Officer (MMG) Scale-II (General Banking), MMG Scale-III - Assam Gramin Vikash Bank


Assam Gramin Vikash Bank was established in the year 2006 on the 12th of January covering the areas of operation of the pre-amalgamated RRBs and the banks has its head office in the city of Guwahati. The bank has its operations in 25 out of 27 districts in the state and it has a network of 355 branches.

Recruitment by Assam Gramin Vikash Bank:

Assam Gramin Vikash Bank has called for online applications from eligible Indian citizens for the position of Officer (MMG) Scale-II and Officer MMG Scale – III and the details regarding the notification issued by the bank in this respect are given below:

Name of the Vacancy: Officer MMG Scale-II – General Banking (Post Code: 08), Officer MMG Scale – III (Post Code: 09)

Number of Vacancies: Total number of vacancies is 19, which is divided between the two positions and different categories of candidates as follows:

General Banking Officer (MMG) Scale – II - 14

o OBC – 03

o SC – 02

o ST – 01

o General - 08

Officer (MMG) Scale – III – 05

o General - 04

o OBC – 01

Period of Probation – Period of Probation for Officer MMG Scale-II and III is two years and this two years is extendable according to the provisions of Assam Gramin Vikash Bank and Employees Service Regulations 2010.

Pay Scale: Candidates appointed for the position of Officer MMG Scale I will be coming under the pay scale of 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 and Officer MMG Scale II will be coming under the pay scale of Rs. 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500

Eligibility requirements:

Educational qualification and experience:

General Banking Officer and Officer MMG Scale III: Candidates must be degree holders in any discipline or its equivalent holders with not less than 50% of aggregate marks and preference will be given to candidates with any of the following degree or diploma Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, law, Economics and Accountancy. For General banking officer position, candidates should possess two years experience as an officer in bank of any financial institution, while for Officer MMG Scale III, the experience requirement is five years as officer in financial institution or bank.

Age: Upper age limit is 32 years and lower age limit is 21 years for MMG Scale II officer, while the upper age limit for MMG Scale III officer is 40 years. For details regarding the age relaxation applicable to reserved category candidates, visit the notification page at

Selection Procedure:

Selection will be based on the performance of candidates in written test and interview. For detailed information regarding written test and its syllabus and venue, candidates can visit download the notification page at The written test for the positions of Officer MMG Scale-II and III is proposed to be held on 19th of February 2012.

Cost of application:

The application fee to be paid by SC/ST/person with disability is Rs.50 and the amount to be paid by other candidate is Rs.400. This amount should be paid by the candidates through through Assam Gramin Vikash Bank/United Bank of India challan – 02 that can be obtained from the website of Assam Gramin Vikash Bank at  After filling in the required details in the challan form, the fee should be paid to the account number  728105000112 of Assam Gramin Vikash Bank or through account Number 0002050022330 of United Bank of India with account name as AGVB Recruitment Project for Officers.  Once the fee is paid, candidates will have to retain the candidate copy of the challan to be produced at the time of written test. Application fee should be paid between 14th of December 2011 and 10th of January 2012.

How to apply:

Candidates will have to apply online through the website of the bank at AGVB Recruitment between 14th December 2011 and 10th of January 2012

Last date to apply online: 10th of January 2012

For further details, visit



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