6th November 2011, 09:32 PM
Additional courses for mechanical engineering students along with B.E?
hi sir\maam
i am a b.e. student and my stream is mechanical. cam u suggest any additional course which i should do like autocad, etc., that can help me in near future. i have done c, c++, autocad, in hope that it may help me, and want to do other usefull courses. thanku |
7th November 2011, 12:35 PM
First and foremost you must pursue your next level of education that is Masters. Masters is the key these days otherwise there will be no difference in you and some simple science graduate. You can opt for MBA also because every company requires management skills in their employees. You can also take few certification programs in Mechanical lines which will give you mileage in your carrier and for the future to come.
Certificate Programs |
12th January 2012, 01:54 PM
im doing production engg can u tell me which courses should i do that help
me in future |
3rd August 2013, 02:31 PM
i have completed BE Mechanical and now searching for a job, hence wat course that will apt to my future career with some what affordable cost, and please refer me other than designing courses
29th November 2013, 10:53 AM
hai .
addtional courses that u can do that which is adaptable are like : 1."*solid works",autocad,catia regarding software helpful in analysis and also most of companies seeks it. 2.doing internships in esteemed companies also helps a lot. |
29th November 2013, 02:28 PM
Lets see that b tech is just a base of our carrier where we may learn varrious things related to our construction, operation, and maintainance and quality control.so going for extra course will give you extra millage to your carrier.so extra courses as autocad, pro e, catia, cad cam,master cam,plastic moulding etc are give you extra millage as well as it will help you fundamentaly strong in carrier.for these courses you may join in central tool room and trainning center or state board for vocational traiing.all the verry best
29th November 2013, 03:49 PM
Mr rahul.you would like to go for design sector services then it will be better option for you to do autocad.pro e,catia,cad cam,master cam,pg diploma in tool and die making or if you would like to go for power sector you may join in power courses offering by npti and various power trainning institutes.all the very best.
7th December 2013, 04:24 PM
i am dng BEmechanical engineering final year.i need the details abt additional course list other than design field.i hve interest in material science field,and based on this i need the coürses list which will be helpful for my career.
12th January 2014, 12:22 AM
hello sir , im doing mech 3rd year , what type of extra courses should i study now according to the placement requirements ? can i study non-destructive testing course , will it be an advantage for placement or to my carrier ? Im intrested in joining ME in automobile engineering , i hate designing field , rather than that is there any other field for me ? or can i join MBA ? please give some informations sir , it will be helpfull for my future ...
21st May 2015, 12:30 PM
I have completed BE Mechanical and now searching for a job, hence wat course that will be help to my future career with some what affordable cost, and please refer me other than designing courses. |
21st May 2015, 12:33 PM
I have completed BE Mechanical and now searching for a job, hence wat course that will be help to my future career with some what affordable cost, and please refer me other than designing courses. |