18th June 2010, 05:17 AM
surabhi mehra
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What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

i am a Bsc.biotech student. i would like to know what do we mean by integrated pHd which can be done after graduation? it is of how many years ?and is it more preferrable doing integrated phd after graduation than donig Msc then phd after graduation?

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  3. Whether Integrated PhD is preferable over M.Sc and PhD?
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  5. Integrated PhD has more value than PhD done after M.Sc? Duration of course and good universities for it?
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  12. List of institutes with fee structure which offer Integrated PhD in Physics for B.Sc 1st year candidate? Course duration and entrance exams to get admission?
  13. Does Integrated PhD(Biological Science) of IISC include Master's Degree also? What kind of qualification and jobs I can get through this? Can I mention Doctor prefix to my name?
  14. Is it possible to do M.Sc again as a part of integrated PhD?
  15. PhD after 5 year integrated M.Sc. course
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  17. Where can I apply to do PhD or Integrated PhD having 96 percentile and 376 AIR in GATE?
  18. List of top universities which provides M.Sc Ph.D integrated course?
18th June 2010, 01:55 PM
Amritansu subh
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Dear,its of 2 years and its better that doing separately as it saves your time as well as money
18th June 2010, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

good to you are complete graduation then after to prepare for b.e.d. exam paper then you can clear so you can join p.hd.
19th June 2010, 04:51 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Hello surabhi,

Let us make it very simple. If after graduation, you have made up your mind to go for Phd, then without going for Masters and than Phd seperately, you may pursue integrated Phd, which is a combined course of the both.
The programme has been designed to reduce the unneccessary academic period for deserving candidates.
There is no such difference in the recognition of Phd done through integrated programme or done in the orthodox way,i.e. after masters.
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7th July 2010, 11:37 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

iam doing my b.sc.,plant biology and plant biotechnology now.iam i eligible to apply for integrated ph.d?what is the course duration and fee structure?
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7th August 2010, 03:10 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Is integrated ph.d available ?
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19th August 2010, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

what is integrated MPhil-Phd course?
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25th August 2010, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

I am a B.Sc biotech student.I am intersted in doing integrated Ph.D.Please tell me the colleges which are offering integrated Ph.D in biotech in Andhre pradesh
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31st August 2010, 06:10 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

I am BSc physics final year student in Mahathma Gandhi University, I would like to join for MSC in astrophysics and do my Phd after the PG.

From which institute I can do both.
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5th September 2010, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

i am bsc final year with maths,electronics ,computer science subjects from Bangalore university............? am i eligible to write the entrance for integrated phd...?
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27th October 2010, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

i am bsc final year student, i wanna to go for integrated phd in chemistry how to apply for that entrance..? which are the good books to reffer..
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29th November 2010, 12:38 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

sir plz suggest me that any age limit is require for doing integrated phd.
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9th December 2010, 02:52 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

This is ashwini am ding my 2nd yr BSc (CBZ) in bangalore. I wanted to do MSc in wildlife can u plz lemmme knw if integrated phD would help me out in any wayz plz lemme knw....
I will be waiting for ur reply. plz plz plz............
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12th December 2010, 01:25 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

i m an electrical engineer. Can I do integrated PhD?
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13th December 2010, 09:52 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

can of course u can do integreted phd
integreted phd means that its the combination both the master degree and also the phd
u can save a lot of time in doing integreted phd
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20th December 2010, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Dear Sir/mam,
please tell me minimum and Maximum duration of PH.D.?
also tell me minimum and maximum duration after MBA and other degree ?
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25th December 2010, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

What is the duration of integrated phd in agril. engg.
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25th December 2010, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Originally Posted by surabhi mehra View Post
i am a Bsc.biotech student. i would like to know what do we mean by integrated pHd which can be done after graduation? it is of how many years ?and is it more preferrable doing integrated phd after graduation than donig Msc then phd after graduation?
Intregarted Phd is the course by which you can complete MSc and phd in a 4 years.It saves you a year.Beside this you can complete your masters and doctorate by a single entrance test.

Separate Phd and Integrated Phd are same value in present scenerio.

all the best.
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25th December 2010, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is integrated MPhil-Phd course?
Intregrated MPhil-Phd is the course by which you can complete Mphil and phd in a 4 years/5 years.you can complete your masters and doctorate by a single entrance test.

all the best.
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26th December 2010, 12:37 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

when you take msc it takes you 2years to complete and after that if you take phd it also takes 2 years totally it takes for years to complete the course.but integrated course means you can do msc and phd combindly with in two years by a single entrance exam that was conducted independently by universities and this integrated phd has also have equal importance in the present scenery so it saves time and also money and you can fastly settled in life.
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26th December 2010, 11:11 PM
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Smile Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Originally Posted by surabhi mehra View Post
i am a Bsc.biotech student. i would like to know what do we mean by integrated pHd which can be done after graduation? it is of how many years ?and is it more preferrable doing integrated phd after graduation than donig Msc then phd after graduation?

well friend,

first of all you should choose your course after the graduation.

if you want to persue Ph.d but not Masters then you can have option of persuing both ..which is integrated courses.

