8th November 2010, 11:43 PM
Am I eligible for Navy?
Sir, is I am eligible to apply for navy, I am doing b.tech in computer science & in 3rd year & if i am eligible then I should command on which topics so that is will have more chances for getting selected ?
9th November 2010, 07:06 AM
there are very limited opportunities for computer science students in government sector and navy comes under gov. sector. so it would be better for you to strengthen your programming skill so that you can easily get job.
9th November 2010, 07:27 AM
By navy do you mean Indian Navy or Merchant Navy. In Indian Navy you are eligible for posts like Short service commission, SSC logistics cadre. It is important to have a minimum of first class to appear the tests. A candidate with background in computer science can join merchant navy as electrical engineer.
9th November 2010, 06:59 PM
you are eligible for navy you should command on software because you are comp. sc. student and you should command on the PCM because in SSB he asked question from science and general awareness. good luck..................... |
9th November 2010, 09:26 PM
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Eligibility Criteria :- Nationality :- Indian. Marital Status :- Unmarried. Educational Qualifications :- You have to pass 12th or equivalent with Science and Mathematics with 60% or above marks in aggregate. Age Limits :- 15 to 18 years. Physical Standards:- Minimum height: 157 cm Minimum eye standard: Without glasses better eye 6/6 and worse 6/9 Color perception: CP II Application Procedure: You have to complete the application form as per format given in the Employment News on a plain paper either handwritten or typed if you are fulfilled with the eligibility criteria. Exam Procedure :- If you are eligible then you will be called for the written examination which includes :- (i)Science (ii)Mathematics (iiiGeneral Knowledge (iv)English The question paper will be of objective-type of 75 minutes duration. For syllabus see attached indian_navy_syllabus.txt. |
9th November 2010, 11:07 PM
you are having good choice of you future. and well these are some informations so go through it Educational Qualifications. Qualified in 10+2/ equivalent examination with Maths . and these should be passed with with minimum of first class. SELECTION PROCEDURE:- Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit depending on their performance in Written Test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in the Medical Examinations. Written Test: • The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type. • The question paper will comprise of four sections i.e. English, Science, Mathematics and General Knowledge. • The standard of the question paper will be that of 10+2 and the syllabus for the examination is available on internet site www.nausena-bharti.nic.in. • Duration of question paper will be of one hour. • The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate. Physical Fitness Test (PFT): • PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 25 squat ups (Uthak Baithak) and 10 Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. Medical Standards: • Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry. • Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. • Good mental, medical and physical health free from any disease/ disability, likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties. Colour perception: CP II. • No Cardio- vascular disease, surgical deformities like knock knee, flat feet etc. infection of ears, no history of fits or psychiatric ailment, varicose vein, corrective surgery for eye sight etc. • Medical standard should be as per the detailed guidelines issued by IHQ MoD (Navy) in NO (Spl) 01/2008. • Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination. WEBSITE:-www.nausena-bharti.nic.in. REGARDS ~~ |
10th November 2010, 11:08 AM
though there is admittedly limited scope for comp. sc. students in the Navy , there is no harm in trying...given below are the required qualifications .-Age - The applicant should be of the age between 17-22 years (ie. he should not be less than 17 or more than 22 years on the date of enrolment).
