18th September 2015, 08:13 PM
How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir. i have passed eamcet exam. But i have failed in Inter second year. Now i have completed in advanced supplementary exam. So i want to know how EAMCET will give rank to me?
19th September 2015, 12:06 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
EAMCET ranking is done by considering 25% weightage of candidate's 12th standard board examination group subject marks and 75% weightage from the EAMCET marks that candidate has obtained in EAMCET examination. Since, you have failed one subject in your Intermediate second year and qualified EAMCET examination, your EAMCET examination rank will be declared only after Supplementary examination results are declared.
19th May 2018, 10:55 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
10th June 2018, 01:07 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
I got 37 marks in eamcet and failed one subject. In advance supply I passed that subject. Now iam qualified or not
13th June 2018, 10:52 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir I have qualified in EAMCET entrance exam but failed in one subject so Present Iam passd all subjects in inter Now my EAMCET rank how do download
10th June 2019, 08:58 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir I have qualified in tseamcet 2019 exam. But i have failed in one of the Inter second year subjects. After clearing in advanced supplementary exam will I get eamcet rank?
10th June 2019, 10:46 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
My son failed in Sr inter but got Eamcet 39.5 marks. Will he get Eamcet rank. Pls answer
14th June 2019, 09:10 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir I have qualified in EAMCET and now in advance supply I passed when will result comes
14th June 2019, 12:21 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
I have got 32 marks in eamcet and I got 9.8 in ipe exam in supplementary test. Whether I will get or not. When I can get my rank in eamcet exam
14th June 2019, 05:18 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir, My sister failed in Inter secondyear only one subject, but suplementry marks passed, how to get emcet rank pls answer
15th June 2019, 12:05 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
I am qualified in eamcet but failed in one subject.So that I haven't get rank in eamcet.Now I have written supply and passed.Then how and when will I get my Eamcet rank? How can I proceed forward for my counselling? Please tell me....
15th June 2019, 02:15 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir I have qualified in eamcet exam in AP eamcet but I failed in one subject after clear the one subject in advance supplementary give eamcet rank
15th June 2019, 02:17 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir, I got 50 Mark's in emcet ,I have completed my supplement exam and passed and now how can I know my rank
15th June 2019, 02:19 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir, I have passed in supplement exam I got 50 Mark's in emcet and how can I know my rank
15th June 2019, 11:00 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Will you provide a rank for eamcet qualified student after passing supplementary exam .
16th June 2019, 07:43 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir i have qualified in ap emceat exam but i failed in one subject after clear the one subject in advance supplementary give emcet rank
17th June 2019, 08:23 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
After qualifying for eamcet and passing supplementary exam. How will a student be provided rank?
19th June 2019, 10:59 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir I have qualified I emcet I got 52marks,but I have failed in ipe.will I get a good rank after supplementary?
21st June 2019, 10:01 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Please announce provided to supplementary passed students in eamcet rank date ?
21st June 2019, 12:08 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir I have qualified in AP EAMCET 44 marks and supplementary also passed GPA 6.07 now how much rank will get and when that supplementary students EAMCET will Released
24th June 2019, 10:26 AM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir please when will be release the eamcet rank for supplementary people in ap 2019
1st July 2019, 02:40 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir, i have got 38 marks and supplementary also passed 7.78 then how i get the rank
14th July 2019, 07:09 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
I have got 50 % in eamcet and I have passed in supplementary exam then how do I get rank
14th July 2019, 09:31 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir my cousin qualified in eamcet exam but he failed in inter board exams.now he have passed in supplementary exam. When will he get rank card and rank???
18th July 2019, 04:27 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
Sir,I haved Failed in 2nd year one subject and my Eamcet marks is 46 and i have qualified in Advance supplymentary exam can i get rank in ts eamcet....pls.pls replay me.
17th October 2020, 01:34 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
When you're release Supplement intermediate candidate reselt I have passed EAMCET examination in 2020 .When you are released EAMCET Rank Card 2020 .We are waiting Rank Card.
26th June 2023, 04:35 PM
Re: How EAMCET rank is provided to supplementary passed students?
can i Apply for 1st counselling if scored53 marks in eamcet secured 60 percent in IPE suplementary exam%uFF1F