ADvantages are
duration of courses become less.

and there's no difference b/w doing the above and the regular one.

good luck.
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28th December 2010, 02:00 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Actually, Integrated PhD gets you M.Sc. and PhD in 4 years instead of 5. You can thus, attempt this if you want to specialize in your field by obtaining doctoral degree.
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9th February 2011, 09:52 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Originally Posted by surabhi mehra View Post
i am a Bsc.biotech student. i would like to know what do we mean by integrated pHd which can be done after graduation? it is of how many years ?and is it more preferrable doing integrated phd after graduation than donig Msc then phd after graduation?
Hello Surabhi,

Integrated course Master and Ph.D course combines. Its for 3 or 4 years duration. It depends on the university.
Its more preferable to do M.Sc and then go for Ph.D because it will be more valued and more comfortable.

All the best.
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11th February 2011, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

how many years it takes to do ph.D? after completion of m.sc.
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12th February 2011, 02:19 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Originally Posted by surabhi mehra View Post
i am a Bsc.biotech student. i would like to know what do we mean by integrated pHd which can be done after graduation? it is of how many years ?and is it more preferrable doing integrated phd after graduation than donig Msc then phd after graduation?
integrated phd means msc+phd.
the course is of 5years.......
well idepend upon you whether you want to go integrated phd or not..
msc then phd is better then integrated phd.
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15th February 2011, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

I am Bsc final yr student (physics). I have near 55% marks. Can i get a chance in integrated phd?
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15th February 2011, 11:33 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

I am Bsc final yr student(physics). I have 52.5% marks. Can i get a chance for intigrated phd cource?
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23rd February 2011, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

actually am doin electronics nd instrumentation engineering final year,can i do integreted phd??
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25th February 2011, 04:20 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

In which colleges integrated phd course are available?
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12th March 2011, 12:12 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

sir, i am doing b.e mechanical engineering. i want to join a integrated phd course.. could you please what type of phd courses offered in iisc.. what is the time period for integrated phd course ?
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16th March 2011, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Is the stype fund also given to Integrated PhD. students similar to the PhD. students..?
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19th April 2011, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

hello ,
can u help me out for list of guides in mumbai univeristy who take students of integrated Phd?
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2nd June 2011, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

am a IIND YEAR bsc student, i wish to do integrated phd in chemistry. can u please tell me how should i apply for that. how to apply for the entrance, which books to reffer. and which college offers this integrated course in chennai??
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3rd June 2011, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Is it wise to choose mtech and then phd or integrated msc (engg) phd. Which one is more preferable/ Also please comment about duration and expences..........

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3rd June 2011, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

among integrated phd and ms.c phd..which is more valuable?or both r same?which is more preferable?
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8th June 2011, 11:03 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

i m a student of bsc biotechnology... sir can you plz name some of the colleges offering integrated course in banglore
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11th June 2011, 07:39 PM
amit gaur054
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

My dear friend........ear,its of 2 years and its better that doing separately as it saves your time as well as money

best of luck...
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22nd June 2011, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

I did BSc - physics 72% - 2008 , and MSc-Materials Science 8.87 cgpa -2010 ,i have 11 months Research and Development experiences in CECRI-KARAIKUDI. I would like to join mphil materials science this year- 2011, after i will finish my mphil. i will take lecturer jobs in engineeing/arts, and science colleges. Is it eligible for physics lecture job in engineering/arts and science colleges? Do u have any suggestion plz send my mail id [email protected]
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27th June 2011, 02:01 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Hi dear,

first of all you should choose your course after the graduation.

if you want to persue Ph.d but not Masters then you can have option of persuing both ..which is integrated courses.

ADvantages are
duration of courses become less.

and there's no difference b/w doing the above and the regular one.

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8th July 2011, 11:37 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Career options after 3rd year standard with 70% marks in Physics Honours?
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20th July 2011, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Hi, I'm Sk Amanullah, BSc 3rd year student in Chemistry. Is there any oppertunity to study in IISc Bangalore and what is the program?
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14th August 2011, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

hi, m priya nd m in final year of my graduation in microbiology. I want 2 to do integrated M.Sc nd phd course in any field of microbiology. Plz tell me abt those universities which offer such courses.
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15th August 2011, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

hi, m Furqan nd m in final year of my .B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. I want 2 to do integrated M.Tech nd phd course in any field of Mechanica Engineering. Plz tell me abt those universities which offer such courses and what r the elegibility criteria and what percentage wouuld i get in my B.Tech.

Please guide me and told me at the mail :- [email protected], [email protected]
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15th August 2011, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Hi dear,

first of all you should choose your course after the graduation.

if you want to persue Ph.d but not Masters then you can have option of persuing both ..which is integrated courses.

ADvantages are
duration of courses become less.

and there's no difference b/w doing the above and the regular one.

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2nd September 2011, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

i have to do integrated phd, so what i have to proceed?
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5th September 2011, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

I'm s.pethuraj i am doing B.sc physics in st.joseph's college i want to know the information about int phd in iisc .Could they provide stipend for during full program .What is the duration for int phd?
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14th September 2011, 10:04 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

hi m kumar nd m in final year of my graduation in microbiology. I want 2 to do integrated M.Sc nd phd course in any field of microbiology. Plz tell me abt those universities which offer such courses.
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15th September 2011, 02:07 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

Hi dear,

Candidates will have to undergo an interview. Candidate’s performance in the interview will play a major part in the final selection for the posts.

Last date for the reciept of Application is 16 January 2010.

For more information visit http://www.hal-india.com
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25th September 2011, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

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10th October 2011, 04:34 PM
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Default Re: What is Integrated PhD? Duration of Integrated PhD? is it more preferable then doing MSc and PhD separately?

hello sir i am a student of b.sc 2nd year(chemistry).i want to do integrated phd.is it as valuable as the orthodox manner i.e. after m.sc? And what the streams are there in chemistry for phd?
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