23rd August 2014, 02:02 AM
Options available after Diploma in ECE to earn above 35 thousand per month?
I m vivek studing in diploma in ece what r option for me after diploma throw that i can get job above 35 thounds
2nd February 2016, 09:12 PM
You are doing diploma course in ECE department and want to know about the government jobs after completion of the course with a very nice salary of about 35K. Basically it is very difficult to get such a high salary at starting of job. You will get after some years of experience.
Following are some list of companies in which you can apply after completing the diploma course: --Delhi Metro --Lucknow Metro --Indian Railway --DRDO CEPTAM **The written exam taken by these companies consists of majority of technical questions. So in my opinion you have to focus more in core subjects such as Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics etc. The basic command in these subjects help you lot in the preparation. |
9th August 2019, 07:15 PM
I am studying btech third year after completed diploma but not in a best college wt i do I don't understand fully confusion please give me suggestion