GATE Computer Science Papers
From the year 2009 the Information Technology paper has been combined with the Computer science paper. So now there is no separate GATE paper for IT. The name of the paper is now Computer Science and Information Technology (CS).
The GATE CS exam is a single paper of time duration of 3 hours and carries a total of 150 marks. There are 60 questions in the paper. The questions are all multiple choice questions. There are four options with each question. Out of these four only one is correct. Answers are to be marked on the Optical Response Sheet (ORS), by darkening the correct circle. Multiple answers are treated as wrong answers. There is a negative marking for incorrect answers. The marks of the question are not fixed so the negative marking also differs according to the question.
Candidates who qualify re eligible for an all India rank and their percentile score will be given. Candidates whose score is below 70 percentile will not be eligible for score card.
The score of the exam is valid for two years. If you are not satisfied with your previous score you can use your new score, if it is better to get admission.
From the year 2010 the exam is held online also.
Download GATE Computer Science Papers:
- GATE Mining Engineering Papers
- GATE Papers
- GATE Textile Engineering And Fiber Science Papers
- GATE Civil Engineering Papers
- GATE Chemistry Papers
- GATE Geology And Geophysics Papers
- GATE Mechanical Engineering Papers
- GATE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Papers
- GATE Agricultural Engineering Papers
- GATE Life Sciences Papers
- GATE Electrical Engineering Papers
- GATE Engineering Sciences Papers
- GATE Instrumentation Engineering Papers
- GATE Mathematics Papers
- GATE Aerospace Engineering Papers
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672 Responses to “GATE Computer Science Papers”
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i am student of computer science engg.i will very greatfull to you,if you kindly send me 10 years question paper and solution.
thanking you
my email id is
[email protected]
please send previous question paper for cs thank you
please send me last 10 year gate papers with solution for cs to my email address.
i want last 10 years gate papers for computer science branch. please help me to sand.
plz send question paper of cs of last three years.thanku
plz send me last 5 yrs gate paper of IT ….with solution
sir i am b tech 3rd year student. can i give gate exam 2011
plz send question paper of cs of previous year.
sir i am a student of it 3rd year please semd paper of last 5 year….
[email protected]
can u send me a previous gate question paper with annswer
please send me last 10 year gate paper solution for cs
i m a 3rd year student of computer engg
can u send me last 10 years gate papers with solution…
i am a student of computer science engineering.
i will be very grateful to you,if u kindly send me
last 10 years gate papers with solution for computer scince branch.
thanking you,
Plz guide me about GATE……I m a student of final year B.Tech,Please kindly send me last 10 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…Thnak you
hello ma’am / sir,
if i take a gap for gate preparation, will it cause me any trouble to get admission in any nice college like IIITs….
please reply soon.
I want Compute Science GATE/NET all previous solved questions(Questions & Answers together) .
i am a student of computer science engineering 5th sem.
i will be very thankful to you, if u kindly send me
last 10 years gate papers with solution for cse.
thanking you
i am a student of computer science engineering 5th sem.
i will be very thankful to you, if u kindly send me
last 10 years gate papers with solution for cse
thanking you
plz tell me about the importance of gate exam in regarding of job.if don’t want to do post graduate course.
And also the last date of submission of the form.
Is there any link where
I can find practice qustion paper for gate…….
I am a first semester mca student…….
i will be very grateful to you,if u kindly send me
last 10 years gate papers with solution for computer science(cs) branch.
thanking you,
sir,i am the student of 7th semester of B E.Kindly send me paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
i am student of computer science.i will very greatfull to you,if you kindly send me 10 years question paper and solution.
thanking you
my email id is
[email protected]
is ignou mca students are elligible for gate 2011 exam?
sir/mam i am student of computer science 5th sem can i find practice set of gate
I am very grateful to you
thank you.
Is there any link where
I can find practice questions for gate 2011…
I am a 5 semester cs student…..
i am a student of computer science engineering.
i will be very grateful to you,if u kindly send me
last 10 years gate papers with solution for computer scince branch.
thanking you,
sir i am student of b tech 3rd year of computer science . i need privies year question paper from 2000 to 2010 with solution/ans please send me this maters as soon posible .thankyou
I m a student of 7 Semester final year B.Tech,Please kindly send me last 10 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
I m a student of final year B.Tech,Please kindly send me last 10 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
I have completed my MSc(mathematics)in 2007 at utkal university and in result awaited for Mtech(computer Science )for 2008-2010 session there at.can i do Ph.D in any computer paper by Qualifying GATE 2011?
max no of attempts for gate??
max no of attempts for gate/???
sir/madam plz send me names of authors of the all standard books required for gate computer science….
i m a student of pre final yaer B.Tech,Please kindly send me last 5 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
thank you……
my email id is [email protected]
i have completed my B.Tech in 2010 and now i want to preparetion for gate so please send me a complete set of 5 year gate question paper with explanation for computer science ….
thank you…………
plz send me all gate exam que papers to this email id.thank u.
