NATA Papers
NATA stands for National Aptitude Test in Architecture and is meant for those candidates who want to pursue their career in the field of Architecture. This exam is the doorway for them through which they can get admission into Architecture colleges.
The Test measure the aptitude of the candidates towards this particular subject i.e. Architecture and their aesthetic sensitivity (logical understanding, 3D visualization etc.). The test also tests the critical thinking of the candidates that are related to the subject of Architecture and which they have acquired by their experience over a long duration of time.
The aesthetic sensitivity test is an online test and is of one hour duration and the drawing test is a paper based test and is of 2 hours duration. Aesthetic test is held after the candidates have appeared for the drawing tests.
Drawing Section: The candidates are scored based on their observation skills and imagination. In memory drawing, the perspective and sense of proportion of the candidates are evaluated. Candidates are not awarded scores if they have not drawn either of the 2 drawings in that section.
Aesthetic Sensitivity Section: Candidates are given scores based on the performance on the given questions and on the total number of questions answered by them in the allotted time.
Download NATA Papers
- How to fill National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) forms?
- Registration Process for NATA 2013
- How to prepare for the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA)
- NATA Eligibility Criteria
- NATA Coaching Institutes
- Application Form of NATA Entrance Exam
- Admission to B.Arch through NATA Exam
- Procedure to become an Architect after 12th
- Question Answers Set#4
- Goa College of Architecture, Panaji
- NATA 2012 National Aptitude Test in Architecture
- Manipal Institute of Technology 2011 Architecture
- Allana College of Architecture, Pune
- Scholarships for B.Tech & B.Arch in LPU
- How to prepare for B.Arch Entrance Exams?
Do you have any question? Please ask:
339 Responses to “NATA Papers”
Dear Sir/Madam,
As mentioned above, my name is Aarthee and i am studying in 12th grade, KFI. i am planning to do architecture and i am aware of NATA. i had thought that it would be useful if i could get hold of past years NATA papers but i cannot find them. i would like to have the question papers with solutions.
can you also suggest some good reading materials?
Aarthee M
Sir .. what rank we want in NATA
for addmission in the best college of architecture
Sir,i am a student of std 12th and want to prepare for NATA.I want to know what % in 12th required for the NATA and which type of creativity or sketching must need for NATA.also want to know that in which month this exam will be held on 2014.
Sir,i am a student of std 12th and want to prepare for NATA.I want to know what % in 12th required for the NATA and which type of creativity or sketching must need for NATA.also want to know that in which month this exam will be held on 2014.
will u send me the syllebus of nata and last 10 years nata papers with solution and drawings…….pls…..pls….
send my email id
will u send me the last 4 years nata question papers with their solutions and drawings…….pls…pls…………
i want syllebus and sample papers of nata exam with their solutions on my email id
can u send me last 4 years nata paper with there solution including drawings and syllebus on my email id plz
i need sample question paper of 2013 solved online….so from which site i would get that????
can u send me last 3 years nata paper with there solution including drawings on my email id
what is aesthetic sensitivity test ?? which type of questions are asked ?
send me previous nata drawing quistion paper’s
what is nata syllabus?
in nata exam there is physics and chemistry subjects?
Sir, can u send me nata previous question paper and objective questions. pls….pls…i really need it
i want last 5 years solved question papers of NATA
please, give me last 6 years question paper with drawing solution as soon as possible
can i get the model question papers with their solutions?
pls send me previous nata question papers with answers
please say the last date for NATA entrance exam 2013
please can you send me nata previous year papers with solution
plz give me some natas quaestion papers with sollution
pls send me a nata objective questions & previous nata questions not drawing questions pls
please can you send me nata previous year papers with solution.
plese send me last 5 year NATA sample paper with solutions .
I want last 5 years solved question papers of NATA
please give me last 5 years nata question papers with solution
i need the last 5 years nata question papers with solutions. kindly mail me as soon as possible
please send me the last 3 years NATA question paper with solution
please give me last 5year nata online pepers with solutions.
What is the last date for registration for NATA and name the regitration center
piease give me last 5year nata sample papers with solutions
please give me last 5year nata online pepers with solutions.
