NIPER JEE 2012 Pharma
The body responsible for conducting NIPER JEE is NIPER. It is a common entrance test held on national level. NIPER JEE stands for National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Joint Entrance Examination. Students who wish to pursue post graduate courses in pharmacy can enroll for this test. There are number of courses offered in the field of pharmacy.
Structure of NIPER JEE
The duration of NIPER-JEE entrance test is 120 minutes. The paper will hold 200 questions. For more details candidates can see the information brochure. Questions will be mainly based on M.Pharm syllabus. Many other entrance tests follow the same pattern of syllabus. It can be said that the portions for NIPER- JEE has the same syllabus as that of GATE Entrance examination. But there is small change, in NIPER more importance is given to Basic Chemistry.
Syllabus of NIPER JEE
- Amino acids proteins
- Aromaticity
- Carbohydrates classification
- Chromatography
- Common condensation reactions like Aldol, Claisen Perkin, Dickmann, Darzen
- E and Z isomerism
- Huckel’s rule reaction mechanisms-Ester hydrolysis
- Hybridization
- Imine-enamine
- Introduction to Redox reactions
- Introduction to thermal methods of analysis
- IUPAC nomenclature
- Keto-enol tautomerism
- Medicinal chemistry and Bulk Drugs
- Mutarotation
- Osazone test
- Pericyclic reactions
- Reactions like Cannizarro’s reaction
- R and S nomenclature
- Racemic mixture
- Reaction kinetics, first second third and pseudo first order reactions, radio labeling for determination of mechanism.
- Resolution methods
- Spectroscopy
- Tautomerism
- Various Heterocycles, Heterocycle synthesis, reactions
Natural Products
- Phytochemistry
- Methods of extraction, isolation and characterization of natural products
- Biosynthetic pathways
- Primary metabolites
- Secondary metabolites
- Important therapeutic classes
- Dietary antioxidants
- Marine natural products
- Plant growth regulators
- Spectroscopy
- Fischer, sawhorse and newmon projection formulaes
- Biological sources of important classes of natural products
- Standardization of natural products
Pharmacology and toxicology
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacodynamics
- Pharmacological effect, desired, undesired, toxic, adverse effects
- Bioavailability, bioequivalence, various factors of ADME
- Drug metabolism
- Drug interactions, agonist, antagonist, protein binding, drug distribution, distribution volume, excretion pathways
- Pharmacological screening
- Mechanism of drug action
- Drug-receptor interaction
- Various adrenergic, cholinergic and other receptors
- Detailed study of CNS pharmacology
- Study of basis of threshold areas of work in NIPER in pharmacology dept. mentioned in brochure.
- Diseases
- Chemotherapy and pathophysiology
- Bioassay methods
- Pharmaceutics and formulation (Pharmaceutical Technology)
- Drug delivery systems (DDS)
- Carriers in DDS
- Transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS)
- Parenterals
- Drug targeting
- Complexation
- Solubilization
- Polymerization
- Viscosity measurements
- Dosage form development- stages, implications of dosage form
- Additives of formulation, types, examples, advantages, disadvantages, drug excipient interaction, incompatibility, various types of incompatibilities
- Dosage forms
- Packaging
- Compartmental modeling
- Bioavailability, bioequivalence studies
- Evaluation of formulation, principles and methods of release control in oral formulations
Pharmaceutical analysis
- Stability testing of pharmaceuticals, various stability tests, kinetic studies, shelf life determination, thermal stability, formulation stability
- Various analytical techniques
- Tests: physical and chemical tests, limit tests, microbiological tests, biological tests, disintegration and dissolution tests.
- Spectroscopic methods
- Particle sizing
- Electrophoresis
- Chromatography- detailed
- QA and QC: GLP, TQM, ISO system
- Preformulation, cyclodextrin inclusion compounds
- Solubility
- Crystallinity, polymorphism, solvates and hydrates, crystal habits, porosity, surface area flow properties.