NOTE: Relaxation of age – Against sports quota entry, the upper age relaxation for oustanding sportsmen, who have played at International / National / State level may be considered upto a period of 12 months. Nationality - Applicant should be a resident Indian. The Gorkhas, subjects of Nepal, are also eligible for applying for Direct Entry Sports category recruitment. Educational Qualification Applicant should have passed Matriculation examination (Professional Qualification standards may be eased by IHQ MOD (Navy) depending on the merit of the case). Method of Recruitment Recruitment is conducted twice a year in the month of Apr/Oct for the courses commencing in Feb/Aug of each year. The deserving candidate would be called to appear for trials at designated Naval Centres. The candidates qualifying in the trials will undergo medical examination at INS Hamla, Mumbai. The offer of enrolment letter will only be forwarded to the selected candidates, which in turn, would strictly be determined by the existing requirement in particular sport discipline and availability of vacancies. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Physical Standards - The candidate should be physically fit for enrolement into Indian Navy. This capability is tested at the examination venue on qualifying in written examination and is termed as Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory. PFT will consist of 1.6 km run which is to be completed in 07 minutes, 20 Squats (Utthak Baithak) and 10 Push ups. Medical Standards – (a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed under current regulations applicable to the sailors of Indian Navy on entry. The detailed guidelines for medical standards are laid down in the Navy Orders (SPL) 01/1999 by IHQ MOD (Navy). (b) Physical traits include minimum height of 157 cm with proportionate body weight depending on the age and height of the candidate. He should also have proportionate chest with minimum expansion capability of 05 cms. (c) Candidate should possess good mental and physical health, should be free from any disease / disability and have no cardio vascular disease, surgical deformities like Knock-Knees, Flat-Foot. Candidate should not have a past history of fits or psychiatric ailments Vericose-vein etc. He should not have any type of infection in the ears. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth before appearing for the written test followed by PFT and Medical examination. (d) Candidate should possess Colour perception standard of CP II and Eyes Visual standards should meet the under mentioned prescribed standards for both the conditions that is with glasses AND without glasses. in addition if you want further info please visit this website - www.nausena-bharti.nic.in. BEST OF LUCK ! |
10th November 2010, 12:10 PM
dear friend,
you are absolutely eligible for Indian Navy for SSC (short service commission). You can either apply through UES(University entry scheme) or by filling the application form issued by Indian Navy. & friend your programming skills is not very much helpful in Navy, but you have to build commanding power in yourself. Because after interview or written test you will be called for SSB, in which you will have to show how you can tackle different situations, how you command a team etc etc. SO, there is no any particular subject is required but you have to know almost all paper of your department (atleast basics). good luck. |
13th August 2011, 05:32 PM
yes, you have opportunities in Indian navy not much but enough. you can also apply for the coastguards section where programmers are needed . but you must have a good programming skill along with your subject knowledge.
26th August 2011, 12:36 AM
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![]() INDIAN NAVY Yeah,of course you are eligible for the Indian Navy.The possible entrance exams which you could write for getting into Navy is NDA,CDS. NDA(National Defence Academy): NDA is one of the entrance exam conducted by UPSC and one of the defence service exam. For writing this exam the candidates must be a citizen of India and must be a unmarried male candidate. Candidate must have a age limit of 16 1/2-19 years. Candidates must have completed +2 from a recognized board or equivalent examination with physics and mathematics as subjects. CDS - Common Defence Academy: CDS is also one of the entrance exam conducted by UPSC and one of the defence service exam. The candidates must have a citizenship in India and must be a unmarried male candidate. Candidates must have a age limit of 19-22 years. Candidates must have completed their degree from a recognized university. If you tend to satisfy these criteria's then you can apply for these exams. All the best. |
27th August 2011, 02:15 AM
Yes, you are eligible for Navy. To join navy you can write exam NDA(National Defence Academy). NDA exam is conducted by UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) * You should be citizen of India. * Candidates should be 12th from a recognized institute. * You should study maths and physics as subject. * You should have age limit within 16.5 to 19 years. * Unmarried male candidates can only appear for exam. Best wishes |
15th October 2011, 12:59 AM
there are very limited opportunities for computer science students in government sector and navy comes under gov. sector. so it would be better for you to strengthen your programming skill so that you can easily get job.
15th October 2011, 04:58 PM
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Eligibility Criteria To Join Indian Navy After Graduation In order to join the Indian Navy after graduation..you need to appear for the CDS (Combined Defense Services) exam.. Eligibility Criteria for CDS 1) You should be a graduate or in the final year of your graduation.. 2) You should be in the age limit of 19-23 years.. Apart from this..you should have good physical health and should have perfect eyesight.. The exam is of 300 marks and will test you on :- General Knowledge Basic Maths English all the best.. ![]() With Warm Regards "Nitz" |
15th October 2011, 08:27 PM
hi dear..
