Sathyabama University B.E in Information Technology-3rd Sem Object Oriented Programming & Design (6C0045) Papers


Satyhyabama University offers the Bachelor Degree in Information Technology and this course is having a great scope and students can get dynamic job opportunities after gathering good knowledge after passing out from here. The university is very well known in for its bachelor’s degree program. The paper of Object Oriented programming & Design holds a high scope for the future and candidates can have great practical knowledge in it.

What is taught in this paper?

The subject is regarding the Programming that is object oriented that means main preference is given to the object. The subject includes both theoretical and practical knowledge in C++ and students learn the programming in this.

Importance of this subject

The subject shows its own importance by telling that it is programming language and it is the basic thing required to become a software developer. This language is the basic for other programming languages also.

Paper Pattern

The paper pattern that is developed by Satyhyabama University for the students of B.E. in Information Technology is completely to enhance the practical knowledge of the students. The paper carries total 80 marks and the paper contains two sections A & B. Section - A contains 10 questions of 2 marks each and all are compulsory. Section – B contains 10 questions out of which 5 have to be done and each question is of 12 marks each. Section - B questions are essay type as they are having huge marks.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the frequently asked questions there can be any question at the moment, but most probably the questions are from syllabus only.So students need to prepare completely to get pass on exam. For instant, in these questions examiner can ask for very basic questions like what is object, operators, classes, functions and arrays,traditional techniques of object oriented model, concept of inheritance.

Marks and Time

Just like other courses, the time duration for the completion of the paper is 3 hours. Within this time, all the students supposed to finish their exam. No further time extension will be allowed to the students.

Recommended Books

  • Designing Object-Oriented Software by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
  • Object Oriented programming by D. Ravichandran
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