List of Universities Offering Distance Education Program
Correspondence education has brought about a tremendous change in the education system of our country. There are 10 open universities and 64 regular universities running distance learning programmes in our country. Open universities offer flexible course options which can be taken by entrants who may not have any formal qualification but have reached the required age and also have cleared a written test.
• Allahabad university, Allahabad
• Awadesh pratap singh university, rewa
• Barkatullah vishwavidhyalaya, Bhopal
• Mahatma Gandhi gramodaya vishwavidyala, chitrakut, satna, MP
• University of delhi
• GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, pantnagar
• Guru ghasidas university, bilaspur
• Himachal Pradesh university, shimla
• Jamia milia islamia, jamia nagar, new delhi
• University of jammu
• Jiwaji university, Gwalior
• University of Kashmir
• Kurukshetra university
• Maharishi dayanand university, rohtak
• Punjab university, chandigarh
• Punjab agriculture university, Ludhiana
• Punjabi university, Patiala
• Devi ahilya vishwavidyalaya, indore
• Guru jambheshwar university, hisar
• Rani dingvati vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
• Madhya Pradesh bhoj open university, Bhopal
• UP rajarishi tandon open university, Allahabad
• Birla institute of technology and sciences, pilani
• International institute of population sciences, Mumbai
• Jadavpur University, Calcutta
• Gujrat vidhyapeeth, ahmedabad
• Shivaji University, Kolhapur
• Tilak Maharashtra vidhayapeeth, pune
• Utkal University, bhubaneshwar
• Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidhyalaya, sagar
• Gujrat vidhyapeeth, ahmedabad
• SNDT women’s University, Mumbai
• Berhanpur University,berhanpur
• Patna University, patna
• Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar bihar University, muzzafarpur
• University of burdwan, bindwan
• Gauhati University, guwahati
• Lalit narayan mithila University, darbhanga
• North eastern hill University, shillong
• Sambalpur University, sambalpur
• Vidyasagar University, mindnapore
• Netaji subhash open university, Kolkata
• Allagappa University, vishkhapatnam
• Bangalore University, Bangalore
• Bharatisadan University, tiruchirapalli
• Central institute of English and foreign languages, hydrabad
• Jawaharlal Nehru technology university, hydrabad
• Potti sreeramalu telagu University, hydrabad
• Manonmaniam sundaranar University, mysore
• Tamil nadu agriculture university, Coimbatore
• Osmania university, hydrabad
• University of mysore, mysore
• Mother Teresa women’s university, Chennai
• Madurai kamraj university, Madurai
• Kakatiya University, Warangal
- List of colleges offering LLM through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering B.Sc Chemistry through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering BBM through Distance Education/Correspondence Distance Learning Degree
- List of colleges offering Psychology Course through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering B.A History through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering BCA through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of Universities offering M.A in Hindi through Distance Education
- List of colleges offering BBA through Distance Education
- List of colleges offering M.Ed through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering B Sc Computer Science through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of universities offering M.Sc Chemistry through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering B.A Economics through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering B.Sc. Maths through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of Colleges Offering MCA through Distance Education/Correspondence
- List of colleges offering B A Hindi through Distance Education/Correspondence
Do you have any question? Please ask:
160 Responses to “List of Universities Offering Distance Education Program”
any university providing recognised m.p.ed college through Distance Education/Correspondence course in india send list plz
Chandan Joshi
P.G.Diploma Yaga and Naturopaty
plz suggest any university from i can complete maths im corresponding
i want to join distance mba in any one of banglore universities with out writing entrance exam so please mention me fee and last date to apply
I want to study m .a.cources in a distance mode in sambalpur can I do it?
I have passed 10+2 with English, Hindi, Geography, Home Science, Economics and sixth subject History.
I wish to do B.A. with English, Hindi, and elective subjects: Geography, Home Science and Sociology or Political Science.
Please name the University offering distance education with the above subject-combination.
i wish to open a study center of Madurai Kamraj University, plz provide me a correct guideline for the same. I am very thankful to you.
