29th March 2016, 08:22 PM
Whether CBSE offer 1 mark in each attempted questions of Board exam? Expected marks for a candidate who is not sure about fully correct answers?
I want to ask a question and my question is that, if a student attempted all the questions in CBSE class 12th Board exam but he is not sure that the answers are correct or not then how much marks he can expect from CBSE Board? Is this information is true that CBSE gives one mark for each question if a student attempt each and every questions and write them in their answer sheet? |
31st March 2016, 04:21 PM
If your answer is completely correct, you cannot expect to get you full weightage of marks.
But as per CBSE norms candidates are offered marks on each correct steps. So, if you attempted the question, and few of your steps are correct you will get the marks for it. |
31st March 2016, 09:00 PM
CBSE stands for Central Board of Secondary Education and is the best board in India which offers step marking in all question either in subject of physics or maths. Step marking is done in all questions.
If a question has five steps and upto three steps your answer is right then you can get marks of all three steps. If your overall answers is wrong but all steps are right then 1-2 marks is generally deducted. If you have attempted all questions then you will get marks in that question. |
1st April 2016, 08:20 PM
CBSE Board offers step marking in each of the questions in the question paper. If a candidate answered any question correctly in his/her own way, then the candidate will be given step marking according to the correctness of the answer. If a question consists of six steps and if the candidate answered up to three steps correctly, then the candidate would be given marks for those three steps.
11th August 2018, 12:57 PM
Sir, I am 10th class student and I give science paper (compartment) july 2018 if I attend the 2 marks question but I am not sure that my answer is right so cbse will give marks to me
10th March 2019, 02:16 PM
In cbse maths class 10 board exams, if answer is correct but a bit different after the decimal place, will he/she get full marks for that question?
14th March 2019, 03:08 PM
Do we get any marks for attempting question and do we get marks for drawing diagrams even if it is not asked so
14th March 2019, 07:30 PM
Sir im in 10 claas in scince exam i did wrong in bio question i wrote the disese name wrong but symptoms of disese i wrote correct did i get its marks
27th March 2019, 01:57 AM
I have attempted all the questions in chemistry and maths but not sure about the ans so i will give some marks
7th March 2020, 11:33 AM
If I attempt all question of account but not sure about the that is correct or not if CBSE gave me 1 marks. For attempting
12th March 2020, 10:59 PM
Sir, i have attempted a question in boards in which all the steps are correcr but i didd a mistake in converting cm cube into litre due to which the answer is wrong.it is a 4 mark question. How much am i expected to get
12th March 2020, 11:08 PM
Sir in my basic maths exam in a 4 marks question my all the steps are correct but i did a mistake in converting cm cube to litre due to which my answer is wrong.how much am i expected to get in that question
13th March 2020, 09:24 PM
sir i have attempted a question in my economics paper for 4 marks but the answer is incorrect but all my others are correct so will i be awarded 1 or 1 and a half mark??
14th March 2020, 12:52 AM
I want to ask that if My whole solution is wrong in maths but the method is correct . Can I get some marks on attempting the question in 10 cbse board ??
Please give the answer as soon as possible |
23rd March 2020, 10:04 AM
In ssc exam I didn't write section number but I wrote correct question number and by mistake I wrote 4marks instead of 8m against anwer my answer was correct how many marks I will get in Telugu paper
18th May 2020, 02:22 PM
In basic maths paper i have attempted every question.. But I know many of my answers won't be correct so, will they give me marks on attempted ones? Even though the answers would be wrong, but I have tried each question and might have left some answers incomplete, but I have tried all questions. Will I get marks for attempting?