24th December 2013, 06:42 PM
Summer training in Indian Railway for B.Tech CSE?
How can a B.Tech, CSE (after 3rd year) student can apply for summer training for indian railways?
And what kind of training he should adapt? |
8th March 2014, 09:55 AM
It is good to see you aspiring for training in your summer vacation. Summer training are extremely important not only from knowledge point of view but also from your recruitment point of view. You can definitely apply for summer training in Indian Railways. For this, you need to follow the below procedure.
- First of all, search for the divisional branch of Indian Railways in your State. - Then you need to write an application enquiring about the training in that branch. - The application should be addressed to the HR of the concerned branch. - Then you need to choose a particular course in which you need to do summer training. - Since you are from CSE background, so you should choose some computer related training from Indian Railways. |
25th March 2014, 01:36 PM
sir, i study of b.tech and my branch IT and procedure summer trainning in Indian railway
15th May 2015, 11:40 PM
sir i have completed my 3rd year for sistec college bhopal...i m interested in doing training from railway department so please tell me the procedure to apply for trainig.....i m a cse department student ....send me a mail on my emailid [email protected]
21st February 2016, 09:24 PM
sir i am a student of btech 3rd yr cse nd i want to know about a procedure of industrial trainning in indian railway and what are the courses for btech cse.... send me in my email [email protected]
20th June 2017, 02:30 PM
Sir, I'm student of B.Tech stream in Information Technology from Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer.
Please be avail for internship and kind information in mail at [email protected] Thanks |