19th January 2014, 06:59 PM
What are the Research programs offered in DRDO?
I want to know what are the research programs offered in Defence research and development organization?
27th January 2014, 08:06 AM
DRDO works basically under the Department of Defense Research and Development of Ministry of defense.
DRDO is working in various areas of military technology.It actually includes the following : Combat Vehicles Aeronautics Instrumentation engineering systems Armaments Electronics Missiles Naval Systems Materials Simulation and Life sciences And Advanced computing and more DRDO has found the the following below topics for its future research. The various on going DRDO’s programmes and futuristic programmes are such as Sic Based Technology,Low observable technologies,technology for soldier support,Highly Power Microwave technology,network centric Operations. Some other programs are Anti-tank guided missiles,Rocket propelled Grenades,Kinetic energy projectiles,Hypersonics,Lasers and Sensor,Multiband conformal antennas,Gas turbine technology,Nanophotonics,High efficiency,TeraHertz and more. |