Location of center - Rewari, Haryana
Three are not a single study center in Rewari Haryana.
i have completed m.ed. i want to study ph.d in education and i know which universities offer ph.d in education
Witch university offering MSC Electronics in hyderabad through distance education
Thanks & Regards
sir,i need list of government university in punjab.
Dear sir. I i will complete my diploma course this year 2012. And i going to work after my completion my diploma course . And i decide any degree study must study for distance education . My choice is BBA or BA english . Which is best course of my choice? Please tell me good answer sir . Thanks.
I want to study MS(Mestro of Science) in distance education did any collage provide this course around tamilnadu circular.
sir, is the manomanin sundran University Tamil nadu is D D & C E Course recognizer ?
Sir. I complete 2 commerce &bca from annamalai university throw distance can i do msc math with computer application in any distance education university?
any university providing M.P.ED. distance mode or vacational course in india send list plz.if not why ?
मैं ‘दक्षिण भारत हिन्दी प्रचार सभा, मद्रास’, की (दूरस्थ शिाक्षा द्वारा संचालित) पी.एच.डी. उपाधि हेतु प्रवेश लेना चाहता हूं.
कृपया मुझे यह जानकारी उपलब्ध कराएं कि उपर्युक्त उपाधि की वैधता है अथवा नहीं तथा यह भी स्पष्ट करें कि किसी पद के चयन हेतु योग्याता के रूप में इसकी मान्यता/वैधता है या नहीं.
धन्यवाद एवं शुभा दिन.
Sir / Madam
Phd. in Hindi Subject from ‘Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar’Sabha’, Madras (through Distance Education) is valid or not.
you are also requested to clear whether this digree is valid for service purpose.
Thanks & Regards.
sir, i complte diplomo in EEE 1 year alone .now i want to continou my stady in distance education is possible or not
I left uncompleted my graduation in 2001 now i want to do BA in ahmedabad suggest me universities and institutes in ahmedabad provides the same
Is there any difficulty to do physics by distance education.. If it pls reply soon..and send the university
9289899802/8826222990 omias(om institute of advance studies) we provide all ugc dec aicte approved courses like ba bcom bsc bba bca ma mcom msc mba mca btech mtech bed med llb jba polytecnic diploma iti hm and around 450 courses from eiilm university,punjab technical university ,cmj university,mdu rohtak,kso university,iase deemed university,ime,allahabad agriculture,shiats,vinayaka mission,minakshi university . we also provide graduation or any 3 years courses in one year from cmj university btech in 2 years from cmj university mtech or any 2 years courses in 2 month from cmj university . all 3 and 2 years program in 3 months from eiilm university and minakshi university ( gap is important ) for more quairy plz visit at e-136,3rd floor,main road,near punjab national bank,near shasti naagar metro station,shastri nagar,delhi-110052 or call at 9289899802/8826222990 or message at 8826222880
sir, i am not complete my third year BE
due to family problem .after 10 year i want complete BE . Is it possible , please guide me
sr i have done diploma in electronics & i want to do bsc in electronics from distance learnings so pls suggest me the recognized college & university in delhi area which offer this course.
Hallo, i did 3 year’s diploma in hotel management & catering technology, presently i have 6 years of experience in the similar field & in this year i have just completed BBM through distance mode, now i want to do MBA-Hotel/Hospitality Managemenr by distance mode from kolkata, please assist me to give idea which universities are offering MBA-Hotel/Hospitality management in kolkata.
Thanks for your support on the same.
dear sir,can i get d univrsty .who provide distance m.phill programme on social work in orissa?
sir i want to do diploma in mining through distance learning which university offered for this course whether it is recognised by ugc aicte dec.
sir iwant to do diploma in electrical in distance mode sir provide me list of which university who are approved of dec and ugc…………
Sir, i am electrical contactor working in nanded i want to distance electrical diploma engineering tell me what can i do to complite this.
Respected Sir,
I want to do MSc/MA Operational Research through distant learning mode. Please tell me which ugc recognised university conducts this programme. Also Please tell me if PHd available in this Subject. Waiting for reply. Please advise me.