- Dosage forms, Stages of dosage form development
- Osmolality, osmolarity, osmotic pressure, conductivity, Preservatives, Media for bioassay
- Pharmaceutical technology
Genetic Engineering
- Gene expression
- Mutation
- Replication
- Transcription, translation
- Recombination, bacteriophages
- Fermentation
- Methods, isolation of nucleic acids, enzymes in cloning
This will include restriction endonucleases, DNA ligase, DNA gyrase, polymerases.
Gene Therapy
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Insulin
- Interferons
- Enkephalins
- Angiotensin analogues and other peptides.
Eligibility Criteria for NIPER
For the following B.Pharm qualification is required
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Natural Products
- Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharm. Tech.
- Pharmacy Practice
- Clinical Research
For Pharmacology and Toxicology candidates with B.V.Sc. can also apply. For specializing in Biotechnology M.Sc (Biological Sciences) qualification is also required. For Pharm. Tech M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), B.Tech..Chemical Engg can also apply. For Pharm. Tech. candidates need to have B. Pharm. (Biotechnology) and also M.Sc.(Life Sciences).
Candidates who wish to apply for Pharmacoinformatics need to have any of the below qualifications
- B.Pharm
- M.Sc. (Organic/Physical Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
- M.Sc./B.Tech. (Bioinformatics)
- M.Sc. (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Microbiology)
For the following any of the below qualifications are required
Regulatory Toxicology
- B.Pharm.; B.V.Sc.
- M.Sc.(Pharmacology/ Toxicology/ Life Sciences/Biochemistry/Medical Biotechnology/Zoology);
- M.B.B.S
Traditional Medicine
- B.Pham
- B.A.M.S.; M.Sc. (Botany)
Pharmaceutical Management
- B.Pharm.
- B.Tech (Chemical Engg or equivalent)
- M.Sc. (Chemical/Life Sciences)
The candidate should have scored 60% or above in the qualifying examination. The candidates should also have passed in GATE or NET. Those who are appearing for their final year exam and those who are waiting for their results can also apply.
How to Apply for NIPER?
The candidates should download the form from the official website of NIPER. They should read the form carefully and fill in all the important details. They should also fill in the DD number. Next step is to upload a photo of the candidate and then submit form. They are required to take a print out of the receipt. The candidates are required to send the receipt and a Demand Draft of Rs1000/-to the registrar’s office. Those belonging to other classes should sent a Demand Draft of Rs 500/-.
Important Dates
- Notifications will be published in April, 2012
- Last date for online registration and submitting the form is normally in June, 2012
- Date of NIPER JEE entrance exam will be in July, 2012
- Results will be declared within a week of the exam
List of NIPER JEE Exam centers
- Ahmedabad
- Bangalore
- Chandigarh
- Delhi
- Hyderabad
- Jaipur
- Kolkata
- Lucknow
- Mumbai
- Nagpur
- Pune
- Trivandrum
Contact Address for NIPER JEE
- Address: Registrar, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Sector 67, S.A.S. Nagar - 160062, Punjab, India
- Phone: +91(172)-2292000, 2214682-87 Extn.-2005
- Email:
- Website:
Reference Books for NIPER JEE
- Alfred Martin
- Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Notes of Gudsurkar
- Banker series
- Trease and Evans
- Silverstein, Pavia, Kemp.
- Jerry March
- Morrison and Boyd (ESPECIALLY Peptide and Carbohydrate chemistry)
- I. L. Finar Vol-I and Vol-II
- Eliel
- Lachmann
- Rang and Dale
- F. S. K. Barar
- 3Wilson and Griswold
- Kasture (for Bioassay and Screening)
- Vyas and Dixit
- IP Appendices
- Willard
- Silverstein (Mass Spectroscopy)
- William Kemp (NMR)
- Pavia (for spectroscopy)
- Alfred Martin, Chatwal (UV)
- Garry Christen (Chemical Methods)
Coaching Centers for NIPER JEE
Study Plan for NIPER
Students who are writing the entrance exam can prepare well by concentrating more on Pharmacy subjects. They can practice last years question paper. It will be a good way to understand the syllabus and the structure of the paper. They can also visit internet and get study materials for the exam. The candidate should very well understand the importance of the exam. Students can follow a systematic method to learn their portions. They can divide the lessons and then try to learn. They should understand their strong and weak points and work accordingly. One should also take a small break in the middle. It will help to avoid boredom and fatigue. As the syllabus is vast there are chances to get bored and tired. Another useful method would be revision. It will help the students to memorize the portion well and they will become acquainted with the portions.
