DOEACC, C Level Course, Algorithm Analysis And Design Papers


The paper on Algorithm Analysis and Design is an integral part of the C level course from the much reputed and prestigious Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses. The paper is a subjective type paper on the same subject of algorithm analysis and involves attempting a lengthy and elaborate question paper on the same.

Paper pattern:

The Algorithm Analysis and Design papers are coded as C4-R3. The pattern of the paper is subjective with a wide range of options. There are seven questions in the paper and question number one is compulsory. From the remaining six questions one needs to choose and attempt any four. The question number one has options in them as one has to attempt any four out of the six questions given for the same.The rest of the questions have equal distribution of marks.

Maximum marks and time allotted:

The maximum marks allotted to the Algorithm Analysis And Design papers is 100 marks. Question number one is of twenty eight marks and the rest of the four questions are of eighteen marks each. The time allotted to complete this paper is three hours only.

Frequently asked questions:

The questions that finds regular occurrence in the paper on Algorithm Analysis And Design are on topics like tracing the Kruskal algorithm to obtain a maximum spanning tree from a given graph, change in time complexity if a certain expression is computed with mistakes, and the justification for the same reason. Others are AVL tree, balance factor, skew symmetry etc.


  • Design techniques and analysis. By M. H. Alsuwaiyel
  • The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Alfred V. Aho
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