I have finished M.A. B.ed in english, iam working as a teachereducator. i want to do P.hd in english through distance education,please clarify my doubts
Sir plz tell me the name of universities offering msc in chemistry approve by ugc and also by govt. of himachal pradesh.
sir i hve completed diploma in cs,nw i wnt to do final year bca,as am eligibile for do this,plz tel me the ans,if yes plz send me the full details 2 my id(
is the diploma engineering cirtificate grant for the b.e.course in jadavpur university
how to get study centre or spot registration centre
what is the use of M.A english literature ??????
recently my brother passed 12th class and want to continue his study( want to admission in degree 1 in IGNU
please tell me about this
I finish BSc with mathematics subject now I want to do BTech in distance mode or one sitting.
I have passed from Madurai kamraj university
( Am I eligible for net/set exam
good afternoon sir,
this is sreelakshmi,
i completed my in open university,i want to do MBAi want to know osmania univercity distance eductaion cources
and fee details of the cources,
i need solution of applied mechanics august 2011 diploma civil engineering from eiilm university………pls rply soon
Detail about admission 2011msc with maths in boj univ
after doing chemistry if any person is eligible to do chemistry in regular mode from any universtiy in India.plz reply.
kuldeep rathor
I am a student of MBA Ist Semester (Correspondence) from Punjab Technical University & I want to do Ph. D in management(Correspondence).Am I elegibile for doing this ? If yes please tell me the universities & their eligibility criteria…….
I have passed B.SC(MECs) in 2004 from kakatiya University.Now I want to complete my M.Sc. in Electronics through Any University recognized by UGC in distance mode.Please inform me about The Universities affiliated by UGC who conducts The M.Sc course in distance mode.
What is the syllabus of M Sc chemistry in the year 2011for a regular education in the colleges affiliated to Mother Teresa University?
Is M.Sc.(Chemistry) course is affiliated by Eiilm university through distance education.
Respected sir,this is tirupati rao bantu,iam working in engg college,as a chemistry lecturer and i have a 3 yrs exp in degree college i want to increse my qualification with M.phil,what type of process for completion of my M.phil?distance is better(or)part time is better?some of my collegues as told me distance in M.phil chemistry is not avaiable in our universitys?so what is right choose for me?please tell me sir.
i completed m.a english i want to do m.phil through distance
sir,I want to do M.Phil English by distance learning. Kindly assist me in finding out the list of universities that offers the same.
please tell me the age bar and percentage of marks required in M.A english for admission.(w.B)
dear sir
i have passed this year M.Sc in Physics in 2011.I want to do P.hd in distance mode.please guide me.
sir i have compleated my post gradution in sociology from H.P.U. in 63%(gold madelliest). sir i am wanted to do M.phill through distance or corosopondence from your university please give me a detail of addmission processure and fee structure.
i would like to parsuade m phill from distance education, may u suggest that how is it done ?
i want to do MA in English from a university offering distance education. M.S university is right for it? Does it have any study center in Kolkata? whether the certificate will be valid for ssc exam? please inform me.
I have passed B.SC with Electronics (Hons) 2010 from University of Calcutta.Now I want to complete my M.Sc. in Electronics through Any University recognized by UGC in distance mode.Please inform me about The Universities affiliated by UGC who conducts The M.Sc course in distance mode.
Can i do MA(Economics) from eiilm university Sikkim through distance learning is the course recognised by UGC.
I want to no about m.phil in english through correspondence in hp
i want to do M.ed through dd mode . plz suggest me gud university
I am looking for recognised MSC - chemistry course in Distnace learning, plz suggest me some university in DLp mode
sir i wana do b.a and one of my friend wana do M.A. Is EIILAM university provide distance education for these courses please help me. thxs
Hello, give me complete detail regarding ph.d in education through distance education
i medical now want to do nursing by corrospodent.which uni. offers this course
Please tell me , which University offers M.E in ELECTRONICS In distance education mode in Tamil Nadu..