How and Where To Get the Results?
The results will be published on the official website of NIPER. They can follow the link given below.
Score Validity
The validity period of NIPER JEE score is a year.
- Contact Details and Address of NIPER, Mohali
- Fee Structure for M. Pharm in NIPER
- NIPER JEE Coaching Institutes
- Preparation Tips for NIPER Exam
- NIPER JEE Eligibility Criteria
- M.Pharm Admissions in NIPER
- Registrar, Section officer, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
- NIPER JEE Exam Pattern
- Question Answers #1
- NIPER 2012 PhD
- Application forms of various Ph.D in Biotechnology Entrance Exam
- RPET Papers
- M.Pharm Specialization areas and career potential
- List of Postgraduate Courses in Pharmacology
- List of Courses in Central University of Punjab
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1,101 Responses to “NIPER JEE 2012 Pharma”
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sir how many times attempt in gpad exam…and sir i m b.pharma 3rd year student .so sir hows to do prep in gpad exm.i m very confused……
what is topsalary offered in 2012
i wish to join in niper,for that how can i download the application form
how i can get previous year question paper for niper-jee
i want to know about date of exam
important dates of last date of submission of applications,date of exam
Sir,i have secured AIR 7000 in GPAT..but not qualified in gpat,can i apply for NIPER entrance?
good evening sir, is there sub quality assurance in mpharma or ms
can i apply for niper jee for m pharmacy with out attending gpat entrance examination & i am waiting for final year results results
how i can get previous year question papers for niper-jee
IF STUDENT COULD NOT PASS GPAT CAN HE PERMITED TO APEAR IN NIPER? how many seats available in niper institutions?
what is the eligibility to write niper?
what was the niper crytirria? and in this any requairments is there?and in this ,what was the best benafits?
if any candidate have passed with grace marks and complited all condition for niper then he take adimission or not
how many candidates appeared in niper jee 2011 and niper jee 2010? how many seats available in niper institutions?
how many colleges are in hyderabad for niper
is ther any % required from bpharm?
Sir, can I get the entrance date and procedure for M.Pharm
I am 3rd year appearing microbiology from delhi univ. . what can i do from niper next.
when is the entrance exam for forensic pharmacy in 2012 and when is the process of form submition
sir,i am third yr b.pham studant ,donation for in manipal university
how shuld be planing of niperand how to read.
does gpat qualifying is required for writting niper exam
hello sir, how much salary will i get after m.pharm in niper? how will be my future?
Sir how much salary i can get after m.pharma in niper
Hello sir, iam studing third year b.pharm iam qualifi r not for niper
hai sir am sati nenu bpharm third Year next pharma MBA ceyalanukuntunanu bagutunda?
hello sir/madam.plz tell me that 2011 gpat qualified candidates are eligible for 2012 niper exam?bcoz gpat valid up to june
I’m doing B.Tech (Pharmaceutical technology), Can i apply for NIPER?
Sir i m final yr B.pharm student,please tell me how i collect form and broucher?
sir, is there seperate entrance exam for niper as previous or candidates will be selected on basis of gpat rank when will notification arises for niper
i am a final year student of b.pharm.kindly give me some advice and useful tips to prepare for the NIPER exam.please tell me about the studying strategy.
i will be highly thankful to you……..
Please prescribe a sort list of reference-books regarding NIPER JEE exam.
