23rd March 2016, 01:34 AM
Is there any problem to get Student Visa for studying Abroad while having a backlog in B.Tech?
Hi Friends,
I am desperately need your help. I am presently in my final semester of my B.Tech and my percentage is 69% upto 7th semester. I have 3 backlogs, 2 cleared in immediate attempt. But I still have one active backlog. I'm thinking to drop out in that backlog subject as per rules we have in JNTUH. So if I send my transcripts up to 7th semester then will my active backlog creates problem in getting student visa to study in Abroad? |
25th March 2016, 07:17 PM
No, there will not be any problem even if you have one backlog as there is a rule that two subjects can be exempted for candidates who are studying under JNTU Hyderabad. But, I suggest you to clear your backlog before joining in the university. However, you will go to Visa only after completion of your B.Tech course, so, if you clear that backlog then, there will not be any impact of that backlog on you for getting student visa for pursuing higher studies in Abroad.