Please send me one NATA sample paper with solutions
Please send me NATA drawing questions with solutions
Please send me previous nata drawing question papers
NATA score card is valid for 1 year or 2 years
please send me10 yrs nata question papers with solution & drawings.sketches with solutions . any home tutors for nata coaching
and minimum marks require for the exam to be qualified
i need questtion papers of previous iia aptitude tests and also need their valuated answer sheets.
please send me nata question papers with solution & drawings.sketches with solutions
please send me10 yrs nata question papers with solution & drawings.sketches with solutions . any home tutors for nata coaching
you can please send me nata entrance exam sample paper
please give me nata online 5 demo question paper.
please give me 5 nata online demo papers
you can please send me sketches in drawing test with solution and please send me privious 10 years question paper if you can provide for nata exam
plz send me last year paper plz,
Can you please send the sketches in drawing and the previous 10 years question papers for NATA
can I get seat in trichy nit by appearing in NATA exam only please tell me sir/madam
can you please send me some sketches in drawing test with solutions and
please send me previous 10 years question papers with solution if you can provide for NATA exams..
can you please send me some sketches in drawing test with solutions
please send me previous 10 years ouestionpapers with solution if you can provide for NATA exams..
Plz provide me some previous years ques papers as soon as possible. i would also like to know about the drawing test of NATA. thankyou….
i want modal question papers. i want NATA exam centers
plz send me model question papers of nata. And after taking admission for architecture, after which year we are able to use or we learn auto-cad. plz reply as quickly as possible
please send me last 5 years solved question papers as soon as possible and plz suggest me good reference book for nata exam
can anyone pls tell me about paper of nata entrance exam.. type of question and quantity hardness and more.. mail me thnx Rakesh
i want quetion paper of nata last 3 year
i need modal ques papers
what types of questions are asked in nata?
how can i get high marks
What are the instruments required for architectural study after 12?
plz send me last 2years question papers
please send me lst 5 years solved nata question papers including modal paper
plz send me nata previous 5 years question paper on my e- mail i.d as soon as possible ….!!!!!
please send me lst 5 years solved nata question papers including modal paper
please send me lst 5 years solved nata question papers including modal paper
i need questtion papers of previous iia aptitude tests and also need their valuated answer sheets.with score distribution
Is there free model question paper for nata exam.
please send previous years solved NATA question papers
plz suggest any good reference books for NATA test…
please kindlysend me previous years solved question papers
for NATA
I want NATA last five years question papers.
Kindly sent on my email id. it is humbly request to you.
i want some state of ideas related to drawing test in nata and add some sketches n scenarios with it ? i ‘ m keenly waiting for ur answer
please send me lst 5 years solved nata question papers including modal paper
Please can you send me few previous years question papers ?
Please send me 10 years solved question papers of NATA exam including model papers,please sir.and
i want sample question paper
Please send me the model papers of NATA. Thanks in Advance
.Where can I find last 10 years NATA question papers. Can you send
Please send me 10 years solved question papers of NATA exam including model papers,please sir.
sir please send me lst 5 years solved nata question papers
sir; please send me lst 5 years solved nata question papers including modal papers.
please send me 5 years solved nata question papers including model papers also please sir
send me mode to write nata entrance and 10 years solved qn papers of nata entrance pls sir
i need questions for practice in drawing test..
can u please send me a few sketches in drawing test for some practice and idea about how to appear the exam? thank you…
Sir can you please send me past five years papers of nata drawing as well as aesthetic sensetivity paper and their solutions.
can you please send me nata drawing questions with solution
please send me 5 year solved nata question papers including moddl papers also
please send me 5 years solved nata question papers including model papers also please sir
please send me 5 years solved nata question papers including model papers also please sir
when will nata2012 applications be published
Please arrange to send me NATA Architectre Entrance Exams Papers of previous 5 years.
Also please send 20 sample papers and 20 Demo papers.
Thank you.
nata 2012 application form ,and dates of the test,also question with solution.please gave me information soon
nata 2012 application form ,and dates of the test,also question with solution.please gave me information soon.
to which address , i should submit the form of nata examination?
I am doing diploma final year can i attend entrance exam for further studying in B.Arch.
Can u plz send me nata drawing question with solution
Please arrange to send me NATA Architectre Entrance Exams Papers of previous 5 years.
Also please send 20 sample papers and 20 Demo papers.
Thank you.
may i get any sample paper of iia aptitude test
can u please send nata question papers with solution…it will help me a lot…(at least 1 question paper with solution)
pl tell me about nata
last date of NATA ENTRANCE EXAM?
