Exam Pattern for ANTHE
Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam (ANTHE) is a competitive exam conducted by Aakash Institute at national level. The exam is conducted for X class students in two stages. There will be written exams comprising of multiple choice questions in both these stages. Questions are asked from subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and data interpretation.
Exam Pattern for ANTHE (Stage I)
Initial level test comprises of two parts, Part I and Part II. Each part comprises of 60 multiple choice questions. Questions for Part I will be asked on the basis of the following subjects.
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
There will be 30 questions from mathematics and 10 questions each from the sessions of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
In Part II, questions will be asked from topics of mental ability and general knowledge. Total marks allotted for the test is 480 and total time allotted for the same is two hours. No marks are deducted for wrong answers.
Syllabus for ANTHE (Stage I)
- Identities
- Linear Equations
- Polynomials
- Profit & Loss
- Real numbers
- Similarity of Triangles
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Statistics
- Trigonometric Ratios
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Sources of Energy
- Acids
- Bases and Salts
- Chemical Reactions
- Metals and Non-Metals
- Basics of Biology
- Cells
- Control and Coordination
- Excretion
- Nutrition (Digestion)
- Photosynthesis
- Plant Physiology
- Plant tissues
- Reproduction
- Respiration
- Respiration
- Tissues
- Transpiration
- Transport in Human Beings
Exam Pattern for ANTHE (Stage II)
Stage II test for ANTHE comprises of a single paper. There will be 60 multiple choice questions asked from the following subjects.
- Data Interpretation
- Science
- Mathematics
15 questions from the session of data interpretation, 25 questions from science and 20 questions from mathematics is the general structure. Total time allotted for the session is 1 hour and total marks are 240. There is a deduction of ¼ marks for each wrong answer.
Syllabus for ANTHE (Stage II)
- Angles
- Area of Triangles
- Perimeter of Triangles
- Basics of Quadrilaterals
- Circles
- Congruence of Triangles
- Cuboids
- Hemispheres
- Identities
- Linear Equations
- Linear Equations
- Lines
- Mensuration
- Midpoint Theorem
- Parallel Lines
- Polynomials
- Profit & Loss
- Pythagoras’ theorem
- Real numbers
- Right circular cylinder
- Similarity of Triangles
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Sphere
- Statistics
- Surface Area & Volume of Cubes
- Trigonometric Ratios
- Acceleration
- Displacement
- Distance
- Electricity
- Energy
- Floatation
- Gravitation
- Linear Motion
- Magnetism
- Motion
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Power Light
- Reflection and Refraction
- Sound
- Uniform Circular Motion Force
- Velocity
- Work
- Acids
- Atomic Structure
- Bases and Salts
- Chemical Reactions
- Metals and Non-Metals
- Nature of Matter
- Basics of Biology
- Control and Coordination
- Excretion
- Five Kingdom Classifications
- Nutrition
- Photosynthesis
- Plant tissues
- Reproduction
- Respiration
- Respiration
- Transpiration
- Transport in Human Beings
The exam is conducted at national level with centers located in cities of Asansol, Noida, Patiala, Bolangir, Ambala, Patna and Hyderabad.
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2 Responses to “Exam Pattern for ANTHE”
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How would i know the date of scholarship exam for the batch 2014-2015