Kuvempu University BBM First Year-Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviors Papers


In general all the papers under the BBM course deals with the business management rules and regulations that require to build a successful organization. The BBM First Year-Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviors Papers includes all statistics required for constructing a perfect business centre. The students need to write the answers as directed in the question paper.

Importance of the subject:

The Kuvempu University First Year Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior Papers basically carry the structural study of the behavior of different management systems in organizations. The entire syllabus of this paper is based on the knowledge of different principles of management behaviors. The analytical knowledge of different organization and management that comes under organizations is also need to study under this paper.

Paper pattern:

The paper patterns that are present in every year of the BBM course are arranged by the university authorities. The total number of questions that are asked from the Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior Papers are divided into two groups. The questions carry different markings. There are some short answer types and long answer type’s questions are asked from the different modules of the syllabus. The first part question contains 5 marks questions and next part question contains ten marks questions.

Frequently asked questions:

There are some questions that are always asked from the Bachelor of Business Management-first year Principles of Management and organizational Behavior Papers are generally the short notes types questions.

Marks and time:

The total score carried by the BBM First Year-Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviors Papers is 80 and the total duration given to all the students is three hours to complete the paper.

Books recommended:


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