Please arrange to send me NATA Architectre Entrance Exams Papers of previous 5 years.
Also please send 20 sample papers and 20 Demo papers.
Thank you.
Sir,i am a B.Tech 4th year student of E.C.E of WBUT board.But i have a interest on architecture.Am i eligible for NATA exam?Or how can i give it.My age is 22+.After over my B.Tech will i do any course on architecture?
What are the scope of architect?
How many time one can write the NATA examination?
hey plz give me 10 to 20 papers for nata exami… wid solution plz….
please sent me 10 sample papers and online demo papers for Nata with solution.
please sent me 10 NATA sample papers and online exam demo papers with solution.
please sent me 10 NATA sample papers and online exam demo papers.
please sent me 10 NATA sample papers and online exam demo papers. plezzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
i want10 nata aptitude papers iwant to score good in aptitude please give me
i want 10 nata aptitude papers iwant to score good in aptitude
i whan free nata 10-20 papers to download
Please provide me with 5-10 sample papers of nata as i have exam in4 days.
Respected sir/mam i want to know about the level and what type of question paper come in nata so that while appearing in exam i may know the pattern
i want to know the nata question type. please guide me. its so urgent .
how many marks wants in NATA & 12th class
dear sir,
can u send me the nata model question papers
sir, i need more online questions for neans aesthetic sensitivity
sir i want NATA previous year Sample paper….
Pls suggest me sir…
i have nata exam in 2 days i wants 3d questions and solutoins please
please give me some previous ques paper of nata exam with solutoon
i want some free online aptitude test for preparation of nata.
all the questions written below have beeh solved or not?????
please give me some previous questions of nata exam with sol
can u send me the nata model question papers ?
i want sample question paper
sir, what should i do after passing nata//// plese reply
lease give me some previous questions of nata exam with solutions
please give me some previous questions of nata exam with solutions
i need some nata previous papers online and drawing
plz giv me some previous questions of nata exam with solution
please give me some previous questions of nata exam with solutions.
its urgent as i am writing the exam day after tommorow
Plz give me some solved quetion paper for nata exam
please give me some previous questions of nata exam with solutions
pls send me previous nata papers with solutions
Respected sir/madam,
Can u sent me a model question papers for National aptitude test in architecture.
hi sir please send last year nata question (solved)
I want the pattern, some solved question papers and the study material for nata examination. Kindly help me in my study for appearing in Nata examination
I want the pattern, some solved question papers and the study material for nata examination. Kindly help me in my study for appearing in Nata examination
can i get my desired date of entrance exam….????
plz mail me….
hi guys this is an exclusive coaching centre for nata in HYDERABAD new batches are starting soon for details contact 8019263319-chaitanya korra hyderabad
are there any other dtails related to architect engineering admision for 2011-2012 nata test? i have got 86.2 percentage in cbse class 12th result, would it help me in getting admission in any of the reputed architect colleges?
respected sir/mam
i just wanted some sample papers of nata on my id so that i get some basic knowledge
Please send some sample papers to my ID so that i get some basic knowledge of how the question paper will be……..
Respected Sir/Madam
can you send me NATA previous yers question papers & sample papers of 2011 with solutions
plz tell me i m intrested i n b.arc i want to give an entrance test in arc. bt i don’t know wat the proses to get addmison to appear in exam. i m from ahemdabad from where i can get exam form?? pleas tell me as soon as possible….
my name is blessonthomas.i am completed my 11th education.i am interesting to study b.arc after my 12th class.if there any special coching for nata entrence exam?
where was the best coching center in kerala?
Can u plz send me sample question papers of nata??
