Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam


Thiruvalluvar College was formed in the year 1968 under the Jurisdiction Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. During the past three decades, the college has found phenomenal improvement and this should be contributed to the efforts made by educationists, administrators and philanthropist. The college was given this name in honor of the great Tamil poet Ayyan Thiruvalluvar. The college is located very close to the popular Shiva temple at Papanasam and it is located in the district of Tirunelveli on the banks of Perennial river.

Courses Offered:

The college is offering undergraduate, postgraduate and self-financing courses through its commerce, physics, chemistry, mathematics, history, English and Tamil departments and the list of courses offered under each of these categories is given below:

Undergraduate courses:

B. Com

B. A in

o History tourism

o Tamil literature

B. Sc in

o Mathematics

o Chemistry

Postgraduate Course:

Master of Commerce

Self-financing Courses:

B.A English Literature

Bachelor of Commerce with computer application

B. Sc Computer Science


Thiruvalluvar College is associated with facilities like internet, Xerox, PCO, auditorium, staff & student co-operative store, standby generator for uninterrupted power supply, drinking water supply and restroom for girl students. The college campus also includes a library so as to enable the students to get reference book for their subjects.

Student activities:

In addition to academic courses, the college is encouraging the students to take part in extra-curricular activities as well and for this purpose a state-level youth festival was conducted by the college in the year 1993 under the guidance of M.S. University. In addition to this, the college also has NSS, NIC, clubs and student grievances cell to encourage the students to take part in social work.

Contact Information:

Thiruvalluvar College,


Vickramasingapuram – 627425

Tirunelveli District

Phone: 04634-220327




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4 Responses to “Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam”

  1. 4
    Prakash. V:

    I Want Self finance Department mail id or contact no

  2. 3

    I want the mail address of thiruvalluvar college or any teachers mail id who worked during 84-87i also want the link of the college’s official websitewhch is currently used by the coll….

  3. 2

    I want the mail address of thiruvalluvar college or any teachers mail id who worked during 84-87

  4. 1

    1997 in B.A (history) not complete in one paper third semester english . so, how to make complete the paper