Stenographer cum Junior Office Assistant, Indian Oil Corporation Limited



Indian Oil Corporation Limited was founded in the year 1964. The headquarter of the corporation is located at New Delhi. Mr. Brij Mohan Bansal is the Chairman of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited. The corporation is considered as one of the largest commercial enterprise of the country. The corporation also operates with the widest network of the fuel stations in the country.

Job Profile:

Candidates are invited to apply for the post of Stenographer cum Junior Office Assistant-IV in Indian Oil Corporation Limited for Panipat Refinery Complex.


Candidates should be in between 18 to 32 years of age as on 1 June 2010.

Educational Qualification:

Candidates are required to have graduation in any discipline with atleast 50% marks in aggregate for applying for the posts of Stenographer cum Junior Office Assistant in Indian Oil Corporation Limited.

No. of posts: Total 14 posts are available.

Pay Scale: Conoslidated salary of Rs. 5400-10850 will be paid to the selected candidates.

Selection process:

Candidates selection on the post of Stenographer cum Junior Office Assistant in Indian Oil Corporation Limited will be made strictly on the basis of their performance in the personal interview test.

How to apply: A crossed demand draft of Rs. 100 (No fee for SC/ST/ExSM candidates) drawn in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Limited payable at SBI, Baholi Branch, Panipat should be mailed alongwith the application form in the prescribed format in an envelope superscribed as ” Name of the Post with Code No. ” to the address:

Post Box No. 128,
Panipat – 132103,

Contact Details:

Indian Oil Corporation Limited,
Panipat Refinery,
Panipat (Haryana).

Last date for receipt of application: 26 June 2010

For more information visit



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One Response to “Stenographer cum Junior Office Assistant, Indian Oil Corporation Limited”

  1. 1
    Satbir Singh:

    It is requested that I had given a test of stenographer dated on 04.12.2010 under this roll No. 018494. Unfortunately my e-mail ID is not working properly. Please give me any information regarding the said test on my this new e-mail i.e. in stead of previous ID i.e.
    Thanking you,
    My Address:
    Satbir Singh s/o Sh. Hawa Singh
    Vill. Dhani Brahamanan. P.O. Pali
    Teh. Narnaund Distt. Hisar-125049
    Mobile no. 9729891716,9728923553