Can u plz send me previous years question papers of nata??
i want last year question paper of nata
i want last year question paper of nata
im intrested to do b.arc after my 12th so what i am suposed to verify to get a best rank in b.arc entrence exam .plz suggest me what are the exams which take entrence of it.what is the material in which i can get refference of questions to be asked.what is the best score so far.i am merit student so which rank do i supposed to get to get seat in best colleges.what are the colleges do we have so far for b.arc.
i have complited my 11th .im intrested to do b.arc after my 12th so what i am suposed to verify to get a best rank in b.arc entrence exam .plz suggest me what are the exams which take entrence of it.what is the material in which i can get refference of questions to be asked.what is the best score so far.i am merit student so which rank do i supposed to get to get seat in best colleges.what are the colleges do we have so far for b.arc.
sir, can u plz send previous question papers of nata with solutions as soon as possible….cuz im taking nata this time thank u
i want previous nata paper with solution
respected sir i would glad if i could get the previous year question papers with their answer keys on free so that i could prepare for the examination clearly,efficiently,confidently and moreover without any fear .. THANK YOU.
can you pls send me NATA MCQs with solution?
please send me nata previous question paper with solution
As am promoted to 2nd intermediate of AP, when will i be eligible to write the NATA? Do i need to take any coaching?….if so where will i get the coaching? Please answer my questions…
i want last year question paper of nata
Using in desired numbers,the basic geometric shapes found in in a bicycle ,make a visually appealing composition without overlaping the pieces,and colour it using three colours in a medium of your choice
need of NATA aptitude question get clear idea about NATA exam.and also previous year question paper.
please send me nata previous question paper with solution
please tell me streams under architecture programe and procedure to how to do counclling through NATA
send me the Nata study material
please send me NATA previous year question papers.
i want previous year questions of NATA entrance exam with solution . so that i will be able to attempt the exam very confidently also give me all information about NATA. Collages, scope,goverment job, pay etc….. plzzzzzz i shall be highly thankful to u……
plz sir, help me . I am a student of 3d animation but i don’t know how to draw , i every time become comfuse on that way .
plz send me nata previous year question papers to face exam with confidence and without fear plz ., thank you.
Respected sir/madam,
Plz send me the previous year question paper along with the key. So it will be helpfull to me to face the exam confidence.
thanking you ,
i wanted nata sample papers(aesthetic sensitivity test),i will be highly obliged if you do the need ful. thank you
i have to clear my nata exam. but i haven’t information about please give me information about it.
plz send me nata previous year question papers to face exam with confidence and without fear
please ……. send me last year’s NATA question paper with solution.
sir plz send me last year paperwhith solution.
i want the sketches of previous nata exams
i’m taking up nata for the first time and i wanted to know about which book to refer and wanted a brief jist about the drawing exam….and plzz send me the mock test papers to my id…plzzzzzzz
Respected sir,
Sir can i get the previous year’s solved question paper.
please send it fast because that would help in preparing for entrance exam.
sir plz send me last year paperwhith solution.
sir pls sent me the previous year question paper if u could provide me the solution to that questions it will be a great pleasure.
pls send me NATA model question papers to get an idea and face the exam without fear…?
i want NATA model question paper to face the exam without fear and to get an idea pls..?
i’m taking up nata for the first time and i wanted to know about which book to refer and wanted a brief jist about the drawing exam….and plzz send me the mock test papers to my id….plzzz
Pls sent me the previous year question papers….
respected sir,
plz can i get nata sample papers with solutions plzzz,
it wil help me in entrence plz sir ……
can i please get the solution set of NATA exam.can you please send it to me on my mail address…pls
when is the last date for the form give to test center
i wants to sample nata question and answer
respected sir & friend,
please send me Nata question paper 2010 solved and model question paper for 2011
when the form is available
please send me sample papers and previous years paers of nata.
send me some sample papers sir
sir/maam i want to know if i am doing self preparation for nata and aieee(b.arch) which all type of books are required
Pls sent me the previous year question papers….
R.Sir, can you please send me nata previous question papers with solutions….thank you..
dear sir, please inform me from where should i get training for nata test.? please suggest the coaching class in mumbai.
sir, plz send me nata sample question papers with solutions & 2010 exam papers with solution…n can u tell me when nata entrance exam will be conducted n is b-arch a gud option for carrier . if yes than how to prepare for getting into a renown college..also plz give some details about gud colleges in mumbai…..
respected friend,
please send me Nata question paper 2010 solved and model question paper for 2011
what should i do to join in architectural college but i am studying diploma in civil engineering course in second year?
Can you please send me NATA sample question papers with solutions(including key)
Best Regards
sir, I have some problem’s plz clear that sir .us will how prepear be for pratice.plt talk………..
Dear Sir,
Hope you must be having the CD pertaining to NATA Tutorial and if so please inform me the cost of the same since my son wish to appear for NATA 2011 examination.
