variki maths enduku pettaru
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24th October 2013, 01:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What syllabus should I prepare for Science and Mathematics for TET Exam?

Tet syllebus in urdu 1 to5
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25th October 2013, 09:50 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 1
Default Re: What syllabus should I prepare for Science and Mathematics for TET Exam?

there are several topics that you can prepare for -
sets,relations and functions,inverse trigonometric functions ,determinants and matrrices,basic coordinate geometry,calculus part,and more topics from algebra
and for science you can refer to the ncert textbooks for basic guidance
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