14th October 2011, 02:24 PM
Any government jobs in AP for Civil Engineering freshers?
is there any govt jobs in andhra for civil eng fresher...please tell me if there are any jobs
6th January 2012, 05:36 PM
I completed my diploma in civil engineering in distinction.Please tell me when there is a gov. job based on my qualification
7th January 2012, 04:20 PM
there are lots of jobs for civil engineering jobs...the following sites will help you...
but you must follow the rules like... you must be Indian,,your degree from a recognized university,age limit, and percentage also some times...the sites are... http://www.yuvajobs.com/search_result.aspcategory=In+All+Categories&exp=0& keyword=Civil+Engineer http://jobs.freshersworld.com/jobs/ http://www.freshersworld.com/communities/forum/Lafarge-Aggregates-Concrete-India---Fresher-Civil-Engineering-Jobs-for-Freshers--- http://www.simplyhired.co.in/a/jobs/list/q-fresher+-+civil+engineer http://www.indianfresher.com/CIVIL+ENGINEERING/Fresher/Jobs/ http://www.backofficejobs.in/job/1968/civil-engineering-freshers-jobs-in-maharashtra-at-gemini-construction/ etc...all the best |
4th January 2013, 03:45 PM
government jobs in AP for Civil Engineering freshers 1.sail 2.gail 3.isro 4.drdo 5.ntpc 6.hpcl 7.iocl 8.ecil 9.power grid 10.ntpc all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
15th September 2013, 10:07 PM
Dear user
There are PSUs which take recruitments on the basis of gate score. So first qualify gate and then you can get descent government job There are total only 14 companies under PSUs who have announced recruitment through gate. I have listed almost all of them. Recruitments will be done in two phases: phase 1:January phase 2:February HPCL www.jobs.hpcl.co.in POWERGRID www.powergridindia.com BPCL www.bpclcareers.in GAIL India www.gailonline.com Good luck |
14th January 2015, 06:20 PM
I am completed doploma civil engineering i hav 3 yrs exp pls inform me pls any govt jobs this is my mail id [email protected]