With regards,
Walter Roche
where do u advise me to take up nata exams in karnataka?
sir/mam, plz send me nata sample question papers with solutions & 2010 exam papers with solution…n can u tell me when nata entrence exam will be conducted n is b-arch a gud option for carrier than b-tech? if yes than how to prepare for getting into a renown college..also plz give some details about gud colleges in mumbai..
Please send me NATA sample question papers with solutions(including key)
plz plz….sir send me nata2010 exam paper with solution….
Hi sir/mam,
pls may i get some sample question papers of NATA, aptitude test?
sir please send me nata2010 exam paper with solution.
sir pls tell me what is the best way to qualify nata
plzzzz send me nata model q paper with key
i want nata sample papers along with answers .pls send me
i want to know that from where i will got the aieeeb.arch previous year question papers?
how to appear for the nata exam..???
do i have to go for any classes regarding nata??
could u plz send me few sample papers with solutions…
thank you…
1st Time in North West Delhi
NATA Coaching Classes and Crash Course
NATA Entrance Exam Preparation
Registration Open
10% Early Bird Discount for Booking before 26th Jan. 2011.
Study Material Provided
Mock Tests
HIghly Qualified Faculty
100% Achievement
Contact at 8010305080
I want to give NATA but i’ve got no idea about the type of questions asked and the way to answer them. I would like to view some solved sample questions. Please help me out of this!
pls tell me what type of questions are exactly asked in nata… which type of drawings are asked n in 2nd paper MCQs are based on what sylllabus ……………..?
what book should I prefer for nata exam???
can i get nata question papers?
plzzzzzzzz send the sample papers along with the answers . .
pl send nata q papers sample
s v babu
i want a sample paper for b arch please send me..
I want sample question of B arch & solution.
Please send me.
Moumita Sen
sir ,
pls…..send me previous nata exam question and nata &aieee b arch…. paper with solution
i want sample question papers.
is nata a Barch Degree or diploma.
I want to pursue my career in archtitecture and want to get admitted at colleges in west bengal but am not sure how to appeart for nata 2011.please help me.
sir ,
pls…..send me previous nata exam question and nata &aieee b arch…. paper with solution…………………
please send me nata & aieee b.arch exam paper of may 2010 with solution
plz send me solved paper of nata & aieee b.arch as soon as possible..
To take admission in Arch college NATA is the entrance test or one can get adm thrugh AIEEE also.
What is good? How the admission process is the ranking based on only NATA or 12th Marks & Drawing intermediate grades are also considered?
can you send me nata previous question papers with solutions…………and some smples of drawing exam of nata! pls…………..asap
sir,i have passed class 12th in 2009,i never appeared for nata,,,but iam interested to give nata 2011,can i give the nata ?? please reply sir,,,i would be real happy to get a reply from you…..have a nice day

When will the NATA exam held in the year 2011?
If am interested to appaer in exam from where shall i get the application form?
dear sir,
it would be very nice if you could give a sample paper for drawing .as well as the theory part .
Could you also put the free smaple solved papers of nata on the website .( just a suggestion)
please send me previous year nata question papers with solution thanks.
sir can you send me nata previous question papers with solutions.
sir… i want to nata question paper with solution.. plz.. send me question paper…
plz send me previous year nata question papers
sir,i want previous aptitude test questions with answers plzzzzzzzzz sir
sir i want previous nata drawing questions and with solutions pls sir
sir can you send me nata previous question papers with solutions…………and some smples of drawing exam of nata!
i want solved question papers of NATA. can u plzz send me.
sir i have less marks in 12th but i have intrest in Barch plz sir can u give to me any sugesition
i want sample paper (nata) examination with solutions
sir,can i get nata question paper with answer(drawing exam,online exam) year 2009-2010,plz send of both exam.
could you plzzz send me some smples of drawing exam of nata!
sir can you send me nata previous question papers with solutions
Could you pliz…send me the nata question 4 both online exam n drawing exam?Pliz…i need it soon.
if i finish my diploma in civil engineering in december 2010 so how can i applied in nata it means what is the date span of admission in nata
can you pls send me provide yr question paper. . .
can u plz send me nata’s model papers as soon as possible……….