i m manisha of final year computer science & engineering branch i kindly request you to plz send me the last 5 or 7 solved gate paper id is [email protected]
sir i am pursing MCA 5th semister i want to prepare gaate please send previous 10 years model papers
hello sir i am sunny . iam studying now Msc(cs)final year
,CAN I HAVE last 10 years solved question papers of GATE of computer science…please send me sir…THANK U SIR
Please let me know the date for form of GATES registration. And send me last 5 question papers with there explaination.
i m the 4th year student and appearing for gate exam.pls last 5 year paper cs which is conducted by iit madras.
i m a final year student. please send me last 10 year gate paper solution for cs
sir,i am the student of 7th semester of send me paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
Pliz provide me the free study materials of GATE 2011 on CSE
sir, please send me gate papers of IT….
sir, im a student of final year computer science..
plz send me solved question papers of CS GATE..
i m a student of final yaer B.Tech,Please kindly send me last 5 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
sir, i just want to know that after corresponadnce MCA is it possible to appear in GATE exam, as i m in 5th sem of MCA, if yes then plz send me 10 years solved model papers of CS GATE papers.
thaking u
please send me a complete set of gate question paper with explanation for computer science ….
thank you…………
Please kindly send me last 5 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
Thank you…
sir,i am the student of 5th semester of send m paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
sir,i am the student of 5th semester of send m paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution
plz send me papers
sir,i am in 7th semester of BE am i elegible for gate 2011 exam and please send me last 10 year gate solves question paper of computer science.
sir,i am the student of 5th semester of send me paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science with solution.
i am the student of 7th semester of BE.Kindly send m paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
sir,i am the student of 7th semester of send m paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
Sir, i purse my mca degree, kindly send me last 10 year question papers with solved answers of GAtE exam
please send me the question paper of gate of last 5 year….
my id is [email protected]
Sir, i am MCA 5th sem student and want to apply for MTECH. So want last 10 years solved question papers of GATE CS and study material. Pls send those
sir,i am the student of 5th semester of MCA.Kindly send m paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
what about of scholarship after taking admission in through GATE.
Hello sir,i am student of B Tech final year.can i havelast 10 years solved question papers of GATE of computer science?…please send me.thank u.
i am student of final year.I want last 10 years solved question papers of GATE of computer science…please send me.thank u.
i am the student of 7th semester of send me last 10 year question papers of gate computer science along with solution and also tell me how can i start preparation of gate in mid of 7th semester
sir i am in 7th sem computer science & engineering plz send me the last 6 years question papers with solution .
Hi Sir/Madam:
I complete my BE(CSE) in 2009.last year i attempt GATE exam but my score is less….so i wish to attempt once again…so Plz send me previous year question…
what r the subjects for computer science & engineering
sir i m seventh sem student please send me question papers of last five years with answers
for how many times a candidate can appear in this exam
sir,i am the student of 5th semester of send m paper of last 10 year solved papers of gate computer science along with solution.
sir, i am in 5th sem, plz send me the papers of GATE and am i eligible for GATE 2011 ?
sir, i need past 10 years gate papers…pls send those…
how can i start gate prepration in mid of 5th sem?
sir,i am in 5th semester of am i elegible for gate 2011 exam and please send me last 10 year gate solves question paper of computer science.
i m a student of M.Se(IT) Final yr…Please kindly send me last 5 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
i want last 5, 6 years papers plz provide and some info about how to get exam form
Atleast what percentile is needed to get admission in IIT or NIT?
i want to download some GATE study material.
i m the fimal year student of IT. I wants last 10 year question papers of Gate. please send ne. thank u……
what is the minimum gate score required to get into the IITs for computer science and information tech branch.
i am student of year.I want last 10 years solved question papers of GATE of computer science…please send me.thank u.
send me some model gate papers of cs
how be the checked answersheet copyies.?
i am student of B Tech final year.can i havelast 10 years solved question papers of GATE of computer science?…please send me.thank u.
i am student of year.I want last 10 years solved question papers of GATE of computer science…please send me.thank u.
I have gotten an arrear in the 4th semester.Now I am doing my 5th semester B.Tech.(IT).I’ll clear the paper in 5th semester.Am i eligible for writing GATE 2011.What is the minimum GPA and CGPA should i have for appearing for GATE 2011?
plz reply.