I want to get the information about P.Hd. in English in distance education.
Thanking you, Yours faithfully
Deeya Bhattacharya
Dear sir,
Iam shilpa pursuing MA in Mass communication& jouranalism now i want to do M.phil in mass communication & journalism so kindly request you to revert me for my concern.
i have a question is there any distance learning programme in architect of draftsman field because i am in job and i am interested in this field and what is the minimum qualification for it.
please send me the details of the distance education offering institute in power plant engineering in andhrapradesh
Madam, i have done M.A . in Public Adinistration from ignou with 62%. I want to pursue M. Phill from distance education from some recognised university. Kindly, give me the names of such universities with due procedure for admission as well as the last dates for the same. I will be very grateful to you if you pay some attention to my queries which are not being solved by anyone for a long time.
Sir,i am a graduate in chemistry with 60% and i completed BEd in physical i am working as a teacher..i want to do MSc chemistry through distance there any university approved by UGC in kerala or beside it..
I want to know the list of ugc recognized university of tamil nadu.
SIR I want to phd. Course through distance education in u.p.(in hindi).please give me suggetion.
sir Iam working .
i want to do diploma (electrical) under distance mode which will be helpful for my promotion.
please send me the detail of educational institutions which are approved by UGC.
i have passed my MSW in social work .now i want start M-Phil in social work.please send me the detail of educational institutions which are approved by UGC.and i can start my M-Phil through distance education.
After 3 Years diploma i wanted do degree which degree can i do from distance education?
sir, i have done 3 year diploma in mechanical engineering from rajasthan vidyapeeth university. sir i am doing job, so i want to do distance learning. please suggest me the universities that offer through distance learning. thank you.
i have compleet my by physical chemistry. i want to do M.Tech in chem. thru distance learning program. pls tell me the univ. or college.
I have done my Bsc. in 2006 with 52 % now i want to do chemistry pls suggest some universities which are offering Msc. through distance mode.
May i get the details of which recognised institution offers diploma in physical education or its equivalant in the distance education mode?
please help by providing details.
can I do phd in english as distance learning either in mangalore, bangalore or mysore university. I have completed my postgraduation
i want to know that if we do m phill from any university [math university] so is it valid to take admission in p hd in osmania university or any open university or EFLU
Dear Sir,
I am presently doing distace MBA in telecom management, i will complete it in 6 another months & further i want to do MS in telecom management. Plz suggest me the well recognized Universites which are offering the same.
ms through coresponding information
sir,i had done my 4th sem. from goa university and now i want to complete my 3rd year by any university which allows me to do private i.e correspondence or distance, i want to know which university will allow me to do it in the state of madhya pradesh mostly in bhopal.
sr i need to do the msc in physics through distant education
I am a postgraduate and been teaching since 1989. I want to persuade my M Phil. Can you suggest me the procedure through distance education. I am from Chandigarh.
i am having 54% in chemistry from delhi university i want to do M.phil in chemistry but is there any reputed university which provide degree with such less marks
sir i want know the collages which provides distance education in Maharashtra
sir,i comleted my i want to do Msc in electrical.plz guide me is it possible & send some of UGC approved university name.
sir, pls tell me about the universities offering with distance mode.
I have compeleted my Bachelor of physical and i want do Mp ED throug through distance education .kindly give suggestion please.
hi sir,
i have completed my +2 and working in a company . i have a experience of 1 and half year. i want to do btech(electrical) under distance mode which will be helpful for my promotion.
if you can guide me so that i can take addmission. i want to do in karnataka state open university.. is it possible
kindly hel[p me
manas panda
I am completed in DEEE. I want btech power plant eng course (distance education mode)
sir i want to know d list of osmania colleges offering Msc computers through distance education in hyderabad..
Dear sir/mam
I have done B.Sc(N.M) & MCA regular, but now i want to do M.Sc(chemistry) by distance education as i cant do it regular, so please guide me.
