Civil Engineer, Information Technology Officer, BMTPC



Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) was established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Urband Development in the year 1990. The main objective behind the establishment of the council was to bridge the gap between the reserahc and development of new building material technologies. The council also act as an apex institution which provides an inter-disciplinary platform to various agencies under Central and State Governments for scaling up proven technologies.

Job Profile:

1. Recruitment of Civil Engineer:
No. of posts: 10 posts are available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

2. Recruitment of Information Technology Officer:
No. of posts: 6 posts are available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

3. Recruitment of Economist:
No. of posts: 2 posts are available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

4. Recruitment of Social Development Specialist:
No. of posts: 2 posts are available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

5. Recruitment of Architect:
No. of posts: 2 posts are available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

6. Recruitment of Administrative Officer:
No. of posts: 1 post is available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

7. Recruitment of Finance Officer:
No. of posts: 1 post is available.
Pay Scale: Grade Pay of Rs.15600-39100 will be given to the selected candidates.

Age Limit: Candidates should be atleast 25 years of age as on 1 April 2010.

Selection Process:

The selection process for the above specified posts include both the written examination as well as the personal interview session.

How to Apply: Candidates are requested to submit the application form along with a demand draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in the favour of “BMTPC”, to The Executive Director, BMTPC, 1st Floor,Core-5A,India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.

For more information visit



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