1st July 2014, 03:56 PM
How to inform authority or what to do if I haven't received scholarship this year?
sir, i pass 12class from mp board 88.8% (today engg.student) i resceive 1st time scholarship (centor sector for BE)in 2013 and in this year i do not get scholarship in 2014 i need scholarship what i do inform
24th April 2015, 07:02 PM
The main aim of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance for all eligible and deserving candidates to pursue their higher education. Central sector scheme (CSS) scholarship is offered by MHRD. As you have received 1st time scholarship, then you have to renew for the next year to continue the scholarship. If you have renewed and still not yet received the scholarship, then you have to contact the authorities to check whether your form is rejected for any reason. To apply for renewal go to http://cpsms.nic.in/Users/LoginDetai...?ReturnUrl=%2f and below I have attached the document which shows the step by step procedure for renewal of scholarship form.