or 4m where can i get sample papers in aptitude
sir,plz help me to get some nata apptitude test exam
sir can you send me nata previous question papers with solutions
sir what is the procedure for counselling of nata????i wanna know asap
can you send me previous question papers..plzzzzzzzzzzz
sir can you pl send the model question paper for online exam
sir can you send me previous question papers
from where will i get the study materials for NATA entrance test plz response soon
can you plese send me sample paper of nata.
can you please send me sample paper for NATA -2010
sir 2012 ke liye mai kab entrance test of architect ke apply kar sakti hu
entrance test of architect
solved paper for nata
can you please send me the sample paper for nata test
How will i prepare myself for nata&
Can you sugest any reference book for nata
To be frank,I don’t know to draw “3D COMPOSITIONAL DRAWINGS”.So I request you to send me some questions and answers in drawings regarding “NATA”.
Can I please get the model papers for aptitude test in architecture…
can u please send me nata previous years question papers with all solutions and sketches as well..
can you please send me the samples skecthes for nata
can u send me the nata model question papers
Respected sir/mam i want to know about the level and type op question paper of nata so that while appearing in exam i may be know the pattern.
plz tell me or send me a last year question paper so that all my doubts n question be cleared.
Respected sir/mam i want to know about the level and type op question paper of nata so that while appearing in exam i may be know the pattern.
plz tell me or send me a last year question paper so that all my doubts n question be cleared.
i wanna know the scopes of architecture after 5-6 yrs…….how much i cn earn in this field
i want to knw d minimum marks required in nata to get a good college ranking within top 50… n i also want to know the marking scheme of nata… plz help.
i have to prepare for NATA exam and want to take any coaching for that from which i can get some knowledge about the exam and also get exposure of it.My question is that from where do i find the coaching or tution .
sir, i m 2 interested in nata i want 2 score good marks please tell me how i can score good marks tell me which type of question they ask please sir
i got 115 in nata exam 4 architecture could u suggest me some colleges based on ma scores
sir,what are the general knowledge questions asked in nata? my friends say that they as names of architects and various materials used in the construction of building, like marbles,ceiling,names of various parts of building as i dont know what they are called .i have searched hard for it on google but didnt got anything so kindly help me and plz find a solution to my problem, please send me an email my id is [email protected] THANK YOU
I don’t know what type of question asked in nata entrance test exam?
can i get the sample papers of nata nd plz suggest me a book of nata……
From which site can I get online sample papers for the NATA exam 2010?
sir,plz tell me the site for getting sample nata papers with answers.i need to get a good score.i will be happyif u do it early
plz tell me the site for getting sample nata papers with answers & the books i need to refer to get a good score.I’ll be very greatful to u.
thank u.
Respected Sir,
Please tell the site from i can get sample papers for nata or if u can send me sample papers as many as possible.
I’ll be very happy if u do so early.
Respected Sir,
Please tell the site for getting the sample papers for nata or if u send smaple papers as any as u can on my site.
I’ll be very thankful to u if u do so early.
sir in mathmatics my marks is 40 i am apply for natn exam
With what reference we should study for the aesthetic sensitivity section?
respected sir,
i am facing problem in searching for nata sample papers with solutions online,i will be highly obeliged if you can send the sample papers as many as you can.
i want to do thorough practice before appearing for the exam.i will be eagerly waiting for your mail.
thank you!
please send me some model papers of nata..
can i get solved papers of nata so that i can get idea of how to solve………………………………………………………and what is the syllabus for the nata exam? where can we get the coaching if required? when are the nata forms available offline or online and from where will we get it if offline? which colleges give the admission based on nata score? please inform me as soon as possible…………………………………
plz give me reply as soon as possible …………
Hello !!! I m a student of B.arch 4th yr. Me along with my mates try to help out students appearing for NATA along with some solved question papers. So guys need some assistance can contact me by my email id: [email protected]
pls send me sme sample questons for nata…except 2009 year.. nd sme sample questions for computer based test…plz i,l bethankful 2 u.
i need the sample papers of previous yrs pppppplllllzzzzzzz do send me as soon as possible
can i get solved papers of NATA? for ideas how to solve the paper?
I am Interested to architect (B.Arch.). But I am Diploma pass out civil engg. student in this year. I am 10th pass and get a diploma. Now i am going to architect so what do I do.?
which date is the enterance exam form?
Send Me Next sessoin start date for admission.
Please reply me.
-ritesh patel (D.C.E.)
