17th December 2015, 10:08 PM
List of institutes which offer correspondence Homeopathy Diploma course in Maharashtra? Procedure to get admission?
I am a retired government officer and interested in Homeopathy. For the correspondence Diploma in Homeopathy, what is the procedure for admission? And is there any institute in Maharashtra for the correspondence Diploma? Please tell me. |
26th February 2017, 11:01 PM
I am a commerce post graduate. I am very much interested in homeopathy. I want to have some technical knowledge. What course can I do ??
24th June 2017, 01:40 PM
I am very interesting in homeopathy correspondence study but however my age is jumping over 48 . while age of 18 to 25 working with RIMP Homeopathy Doctor now working staff in state government department of Tamil Nadu .I am wait in anticipation for your positive answer to homeo diplomo study Sir.
25th May 2018, 04:05 PM
I am commerce graduate pg diploma in pm&ir i studying regularly metiria medika and giving medicine to my relatives specially my 90 years old my mother is bed ridden last 11 years. She is also good in my medicine, i want to admit in diploma /degree course in homeopathy kindly help me for my practice in future
31st July 2018, 02:17 PM
May I take admission in distance learning homeopathy distance course being a graduate , B. Sc with physics, chemistry & math. My subjects of HS(10 2) were physics, chemistry, math, english & mother language.
Please response and guide me. Sankar Chandra Maity Kolkata-700104 |
29th November 2020, 11:31 PM
I am interested in doing one year correspondence diploma course in homeopathy in maharashtra.
please let me know the names and address of homeopath institutes. |