Sir ,i m mahaveer from nawalgarh,rajasthan,what is the date for online submition of niper JEE Exam form 2012&exam date
Sir have done in pharmaceutical chemistry, from where and how i can do Pls replz fist to me
say about the future in pharm.m.b.a?
to get in to niper entrance xam is tru niper vth gpat quqlification . vth out niper can v enter niper institute vth gpat rank ??? plz plzzzzz reply me am in confusion
When the exam form for NIPER-JEE WILL BEGIN TO fill ?
sir how i get notes of gudsurkar for niper preparation…please tell me sir
please list out the various courses present in the niper , qualification is b.pharm
sir, i am a Nepali student and have completed my B.pharm in 2011, is there are any seat for the foreign student? Do they have to appear for the entrance exam or not?
sir,i have 59.7% aggregate in b pharm can i apply the niper plz tell me sir
hai sir how to apply the niper entrance examination/
i am a final year b.pharm student. Can u plz tell me about the eligibility required to write this exam
hw much percent require to appear for niper exam
latest reserch held in mohali campus in pharma
can i appear in niper exam if i had solved kt in final year???
sir can you provide the minimum mark/percentage in graduation for this exam…
sir, i want to ask that in the NIPER there are Pharm.D courses available or not ? plz tell me..
am studyin b pharm , am basically vry poor cant study m pharma by paying lots of money plese suggest me how to continue
any schollership giving exams
tostudy pharmad in niper is it enough to write entrance of niper
are there any placements after doing m.pharm in NIPER
are there any pla m,pharm in nipercements after doing
i am a final year student of b.pharm.kindly give me some advice and useful tips to prepare for the NIPER exam.please tell me about the studying strategy.
i will be highly thankful to you……..
how many marks we will get eligibul to m-pharmacyin
sir, i am b.pharm final year student.i wann do m.pharm. so plz tell me the min. qualification required for niper. and from where do i get the form of niper and when?
sir i got 59% in bpharm obc can i eligible for niper sir thanks sir
how could we apply for niper and where do we get the application forms for applying the exam….and i am frm hyderabad,can i write the exam in hyderabad…….
how to apply for niper exam and what are the job oppurtunities in niper?.and what is the scope..and is tat niper will be providing scholarships and monthly stifunds for students…..
gud evng sir..
please tell me how much % require 2 atempt niper entrance
pls tell me the minimum qualification needed for NIPER JEE and from where do i get the form for this exam.
Sir, i am gpat qualify student but not appear in niper jee 2011 entrance exam. give the some information for admission in the m.pharm in niper colleges.plz sir reply
can a person take admission in pharma mba on the basis of cat
provide notes or books(soft copy) in mail.
my self Bhagawat S Bhole,
What actually reffer for NIPER-JEE for M.S. (Pharma) ?
2011 qs paper
Good morning Sir,
Myself Dr Ujjwala Supe from Chhattisgarh , i have done Phd in biotechnology (aloevera) , before that MSc & BSc both in biotechnology , pl tell whether how i can work in M.Phaem , B.Pharm , D.pharm colleges .Pl reply soon .
Thanking you .
Dr Ujjwala Supe
Sir i am studying b.pharm how prepar niper exam.daily how much time spend for a day
Sir. I am coming in category class …how can i apply the form for gpat and niper
i m in third year of B-pharm & i want to do my caeer in mba so when i have to start the preparation and what should be the fee for it i m in sc caste
is it necessary to qualify gpat exam for geting admission in niper and plz mention the cut off marks for niper?
reqested sir,i am studying chemistry 5 years integrated).shall i eligibilty to write niper examination.
sir,my rank is 1956 in niper 2011 in general catagory..plzzzzzzzzz tell me-any chance is there to get admitted in niper this year?m waiting 4 ur reply.
sample paper of niper with solution
cut off marks in niper 2010
what was niper last year cut off mark
Hey if u hav any doubts regarding GPAT/NIPER..
Send a mail to me..
I wil hlp u..