Sir pls tell university name who offered three year electrical diplom in distence mode. With approved ugc. I want study center in u.P. “”
Sir pls tell university name who offered three year electrical diplom in distence mode. With approved ugc. I want study center in u.P.
Sir, i want to diploma in electrical engineering through distance education. kindly listed UGC approved university near north zone
Sir, i completed my ITI in 2000 presently woriking in KEB.I want study diploma in electrical & electronics through distance education plz give advise & college details.
dear sir, i completed my ITI in 1995 presently woriking as sr,tech @ jsw steel.I want study diploma in electrical & electronics through distance education plz give advise
please let me know the university / universities in india offering m.e. in civil engineering by corresponding / distance education mode.
sir, pls tell me about the universities offering technology) with distance mode.
i want to know abt the distance education enterance examination in ME.
hi sir/mam… i ve done my DCE in bangalore… i wanna join BE through distance. know its late by now…… but plz help me out…….. seeking colleges in and around chennai…..
sir i have passed M.Sc(IT) in 2007 now i want to join M Tech(IT)part time so Plz tell me the university which provided this course in Punjab.
Sir, I worked as a PGT CS in Kendriya Vidyalaya in Silchar Region and now I want to do Certificate / Diploma Course in Operation Research by Distance Education.
So Plz tell me the university which provided the Operational Research course by distance and also send the last date of submission of application form. if any.
Dear sir,
i completed my diploma in mechanical engineearing and i have to do Be/ in civil engineearing, so is that possible.
I HAVE COMPLETED M.Ed in Education with 67 % marks and in B.A. SECURED 49 5 MARKS PL SUGGEST ENTERANCE EXAM FOR Ph.D FROM ANY University preferably in North India.
I am a BTech -ece graduate doing jog as sofrware engineer intend to do MTech in telecomunication.Please let which university is offering Mtech in above said area through distance mode in india
sir ,i want to take a distance learning course in civil engineering from bangalore university,can u pls suggest me which college can offer this program
Give the details about colleges in karnataka offering correspondense course in M.Phil computer science.
i completed my masters in socialwork and i am working as a project coordinator in a ngo in chennai. i want to do Mphil. can u suggest some universities offering mphil in social work through in distance education. universities might be from kerala, andhra pradesh and karnataka. becoz there is no universities in tamilnadu providing mphil in disatance education from 2009 onwards plz help me
i want to take addmission in electrical deploma course through distance lerning . please write the the name of universities (govt.recognise) which offers this course
I want to pursue my part time ph.d in Food Science and Technology . Im working as a lecturer (contractual) in same stream and i ve also qualified for NET(ICAR) in 2009. Please help me and give me all guidelines.
I want to do paper and pulp post graduation through distance mode. Kindly give some details of universities which course offers
Hi,I want to do M.Phil English by distance learning. Kindly assist me in finding out the list of universities that offers the same.
i want to do mscelectronics in distance mode pl give a best university details
I wants to do diploma in Electrical through doing job in HP
what is the Basic qualification to do ME in distance education? I finished Msc IT in regular. can i do ME in distance education??
I want join diplom in Electrical & Electronics still i have working as a technishan on contrat said ebelility AICET in karnatak study centra my qulifiction SSLC + I.T.I.Electrican so pease givime guidce
I want to do MPhil in Management through distance learning. Kindly provide the list of universities offering the same.
can i do Ph D after doing PG in Pol Sc in distance education from Gauhati University
Himacal university in guwahati- plese send me address for the purpose of MBA/M.COM
Dear sir,
Iam working in a multinational company as E&C technician . I want to do diploma in E&C .I’am unable to join the claqsses Please provide the list of university in punjab which offerd corspondence three years course.
Sir , kindly tell me the names of universities offering MSc in physics in distant learning programme. There should be an additional specialization in electronics along with the MSc degree
Is the university offers Course and how can obtained and fill the forms for said course. Please also intimate fee details of B.Com Course.
I want to do MSC in Microbiology only in delhi. Please solve my problem. I m waiting for ur suggestion.