Yes you are eligible for this exam but for more information you have to go through their website, The details information about this are as follows. ![]() for more details you can visit website of upsc . http://www.upsc.gov.in good luck......... |
15th October 2011, 10:46 PM
Hi dear,
you are having good choice of you future. and well these are some informations so go through it Educational Qualifications. Qualified in 10+2/ equivalent examination with Maths . and these should be passed with with minimum of first class. SELECTION PROCEDURE:- Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit depending on their performance in Written Test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in the Medical Examinations. Written Test: • The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type. • The question paper will comprise of four sections i.e. English, Science, Mathematics and General Knowledge. • The standard of the question paper will be that of 10+2 and the syllabus for the examination is available on internet site www.nausena-bharti.nic.in. • Duration of question paper will be of one hour. • The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate. Physical Fitness Test (PFT): • PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 25 squat ups (Uthak Baithak) and 10 Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. Medical Standards: • Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry. • Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. • Good mental, medical and physical health free from any disease/ disability, likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties. Colour perception: CP II. • No Cardio- vascular disease, surgical deformities like knock knee, flat feet etc. infection of ears, no history of fits or psychiatric ailment, varicose vein, corrective surgery for eye sight etc. • Medical standard should be as per the detailed guidelines issued by IHQ MoD (Navy) in NO (Spl) 01/2008. • Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination. WEBSITE:-www.nausena-bharti.nic.in. Thanks |
15th October 2011, 11:20 PM
hello dear
yes, definitely you are eligiable for the for Indian Navy. there have several ways through which you can join in the Indian Navy. some of them are >>University entry scheme. >>technical entry scheme. >>CDS exam. etc. through the UES scheme you can join in the Indian Navy during your engineering. other two procedure you can also apply but after doing graduation. all the best........ |
15th October 2011, 11:27 PM
Yes off course you can join Indian navy after completing you B.tech. To join indian navy you have to fulfill these basic criterias: 1)you should be less than 23 years old. 2)you should be medically sound. 3)You should graduate from recognized univercity or college. after you fulfill these criterias you can then give the following exams to join indian navy: 1.CDS(combined defense service) 2.UES(university entry scheme) 3.SSC(short service commission) 4.EKT(engineering knowledge test) 1)CDSE: it is an exam conducted for graduates by UPSC twice an year and can get more information from : www.upsc.gov.in 2,3)UES and SSC: these are the exams conducted by indian navy and you can get more information for these enteries from: http://indiannavy.nic.in/ 4)EKT Through this scheme you have to give a written test ,after completing this stage you will be call for SSB. All the best.. |
16th October 2011, 12:09 AM
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Because the candidate need to complete the graduate degree in engineering from a recognized university or equivalent qualification. Candidates who are appearing in final year of degree course can also apply for the examination. But,Pre-final year candidates are not eligible to apply for the examination. The candidate age should be 19 years to 22 years. Selection procedure :- Written examination and Interview. |
16th October 2011, 12:39 AM
You wont be able to join the Navy as a Copmuter Science Engineer.
But, you can join as a normal graduate. But since you are still in the third year, you have to wait for a year after which you will be eloigible for the CDS exams. Best of Luck. |
16th October 2011, 12:44 AM
you are eligible for navy you should command on software because you are comp. sc. student and you should command on the PCM because in SSB he asked question from science and general awareness.
16th October 2011, 01:01 AM
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Am I eligible for Navy? Yes you are eligible to join navy but your programming skills will be wasted and you will need to strengthen your physical standard.You can get entry though cds exam So if you love programming then i will recommend you not to join navy and try to join some good private companies to utilise your skills. With Regards rchauhan294 |
16th October 2011, 01:54 AM
dear friend,
Yes, you are eligible for NAVY... For that you have to appear in exams like- CDS.. Combined defense service exam(CDSE)- Eligibility:- *The candidate must have complete the graduation in engineering field.. *The candidate should not have any pending backlogs during graduation.. *The candidates age should be in between 19-22 years.. *The candidate must be physically fit.. So, as you are doing B.tech and you are in 3rd year now, then when you will be in final year of your graduation then you can apply for NAVY through CDS exam.. All the best. |
16th October 2011, 10:38 AM
Yes off course you can join Indian navy after completing you B.tech. To join indian navy you have to fulfill these basic criterias: 1)you should be less than 23 years old. 2)you should be medically sound. 3)You should graduate from recognized univercity or college. after you fulfill these criterias you can then give the following exams to join indian navy: 1.CDS(combined defense service) 2.UES(university entry scheme) 3.SSC(short service commission) 4.EKT(engineering knowledge test) 1)CDSE: it is an exam conducted for graduates by UPSC twice an year and can get more information from : www.upsc.gov.in 2,3)UES and SSC: these are the exams conducted by indian navy and you can get more information for these enteries from: http://indiannavy.nic.in/ 4)EKT Through this scheme you have to give a written test ,after completing this stage you will be call for SSB. All the best.. |
16th October 2011, 12:24 PM
you can give CDS exam after graduation...but only after graduation and not in 3rd year..........subject which you have to prepare are maths,science...........english,g.k.
16th October 2011, 12:27 PM
you can give CDS exam after graduation and subjects which you have to prepare are maths,g.k.,english
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