I was give 10 2 =48% & PCB Group=45% i am studeant in (SC CASTE) i have done NIPER JEE exam please inform me
I was give 10 2 =48% & PCB Group=45% i am studeant in (SC CASTE) i have done NIPER JEET exam please inform me
when will the receipt be provided for examination of niper ? from jatin prajapati
when will the receipt be provided for examination of niper from jatin prajapati
sir,how can i apply the application form and enterance form of niper 2011. plz tell me the whole procedure of admission in M. Phrm. 2011 in niper…
sir ,i have applied for niper online, but forgot to put signature on the application form print out ,wat should i have to do sir?please do reply is 142264.
i want to know about syllabus, fees structure for entire course and required certificates.
is gpat qualification compulsory for niper
hai sr plz tell me exact procedure how to apply the application form of niper 2011
sir….if possible plse send me …previous paper’s of NIPER.and other materials related……
when is niper entrance exam at hyderabad,and is there any scholorship facility.
hai sir please tell how to apply the application form of niper 2011 i dpnt know that procedure and which study material good for niper 2011
sir i took dd on infvr of niper 2011 sas nagar i forgot to write jee if any probelum occur while accepting form your institute pls tel me
can u tel me where to get previous niper papers and which subjects to more stress on.should we concentrate on physical pharmacy,pharmacognosy,forensic pharmacy.pls give your ans in detail
Sir, Plz tel me which is the Be$t material for niper containing old question papers in it
sir i have filled and posted the form for niper jee 2011,i have withdrawn demand draft of axis bank will it work or not if no then please suggest me solution?
I didnt enclose Rank-card and not signed in the reverse side of DD . while sending registration slip of NIPER JEE by speedpost. what should i do sir? Is there need for registration ? Is ther chance to re registration?
Sir i have not qualified gpat test.can i fill the application form of niper for m.pharma.
i faild to note down id no.during filling the application form if it is nessesary than tell me to what i have to do?
is mba or mphrm which is havng more future
i didn’t attend Gpat and can apply NIPER for Mpharm ?
sir iam gpat qualified plz send me last 5 year question papers plz sir
Sir.i am b.pharm fourth year.i want some imformation.sir pharma(MBA) Similar to that of CAT mba na.plz tell me sir
sir how to apply for niper do any modificatiion is took placed in applying
i hav qualified g-pat. my rank is 7103 . can i get admission in niper vid this rank?
sir/mam please tell me what is the weightage given to gpat score for selection in Niper.
hello sir
i am not qualify the gpat exam but i have 7.20% so i can fill niper form so plz reply me
for d last year hw much marks r cut off sir for niper.? s ther any chances to get seat in university vth gpat 10000 rank in st catagry in any diciplane?
hi sir,nirmal this side. can u pls suggest me the best study material for niper exam. what is the syllabus for niper exam. thank u sir
hi sir this is satish, i have done my i have been qualified in gpat2011 exam. now im wishing to write niper exam can u please suggest me how to get the niper application n date of exam for the entrance. thank u sir
Hii..Dis is kuldeep m doing B.pharm and i want 8 yr old niper question paper….so plz send me on my email id…m highly greatful 2 sir/madam…
i got my gpat result today n i have qualified…..can i apply for M.Ph this year. plz let me. thank u….
hi sir.,wil u pls tel me the eligibility for joining in niper…?pls rpl me..
hi sir this is rohit. iam studying final year of b.pharm. can u pls suggest me the best study material for niper exam. what is the syllabus for niper exam. thank u sir
i have done b. pharamacy and interested to do mba in pharmaceutical chemistry but the main requirement is valid net score. When is this exam conducted and what are the various details to this exam. if i qualify the NET exam then how can i apply for niper university.
please reply
thank you
hello sir. i will appear in gpat in 2012.plz suggest me some standard books so that i can go in right way & prepare better to get good score…..
hello sir i want to know whether a person not qualified in gpat also eligible for writting niper. And also when w’l be the niper 2011 exam & wat is the syllabus we can get the application form is it available in on-line sir?
if i cant get the qualified score in gpat then is i cant applicable to give niper?
what is the syllabus for niper entrance exam 2011?
when niper 2011 m.pharm exam conducted? please tell me syllabus for that exam.thank you sir
i wish to appear in niper jee 2011 entrance exam for mpharm, i need full syllabus of exam & sample paper of previous year so that i can direct my preparation in rigat way,plz accept my request & respond.
