25th April 2018, 03:04 PM
Selection procedure of RAK Ceramics Product developers Interview?
Can anyone of you kindly let me know what is the process for selection in RAK Ceramics for the post of Product developers? I am interested to attend an interview of this company for this post so I need to know about the selection procedure.
2nd June 2018, 09:28 AM
Selection Process of RAK Ceramics Product Developers Recruitment:
The selection process of RAK Ceramics Product Developers Recruitment is as follows, Basically there are two rounds available and they are, >> Round 1: * Aptitude Test * and Domain Knowledge Test >> Round 2: * Personal Interview If you are qualified in round 1 then you will be called for attending Round 2. Selected candidates shall be on training for period of 3 months and as per my knowledge food and accommodation will be taken care of this company for selected candidates. |