I am Interested to architect (B.Arch.). But I am Diploma pass out civil engg. student in this year. I am 10th pass and get a diploma. Now i am going to architect so what do u do.
which date is the enterance exam form?
Send Me Next sessoin start date for admission.
Please reply me.
-ritesh patel (D.C.E.)
I am Interested to architect (B.Arch.). But I am Diploma pass out civil engg. student in this year. I am 10th pass and get a diploma. Now i am going to architect so what do u do.
Please reply me.
-ritesh patel (D.C.E.)
pls send me previous year’s question papers & solved answer sheets………i’m very much needed………pls send me as soon as possible
can I get admission to JJ College of Architecture through NATA ?
please send me some sample papers , with answer sheet , and also sed me next session start date for admission
after complelt the nata test
plzzzzzzzzzzzz can i get solved papers of nata so that i can get idea of how to solve………………………………………………
I had given my 12th(commerce) exam.And i am interested in animation.Is there any entrance exam for animation?Which institute is best for animation?
i need previous year’s nata solved papers and solved nata sample papers so that i can get an idea and improve upon that. please send them as soon as possible. i will be grateful to you.thank you
how to apply for nata exam….
is der any dead date for applying.????
needed modl question papers
which kind of book can i prefer for nata entrance .
i need a some samples paper wuth answer for nata & aieee for practice & to crack this exam pls help me.
what is the syllabus for the nata exam? where can we get the coaching if required? when are the nata forms available offline? which colleges give the admission based on nata score? please inform me as soon as possible.
jst wanna see the syllabus of NATA 2010 entrance exam
which books should i refer such that they will help me for nata exam?
plz send me papers of nata exam-sample and previous year papers.plz send to me in solved form.
can i get solved papers of nata so that i can get idea of how to solve………………………………………………………and what is the syllabus for the nata exam? where can we get the coaching if required? when are the nata forms available offline or online and from where will we get it if offline? which colleges give the admission based on nata score? please inform me as soon as possible…………………………………
plz give me reply as soon as possible ………….
In the drawing section, please send me some examples… i would like to know how in what perspective the evaluaters expect our diagrams to be?
my parents went me to become engineer but i m interested in architecture,i had already filled the nata form so how can i convince my parents
in which college can i get admission by aiee architecture exam
Please send me the previous question papers, and tell me the exact date exam.
where do i get application forms for nata?
plz send me papers of nata exam-sample and previous year papers.plz send to me in solved form.
plz send me solved papers of nata exams of last 3-4 years.reply soon.
thank you!!
plz send me papers of nata exam-sample and previous year papers.plz send to me in solved form.
a candidate who belongs to uttar pradesh,can he appear for jNTU PACET 2010?PLZZ reply soon.
thak you!!
i need previous year’s nata solved papers and solved nata sample papers so that i can get an idea and improve upon that. please send them as soon as possible. i will be grateful to you.thank you.
i need previous year’s nata solved papers and solved nata sample papers so that i can get an idea and improve upon that. please send them as soon as possible. i will be grateful to you.thank you.
can i get solved papers of nata so that i can get idea of how to solve………………………………………………………and what is the syllabus for the nata exam? where can we get the coaching if required? when are the nata forms available offline or online and from where will we get it if offline? which colleges give the admission based on nata score? please inform me as soon as possible…………………………………
plz give me reply as soon as possible ………….
from where we get nata registration form for month of april 2010.
pls leme noe wen r d 4rms available n d whle procedure…. i hd bin 2 various links…bt nt getin it… hpe u help me Soon…………. its a request…n which books should i refer such that they will help me for nata tests???
i jst wanna see the syllabus of NATA 2010 entrance exam..
i want previous year nata exan papers
i wanted 2 see solved paper so tht i can get the idea of paper pattern and solving method pl do help…
which books should i refer such that they will help me for nata exam?
Could i see atleast one solved paper, so that i know what the examiners are expecting, MY HSC exam started on Feb only. what to do?
Could i see atleast one solved paper, so that i know what the examiners are expecting, because coaching starts only in feb and the anxiety builds up at that point so its easier to know now.
what is the syllabus for the nata exam? where can we get the coaching if required? when are the nata forms available offline? which colleges give the admission based on nata score? please inform me as soon as possible.
please tell me the date on which the nata entrance exam forms will be available in the market and from where i can get it ?