heio sir
niper is only the way for pharma mba? or any other exems enter for pharma mba
gpat qualify is necessary for niper entrence….? is there any other chance to write niper with qualifing gpat?
for doing pharmaceutical mangement in niper is gpat n net score are necessary……….
niper ki post graduate in pharmacy ki exam ke form bharne ki last date konsi hai
helo sir, i completed my b.pharm and attempted GPAT 2011.can you please let me know the number of seats available in NIPER for admission into M.Pharm?can you please mail me the information to…….thank you
helo sir, i completed my b.pharm and attempted GPAT 2011.can you please let me know the number of seats available in NIPER for admission into M.Pharm?can you please mail me the information to
hello sir,
just now i entered into b.pharm 7th semester(andhra university) and i hope my b.pharm will be completed by jan 2012 and from now onwards i am planning to get coachng to enter into m.pharm / pharm m.b.a. Can u suggest me when i should write niper entrance exam and moreover complete details regarding exam (any separate exam for m.b.a pharma and its requireements),exam notifications,getting appilication forms,paper pattern,previous question papers, average range of fee for 2 years,admission pattern and all other neccessary details. plz sir
thank you
hello sir!
my question is—–
gpat is complussory for niper yes/no
hello sir!
my question is
gpat is complussory for niper yes/no
Plzz give me niper previous year que. Paper on plzz its urgent plz…
58% agregate in is algibility or not for niper entrance test under ST reservation catagery
i am a student of b pharm 8 th semester willi be eligible right now for the said exam
I completed bpharmacy and i have aggregate 67.64% but at 10+2 level i secured 49.4% from Ap board ,and i have sc i eligible to apply niper 2011 mpharmacy coarse.please send answer to my email.
i completed B.Pharmacy and i have secured 67.64 but at 10+2 Level from AP Board and secured 49.4% in science back ground . and i have SC reservation . can i eligible to apply for Nipper-2011 ( 2011).please send answer at my email
gpat exam is scheduled in may 2011. where as you have asked to submit report card along with appli cation form .
how is it possiblle ?
sir/mam,i request u to send NIPER syllabus 2011 & last 8years niper questionpapers to my mail.Thank you.
sir,i request u to send NIPER syllabus 2011 & last 8years niper questionpapers to my mail.Thank you.
hello sir!
I want to know about application form for enterance exam and
where your applicaton center
I am a student in bpharma final year in eighth sem. iwant to do the Mpharma in next session. can i apply in niper exam .also please give more information about full fill form process. can iapply on line?
this is raghunadh. gpat exam is on may 8th. u have asked us to send the completed applications with score card by 4th week of april. how is it possible? and how can i obtain the application form for NIPER? how to apply for it? i need the information brochure of NIPER. can u forward it to my mail? reply me must please………………………
please tell me what is the date of niper jee2011 entrance exam. how can i attach GPAT SCORE CARD with jee application form
please give me the links about AndhraUniversity m.pharm & application forms…
i am persuing b.pharm. final yr. and till now i have secured near about 70% marks but at 10+2 level from U.P. board, i have secured 50% in science background .
Can i eligible to apply for niper- JEE (m.pharm.2011)
please send answer at my e.mail
iam in b.pharm final & where i get gpat application?what is last date for application submission?gpat is on 8th may,then how will i send my score card in april last week?plese inform the syllabus of niper?If possible send few model papers. please reply must………
Iam in final year b.pharm.what is the exat last date for niper?how & where i can get application form?gpat exam on 8th may,then how can i send my score card in april? plese inform the syllabus for niper m.pharm?if possible provide niper model exam papers.
What is the last date for NIPER (m.pharm)?
what is the fee for m.pharm course per year/sem?
please tell me !
i am in 4th b pharm i want to take admission in mba. thare is commen entranse for mba,m pharm,m tech.what is m tech?can i gat addmission in in m tech?pls send me last 10 year paper of niper and gpat.
sir gpat exam wil be conduct on 8 may how can we attach our score card with application form of niper jee
How and from where i can get the application form and information boucher for ms pharma and mba pharm.if i can apply both or only much the demand draft i have to take?