20th May 2014, 08:46 PM
Can a ISC student give JEE exam?
As you know I am a ISC student and ISC board is the best .CBSE is for small babies who study just 2 chapter and bring 90%.I want to ask whether a ISC BOARD student can give jee
12th August 2014, 11:30 AM
When CBSE students are eligible for IIT JEE Exams then ofcourse ISC student will be eligible for it as well. So, you can start your preparation for the IIT JEE exam and IIT JEE (Advanced) exam. Only the candidate who clears both and comes under 20 percentile will be eligible for the seat in IIT. Still if you don't fall under that category then you are eligible for other reputed colleges.
Last year CISCE (Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations) released a notice mentioning about the minimum % marks required by the ISC student eligible for IIT which is 83.8%. So, if you score in your ISC board exam less than 83.8% and still cleared IIT JEE exams then you are not eligible for getting seats in IIT. You need to make sure that you will have more than 83.8% in your ISC board exam. If in case you are less than 83.8% and cleared the IIT JEE exams then you can very well apply for other premium colleges in our country! |
29th April 2015, 06:27 PM
Is there any board compulsion for giving jee like "the students of cbse can only appear for jee and other boards cannot"? is this true or false
1st May 2015, 04:28 PM
Yes my dear friend , there is no rule regarding the board in which you doing your 12th. YOu can be do your 12 in any board in which you want .
For admission in the IIT you cleared the jee main exam as well as the jee- Advance. If you clear both the exams then you eligible for the IIT. Soo, start the study and work hard. And don't take the tension regarding the board . You select any board according to your comfort and passing your 12th with the gud score. Best of luck for your future. Thanks!!! |
1st July 2015, 01:05 AM
Yes you can definitely give the JEE exam there is no such issue regarding that. Any student from any recognized board can give the JEE exam. There is no such restriction on all that. You can appear for JEE exam and then after clearing it you can give the JEE advance exam also. Work hard you will definitely get the success. I hope you got it. |
1st July 2015, 01:53 PM
As per CBSE guidelines any candidate satisfying following criteria can appear in JEE Main Exam.
Should have passed or appeared in +2 level of examination with Sience Stream (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) from any recognized Central/State Board of Secondary Examination such as CBSE, New Delhi; ICSE New Delhi. Since you are ISC candidate so you are eligible to appear in JEE Main Exam. |
23rd September 2015, 07:37 PM
Yes there is no special rule gor JEE main exams that only these board students can apply for a this exam .If you have clear your 12th from any reputated board then you will be elligible for this exam.
You have to prepare harx for clear it.There are some cuttoff %for different board to get addmission in JEE also. |