Thank You
Tell me the details of correspondance of M tech in Birla institute of technology and sciences, pilani
want to take addmission in M.Sc in distance education.
dear sir,I want to do phd in business administration through distance learning mode from allahabad university? What are the criteria for taking admission.
I want to do mphil in english language through distance education mode.
i have certificate in electrical engineering and i work in telecommunication.I wish to pursue my my studies in the same field and go for correspondence diploma. Can you please let me know if i can do that and the colleges that offer the same
how to apply for distance learning PHD from Allahabad University.explain the procedure oof applying.
how to apply in allahabad university fur distance learning PHD?
plz give me suggetion.and explain the procedure for applying in PHD program
I am MSc chemistry,working in pulp and paper mills. i wish to improve my qualification through corresondence and by completing research project at job. please let me know universities offering M Phil courses.
I want to do Phd is management through distance education or Part time. Please give me the name of the universities in tamilnadu, Andhra and karnataka having study centres in chennai.
universities providing distant education for Msc chemistry
i want to do M.Phil, But i am working at the Hospital, SO which unversity can provide my M.Phil through correspondence.
Plz provide me detail of universities offering p hd. and M Phil in Northern India
respected sir,
i am already completed b.a.m.s in bihar university…..sir kindly i know about after b.a.m.s ,,,how to apply for m.d courses in ayurveda….plzzzz reply me soon..
yours obd
please send me a list of recognized universities running MSc. physics, chemistry and MBA in distance education..
I want the list of universities/colleges offering correspondence diploma in electrical
presently draftsman electrical in J&K power Development department.Want to know if if any collage/university is offering Diploma in electrical engineering through distance education.
I want to know that if any collage/university is offering BE in civil engineering through distance education. I have done my diploma in civil and I am presently in job. Kindly guide
iam a sailor in indian navy i want to do diploma in electronics engineering through distance learning as i dont get time to attend classes which are institute which can provide me this course?
Dear sir
i have passed deploma in elecrical engg. and right now working in MNC totaly exp. is approx 5 year . I want to do bachelor degree so please give list of Government University offring BE OR Btech distance in M.P.
Hi Sir,
I have done B Tech, Computer Science Engg, and currently i am doing a job as a Software Engineer in an MNC. I want to do, MTech and further my Aim is to do Phd or Docterate. I cant afford to pay high amount of fees to pay,
Can please give me List of Government Universities Offering MTech.
respected sir/madam
i have completed my PG with microbiology from BU bhopal, now i m doing phD in microbiology. i want to do M.Phill also in microbiology through distance education, what should i do for this? plz reply
send me about M.Sc.(I.T) in distance education offerring universities in Andhra Pradesh and the details such fee, pattern of exam papers
send me list of universities offering M.Tech (Civil) courses through correspondence.
please send me the detail information about MSc distance education offering universitys in detail and the information how to contact and how to the cource , fee details thanks
I dont know why the hell I wont find Correspondence deploma colleges in Bangalore , offering Electrical and Electronics, Can any body help me regarding this matter.
Dear Sir,
I am vikas kiran working in IT Company. I have finished my ssc , Now I want to do diploma in electricals & electronics , through recognized University. and I want to know what is the role of mentor?
Kindly Guide me.
vikas kiran
send me list of universities offering m.phil courses through correspondence
dear sir,
i have completed my diploma in electrical and electronics engineering now i need to complete my engineering so please help me sending the list of universities providing correspondance education in the field of electrical and electronics engineering in india.
i hope i will get a reply soon.
thanking you,
I want the list of universities/colleges offering correspondence diploma in electrical
Please send me list of distance eductation universities in Andhra, karnataka and tamilnadu
thanking you sir
respected sir/madam, i have completed my M.Sc in microbiology,now i want to do M.Phil through distance education, please give me the details of universities in karnataka and tamil nadu that offers distance education. please send me the last date of application for the admission.
thank you.
Dear Sir,
I am Gayathri working in IT Company. I have finished my B.E in Telecommunication in 2003. Now I want to do MS through online,from recognized Unversity. and I want to know what is the role of mentor?
Kindly Guide me.