Allahabad Bank Clerk Books


The Banking sector has emerged as a very stable platform in which the candidates wants to assume a smooth employment. There are certain kinds of books that are available in Multiple Type Formats. Various subjects such as Science, History, Civics, Reasoning, Logical Interpretation, etc. should be laid stress on and the candidates should make it a point to consult different books covering the following subjects.

There are lots of options of books that the candidates can consult in order to prepare for the exam. Different books on General Knowledge and Science are available and they should be consulted for ideal preparation. Since the exam lays stress on Mathematics subjects, thus different books relating to the subject have to be covered and along with this theĀ  candidates should also concrete their basic level arithmetic.

Here there is a list of few books which students should prefer from the beginning to the end.

Mathematics by

R.S.Agarwal [Arithmetic]

Dr.Lal & Jain [Upkar Publication]


Basic Level arithmetic by Goyal Brothers

General Knowledge by Unique Publication

N.C.E.R.T.Book [From Std. ix to Std. Xii]

Upkars Publications General Knowledge

Idioms and Phrases [Arihant Publication]

English By Wren and Martin,

Essential of Grammars

The candidates during the preparation of the entrance exam have to consult the following books and should be covered in detailed fashion. Different books on previously appeared questions have to be also consulted enabling superior last minute check for the individual candidates. Thus these important books play a significant role during the preparation of the exam .



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4 Responses to “Allahabad Bank Clerk Books”

  1. 4

    is there any book which have whole syllabus for preparing bank clerical exam

  2. 3

    thare is any one book which have whole syllabus for prepairing
    bank clercial

  3. 2

    plz send me model papers for clerk xam

  4. 1

    i have applied for indian bank clerk post , wat books should i use for preparing ?