I have gotten an arrear in the 4th semester.Now I am doing my 5th semester B.Tech.(IT).I’ll clear the paper in 5th semester.Am i eligible for writing GATE 2011.What is the minimum GPA and CGPA should i have for appearing for GATE 2011?
hi, i m a student of b.e. 3rd year cse; i want previous 7 years question papers with solutions related to my subject. & kindly inform me about the validity of the result of gate being given in b.e. 3rd year.
thank u……….
plz send me previous years question papers with answers
which type of preperatioa i do for crecking the gate exam of cs branch i hardly needed for last 10 yeras paper so please suggest me and try for papers
i m a student of B.Tech Final yr…Please kindly send me last 10 yrs Gate Papers with solution for Computer Science branch…
previous ten year gatte paper send kr dena bhai.please
i am in the finishing stage of my AMIE (Computer Science), so i want previous GATE computer science questions.
please send me last 5 years gate papers for computer science branch.
send me last 15 year paper of gate cse
i am student of final year I want to know about Syllabus of GATE Exam for Computer Science
which will be conducted on 2011.
plz send me 5 year gate papers of computer science with soluction
I need last 10yrs gate qsn papers with answers. please send………..
hi,i m nupur 3rd year.i want last 5 years paper of gate….plz provide me as soon as possible…..i m in computer science branch
Hi, I am Namrata, i am in the second year computer engineering student.Sir, I want last 10yrs solved queston papers to do more practice,I wants to appear for gate next year, please, send it on my emeil,Thank You.
I am in thanjavur i studying final B.Tech(IT) in kings college of Engg,in thanjavur which bank provide the exam form and i need question patterns and last 5 yrs questions with answer for(CS)send to my mail sir pls..thank u
how to download the gate cse previous papers
i am the student of 3 year plz send me 10 year gate paper on my gmail id plz sir .
i am student of 3rd year and i want to get last 10 years kindly send me thank you
will the gate score can be considered for engineering ph.d? otherwise only for M.E/M.Tech
I want to know about Syllabus of GATE Exam for Computer Science
which will be conducted on 2011.
sir, plse send me 10years solved gate exam paper for MCA student…
sir,i am final year MCA student want to do MTech course,but my question is what is the valid rank in GATE for doing this in IIT/govt.collage/university.plse send your response……
Is there any use of doing M.Tech in any other college other than IIT’s?
Sir I finished my MCA degree on may 2010. i want join p.hd in IIT… so i want gate computer science paper for my preparation..
I need previous year 10 Question paper with solution for COMPUTER SCIENCE branch
hi sir,can u tell me,sir.CSE and IT question paper FOR GATE EXAM both are same.
I am BEIT student. what is the limit of max. no. of attempts for gate exam?
what is the critearea of percentage for applicable in gate exam 2011.
plz rply
i am the student of btech. 5th sem in cse, i want to need a last 5 year papers with solutoin.and syllabus of exam.
137+267=435 THEN FIND OUT 731+762=?
how much rank & marks should i get for study in iit & nit in computer science & engineering & IT?
sir i am a student of B.E. third year in information technology branch so want to need a seven years solution please please provide me i am waiting sir ok thanks
requires last ten years GATE papers of information technology branch
Hi… i would like to know if there are any limitations regarding the semister marks in the B.Tech.
i am student of btech 4th year in computer branch so i want to need a last 10 years papers with solution ….
plzz provide me…
thank you …
please send me examination and form dates for gate
hi im student of b tech final year so i want to need last 5 years papers provid me thank u
hi, i am ravi and i will pass my mca exam and i want previous 10 years question papers with solution related to my subject.
hii… i hv done my Engg. in computer scince branch so i want to need a last 10 years papers with solution ….
plzz provide me…
thank you ….
hii… i am student of btech 4th year in information technology branch so i want to need a last 10 years papers with solution ….
plzz provide me…
thank you ….
hi, i m a student of 2nd year EC; i want previous 10 years question papers with solution related to my subject. thank u…………..and for 2010-2011 form date is….thank u sir…??????
how i can prepare to get success in gate examination
i want last 5 years cse qution papers plz send me.
hi, i m a student of b.e. 3rd year cse; i want previous 7 years question papers related to my subject. & kindly inform me about the validity of the result of gate being given in b.e. 3rd year.
thank u……….
please send last 5 years cse gate question papers.
1. hi…………….please send me previous 10 years gate Q.papers.
2. good morning sir,
i m doing 3rd yr.i want to write gate exam can i know more about exam pattern and application form where is it availiable and cost also model paper for computer science….please ……thanks..?
hi, i m a student of 3rd year cse; i want previous 10 years question papers with solution related to my subject. & kindly inform me about the validity of the result of gate being given in 3rd year. thank u…………..and for 2010-2011 form date is….thank u sir…??????
plz send me 5 year gate papers of computer science with soluction
please give me 5 yrs cs paper question with solution
hi as i was a student of 2nd yr cse i want last 5yrs question paper solved
hi iam anita 3rd year student of btech from cse branch plz send me last five year solved cs gate test paper i shall be thankful to u for this kindness
please send me last 5 year ques paper of cs …………..?????????????
i want solved paper of ME entrance exams
hi, i m a student of 3rd year cse; i want previous 5 years question papers related to my subject. & kindly inform me about the validity of the result of gate being given in 3rd year. thank u…………..
i m 3rd year b-tech student and i want last 10 year question papers of gate(computer science) so that i can preapre well for the xam
plz send me previous year last year gate question paper for cse..i am nw studyning in 5th sem b.e.