Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam 2012
Madurai Kamaraj University is one among the prominent universities in the state of Tamilnadu providing various under graduate courses, post graduate courses, professional courses, research oriented courses, job-oriented courses, certificate, diploma, higher diploma, post graduate diploma courses and so on. The university conducts entrance exams every year for the admittance of aspirants to its Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D program in Genomics.
Structure of Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam
Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam will be of objective multiple choice type which has to be answered within 100 minutes. The test is mainly to check the basic awareness of the candidates about the core subjects.
Syllabus of Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam
The questions for the entrance exam will be from the core subjects one has pursued in their under graduate program. Some of the topics are listed below
- Immunology and Cell Biology
- Genetics and Cytogenetics
- Analytical Techniques
- Bimolecular structure and Bioinformatics
- Molecular Biology
- Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology technique
- Human Genetics
- Genomics, Proteomics and Nano-biotechnology
- Frontiers in Genomics
- Bimolecular Structure and Bioinformatics
- Gene Regulation and Evolution
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Bio molecules
- Introduction to Genomics and Proteomics
- Introduction to Basic Biophysical and Biochemical Techniques
- Molecular Genetics
- Bioinformatics
- Molecular Biology Tools and Techniques
- Principles of Genetics Engineering and Techniques
- Structural and Functional Genomics
- Bacterial and Eukaryotic Genomics
- Introductory Biological Chemistry
- Immunogenetic
- Biophysical Chemistry
- Cell biology and Genetics
- Bioenergetics and Bio membranes
- Animal and Plant Physiology
- Bio-statistics and computer
- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology
- Animal & Plant Biotechnology
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics course, the candidate should have completed their bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in any of the science subjects with minimum aggregate of 55% marks. Students with B.Tech (in Biotechnology, Computer Science, Information Technology and Bioinformatics) background can also apply provided they have studied biology at 10+2 level.
How to Apply?
The application forms for the Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam of Madurai Kamaraj University can be obtained from the website URLs, The completed application form along with demand draft of Rs. 600/- has to be submitted before the due date to The Registrar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalainagar, Madurai-625 021.
How to fill the Form?
Candidates must read the brochure carefully before filling the application form. All the details regarding the course and the person should be properly filled without any error. All the columns must be filled by furnishing the exact details.
Important Dates (Tentative)
[Please note that we only provide tentative dates based on previous years dates. For exact dates related information it is always best to check official websites only.]
Availability of Prospectus and Applications from Website: Mid of January, 2012
Last date for submitting filled-in application: Last week of February, 2012
Date of Entrance Exam: Last week of March, 2012
List of Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam Centres
- Madurai
- Kolkata
- Chennai
- Mumbai
- Bangalore
- New Delhi
- Hyderabad
- Thiruvananthapuram
Contact Address for Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam
- Address: The Registrar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalainagar, Madurai-625 021
- Email:,
- Phone No: 0452-2459122
- Fax: 0452-2459181, 0452-2458788
- Website:
Colleges Accepting the Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam Score
Madurai Kamaraj University
Reference Books for Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam
- Genomics by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome , John Mc Brewster
- Genomics by Starkey
- Genomics by Mike Starkey, Ramnath Elaswarapu
- Genomes by Hillary E Sussman, Maria Smit
- Genome by J Perry Gustafson, Randy Shoemaker, John W Snape
- Genomics by Annadurai B
- Transducing the Genome by Zweiger
- Biotechnology & Genomics by Gupta Pk
- Introduction to Genomics by Arthur Lesk
- Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics by Sandy B Primrose, Richard Twyman, S B Primrose
- Plant Genomes (Genome Dynamics) by Jean Nicolas Volff
- Genome Mapping and Genomics in Arthropods by Wayne Hunter
- Genome Mapping and Genomics in Arthropods by Wayne Hunter, Chittaranjan Kole
- Bioinformatics: Genomics and Post- Genomics by Frederic Dardel , Francois Kepes , Noah Hardy
- Bioinformatics: Genomics and Post- Genomics by Frederic Dardel , Francois Kepes , Noah Hardy
- Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics by Sandy B Primrose, Richard Twyman
- Genomic Imprinting by J F Wilkins, Jon F Wilkins
- Analysing Genome by Subramanian C
- Genes and Genomics by Dilip K Arora , Randy M Berka
- Comparative Genomics by Melody Clark
- Statistical Genomics by Ben Hui Liu
- Resurrection Genome by Helen T Ritchie
- Functional Genomics by Denis B Conniffe , Michael J Brownstein , Arkady B Khodursky
- Human Genome by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John Mc Brewster
- Microbial Genomes by Karen E Nelson, Timothy D Read, Claire M Fraser
- The Genome War by James Shreeve , Grover Gardner
- Prokaryotic Genomes by Niyaz Ahmed
- Cancer Genomics by L A Cannizzaro
- Genome Evolution by Dover Publications Inc G
- Genes and Genomes by Paul Berg Maxine Singer
- Genomic Imprinting by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John Mc Brewster
- Genome Refractoring by Natalie Kuldell , Neal Lerner
- Functional Genomics by Chris Town
- Cereal Genomics by P K Gupta, R K Varshney , Pushpendra Kumar Gupta
- Fungal Genomics by Dilip K Arora , George G Khachatourians
- Genes and Genomes by Maxine Singer, Charlene Kornberg, Paul Berg
- Genome Duplication by Melvin Depamphilis, Stephen D Bell
- Genome Mapping by Paul H Dear
- Genomic Imprinting by Wolf Reik, Azim Surani , Reik
- Genomics Protocols by Michael P Starkey, Ramnath Elaswarapu
- The Implicit Genome by Lynn Caporale
- Nutritional Genomics by Lambert M Surhone, Miriam T Timpledon , Susan F Marseken
- Prokaryotic Genomics by Michel Blot
- Chemical Genomics by Ferenc Darvas, Andras Guttman , Gyorgy Dorman
- Environmental Genomics by C Cristofre Martin
Coaching Centers for Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam
- Grass root Academy
- Sahar Institute
- Premier Institute of Biotechnology
- Pathfinder Academy
- National Brain Research Centre
- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Kamat education
- Santushti Foundation
- Brilliance Tutorial
- Step up Coaching Centre
- Progress Coaching Centre
- Tandom
- Prime Academy Private Limited
- Zephyr
Study Plan
The students have to be well prepared for clearing the entrance exam. They should be thorough about each topic in the syllabus. It’s better to study with proper timing. One has to spend at least 2 hours daily for preparation. Students should also give emphasis to revision.
How and Where To Get the Results?
The result of Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam can be obtained from the official website of the university.
Score Validity
The validity of Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam will be for 12 months.
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4 Responses to “Madurai Kamaraj University Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam 2012”
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how many seats are there in Integrated M.Sc. – Ph.D in Genomics Entrance Exam 2012 in Madurai Kamaraj University .