25th July 2020, 06:03 PM
Is Civil Engineering better than Architecture? Is Architecture hard to study?
Hi friends, I am going to choose Architecture right now in my undergraduate course. Is it hard to study? I have skills in drawing and I have heard that Architecture is a world of Art designing. But some of my friends are telling me that Civil Engineering is better than Architecture. Is it true? I need your reply on this topic.
13th October 2020, 03:57 PM
It is nothing like Architecture is hard to study and Civil not. Civil engineering is all about exterior and Architecture is all about interior design. So both find importance in their own way. If your interest is towards Architecture and you are a very good artist that will make you a good career in Architecture.
17th October 2020, 05:31 PM
Civil engineering will undoubtedly be more intellectualy demanding .
However in terms of work n stress ,I suspect architecture will b a lot more demanding in dat regard. The course of study for architecture is longer, and there r no rit n wrong ans.. But still it totally depends on d interest of doer , your will for architecture will make it easy n interesting too.. Everything seems difficult unless u do it, it's just our thinking that makes it so.... |