19th November 2014, 11:11 PM
Am I eligible to become a Lecturer if scored 44, 46 and 76 marks in respective papers of UGC-NET?
I have attended ugc net, I have obtained 44,46,76 marks respectively for 3 papers am I rligible for lecturership? please reply as soon as possible |
21st November 2014, 12:34 AM
If you have qualified UGC NET with a score, then you can surely apply for lecturer job with whatever, score you have obtained. The selection will be on the basis of that, if your score is above other candidates, then you can surely be considered for the job.
Therefore, use your UGC NET score to apply for most of the lecturer jobs in different colleges and see where your luck works. If score is not so good, then you will face problem in getting a decent college but you have chance of getting a lecturer job. There is no age limit for Lecturership and you can use your score for a period of 2 years only. UGC NET score is valid only for 2 years and after that you have qualify it again, so use this score to get the job as soon as possible. |
2nd August 2018, 11:45 AM
I got overall 43% marks in UGC NET, I am GEN candidate can I apply for lecturer job