2nd March 2015, 11:49 PM
Question pattern and reference books to prepare for WBPSC A,C and D recruitment exam?
I have applied for WBPSC exam for A,C and D post. I want to know about some books which help me for this? And what will be the pattern of question papers? Please reply as soon as possible. |
6th March 2015, 12:54 PM
WBPSC - West Bengal Public Service CommissionExamination is held in two successive stages 1) Preliminary Examination and 2) Main examination.
Students who are selected for Preliminary examination is eligible for Main examination and the students who are qualified in Main examination is selected for Personality Test. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION : This exam consists of only one paper i.e., on General Studies. The paper will be of Objective type consisting of 200 Multiple choice questions for 200 Marks. DURATION : 2 1/2 hours. The paper will include the following topics * English composition. * General science. * Current events of National & International Importance. * History of India. * Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal. * Indian Polity and Economy. * Indian National Movement. * General Mental Ability. Each of the above topics is for 25 Marks. MAIN EXAMINATION : The Main Examination will consist of five compulsory Papers and two Optional subjects (one optional subject for candidates applying for C or D posts) to be chosen by the Candidates. There will be two papers on each Optional subjects. Every papers Compulsory or Optional will carry 100 Marks and will be of 3 hours duration. REFERENCE BOOKS : * Political theory by O.P.Gauba. * English Comprehension by K.P.Thakur. * Reasoning by R.S.Agarwal. * Text book of Geology by P.K.Mukherjee. * Indian Economy by Mishra and Puri. * International Relations by V.N.Khanna. |