Engineering Assistant, Technical Attendant, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


Indian Oil Corporation Limited was initially named as Indian Oil Company Limited. The name of the company was later changed to Indian Oil Corporation Limited in the year 1959. The corporation is currently the leading petroleum company of the country. It has the largest network of fuel stations in the country. The headquarter of Indian Oil is located in New Delhi. It deals in the products like Petrol, Kerosene, Petrochemiclas etc. At present, Sarthak Behuria is working as the chairman of Indian oil.

Job Profile:

Eligible Indian nationals are invited to apply for the posts of Engineering Assistant and Technical Assistant in Indian Oil Corporation Limited. The post of Engineering Assistant is available in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and T&I.

1. Recruitment of Engineering Assistant (Mechanical):
No. of posts: Only 4 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should be atleast 26 years of age as on 31 May 2011.
Pay Scale: Cosnolidated salary of Rs. 11900-32000 per month.

2. Recruitment of Engineering Assistant (Electrical):
No. of posts: Only 3 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should be atleast 26 years of age as on 31 May 2011.
Pay Scale: Cosnolidated salary of Rs. 11900-32000 per month.

3. Recruitment of Engineering Assistant (T&I):
No. of posts: Only 9 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should be atleast 26 years of age as on 31 May 2011.
Pay Scale: Cosnolidated salary of Rs. 11900-32000 per month.

4. Recruitment of Technical Attendant-I:
No. of posts: Only 8 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should be atleast 26 years of age as on 31 May 2011.
Pay Scale: Cosnolidated salary of Rs. 10500-24500 per month.

Application Fee:

Rs. 100 is the amount of application fee that is need to be submitted by General and OBC categories candidates. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/EXSM catgories are exempted from the payment of application fee. The application fee is required to be sent through a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Limited payable at SBI, Baholi Branch, Panipat. Candidates are required to write name and address on the reverse side of demand draft.

How to apply: Completely filled in application form is need to be sent in accordance with the other required enclosures. All the required enclosures are need to be kept in an envelope and the envelope must be superscribed as “Application for the post of ____________________”. The address to which the enclosures must be sent is:

Human Resource Manager,
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Pipelines Division),
Western Region Pipelines, Post Box No. 1007,
P.O. Bedipara, Morvi Road, Gauridad,
District Rajkot - 360003, Gujarat.

Contact Details:

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Pipelines Division),
Western Region Pipelines, Post Box No. 1007,
P.O. Bedipara, Morvi Road, Gauridad,
District Rajkot - 360003, Gujarat.

Last date to apply: 14 June 2011

For more information visit



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